5 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Antara Alantoin (5 Ureidohydantoin) Dengan Betadine® (Povidone Iodine) Untuk Pengobatan Luka Bvsisi the Comparison Between Allantoin (5 Ureidohydantoin) and Betadine® (Povidone Iodine) in Incision Therapy

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    Study on the comparison between allantoin (5 ¢ ureidohydantoin) and Betadine ® (povidone iodine) was conducted to compare and evaluate their efficacy, especially to accelerate wound (incision) healing. Treatment divided into three groups, first group is Control (without therapy), second group is allantoin treatment and the last one is Betadine ® treatment. Allantoin obtained from cattle's urine by Meissner method. The solution made of 2,4 grams of allantoin in 600 milliliters aqueous solution. Treatments (therapies) were given three times a day topically. Results showed no significant difference between allantoin and Betadine ® treatments (p > 0,05), control and the other treatments i.e allantoin and Betadine ® therapies have significantly difference (p < 0,01)

    Perbandingan Penggunaan Konjugat Antibovine IgG-HRP Dan Protein A/G-HRP Dengan Beberapa Larutan Pengencer Serum Pada ELISA Untuk Deteksi Surra Pada Sapi Dan Kerbau

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    Surra was reported in various types of animals both livestock, pets and wildlife. ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbentassay) is a sensitive and specific diagnosis technique for Surra detection. The use of speciesspecific conjugate (anti bovine IgG-HRP) has limited while protein A/G can be used for a wide variety of animalspecies. This study aimed to evaluate the initial application of the protein A/G-HRP compared with antibovine IgG-HRP using standard samples using four (4) types of diluent buffer. The standard serum samples (23serum) consist of positive and negative sera from bovine (cattle and buffalo) were reacted with Surra antigenon microplate. Positive and negative serum was diluted with different diluent buffer, namely PBS-Tween20(PBST), RBA (RedBuff A), RBB (RedBuff B) and LC (Low Cross). Results of ELISA using protein A/G-HRPshowed absorbance values reduced 36.16% - 69.30% compared to the anti-bovine IgG-HRP. The percentagereduction of PBST, RBA, RBB and LC, were 51.76%; 56.64%; 36.16% and 69.30% respectively. The use ofprotein A/G-HRP and fourth diluent buffer can reduce antigen - antibody bonding with a weak affinity whichlowers the absorbance value of ELISA Surra

    Analisis Imunogenisitas Protein Gra1 Dari Hasil Kloning Gen Gra1 Takizoit Toxoplasma Gondii [Immunogenicity Analysis of Gra1 Protein Derived From Clone Bearing Gra1 Genes Collected From Toxoplasma Gondii Tachyzoite]

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    The study was aimed to analyze the immunogenicity of GRA1 protein derived from clone bearing GRA1 genes from local isolate of Toxoplasma gondii. Analysis of GRA1 protein translated from cDNA of GRA1 is very essential in prior to expressed the gene. Analysis of GRA1 protein derived from clone bearing GRA1 genes was performed using several bioinformatics software which are available as standalone or online software such as CLC Bio Workbench series, BioEdit, BESTORF, GENSCAN, FGENES, BepiPred 1.0, CTL Epitope Finder and SignalP. Translation coding sequences of GRA1 gene into GRA1 peptide sequences revealed 190 amino acids with molecular mass of GRA1 approximately 20.159 kD and isoelectric point at 4.43. GRA1 protein also identified several antigenic domains with six domains were known as epitopes for CD8+/cytotoxic lymphocyte and seven domain as epitopes for B lymphocyte. However, GRA1 protein was considered as good antigen but less immunogenic