6 research outputs found

    Process evaluation of peer-to-peer delivery of HIV self-testing and sexual health information to support HIV prevention among youth in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: qualitative analysis

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    OBJECTIVE: Peer-to-peer (PTP) HIV self-testing (HIVST) distribution models can increase uptake of HIV testing and potentially create demand for HIV treatment and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). We describe the acceptability and experiences of young women and men participating in a cluster randomised trial of PTP HIVST distribution and antiretroviral/PrEP promotion in rural KwaZulu-Natal. METHODS: Between March and September 2019, 24 pairs of trained peer navigators were randomised to two approaches to distribute HIVST packs (kits+HIV prevention information): incentivised-peer-networks where peer-age friends distributed packs within their social network for a small incentive, or direct distribution where peer navigators distributed HIVST packs directly. Standard-of-care peer navigators distributed information without HIVST kits. For the process evaluation, we conducted semi-structured interviews with purposively sampled young women (n=30) and men (n=15) aged 18-29 years from all arms. Qualitative data were transcribed, translated, coded manually and thematically analysed using an interpretivist approach. RESULTS: Overall, PTP approaches were acceptable and valued by young people. Participants were comfortable sharing sexual health issues they would not share with adults. Coupled with HIVST, peer (friends) support facilitated HIV testing and solidarity for HIV status disclosure and treatment. However, some young people showed limited interest in other sexual health information provided. Some young people were wary of receiving health information from friends perceived as non-professionals while others avoided sharing personal issues with peer navigators from their community. Referral slips and youth-friendly clinics were facilitators to PrEP uptake. Family disapproval, limited information, daily pills and perceived risks were major barriers to PrEP uptake. CONCLUSION: Both professional (peer navigators) and social network (friends) approaches were acceptable methods to receive HIVST and sexual health information. Doubts about the professionalism of friends and overly exclusive focus on HIVST information materials may in part explain why HIVST kits, without peer navigators support, did not create demand for PrEP

    Business not as usual: how multisectoral collaboration can promote transformative change for health and sustainable development.

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    • We present a model of enabling fac-tors for effective multisectoral collabo-ration for improvements in health and sustainable development. • Drive change: assess whether desired change is better off achieved by mul-tisectoral collaboration; drive forward collaboration by mobilising a critical mass of policy and public attention. • Define: frame the problem strategi-cally and holistically so that all sec-tors and stakeholders can see the benefits of collaboration and contri-bution to the public good• Design: create solutions relevant to context, building on existing mecha-nisms, and leverage the strengths of diverse sectors for collective impact. • Relate: ensure resources for multi-sectoral collaboration mechanisms, including for open communication and deliberation on evidence, norms, and innovation across all components of collaboration. • Realise: learn by doing, and adapt with regular feedback. Remain open to redefining and redesigning the collaboration to ensure relevance, effectiveness, and responsiveness to change. • Capture success: agree on success markers, using qualitative and quan-titative methods to monitor results regularly and comprehensively, and learn from both failures and successes to inform action and sustain gains

    Factors influencing uptake, continuation, and discontinuation of oral PrEP among clients at sex worker and MSM facilities in South Africa.

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    BACKGROUND:South Africa became the first country in Africa to introduce oral PrEP in June 2016. The National Department of Health has used a phased approach to rollout, allowing for a dynamic learn-and-adapt process which will lead ultimately to scale-up. Phased rollout began with provision of oral PrEP at facilities providing services to sex workers in 2016 and was expanded in 2017, first to facilities providing services to MSM and then to students at selected university campus clinics, followed by provision at primary health care facilities. Programmatic data shows variability in initiation and continuation between these populations. This study examines factors related to PrEP initiation, continuation, and discontinuation at facilities providing services to sex workers and MSM during the national PrEP rollout. METHODS:A cross-sectional survey was administered September 2017-January 2018 among clients (ages 18-62 and providers at 9 facilities implementing oral PrEP in South Africa, followed by in-depth interviews. The client survey captured PrEP initiation, continuation and discontinuation. Analysis was performed in STATA 13 for survey data and thematic analysis was performed in NViVO 11 for in-depth interview data. RESULTS:299 clients (203 from sex worker facilities, 96 from MSM facilities) participated in the survey and additionally, in-depth interviews were conducted with 29 clients. Participants self-identified as either current users (n = 94; 36.2%), past users (n = 80; 30.8%) and never users of PrEP (n = 86; 33.1%). Participants who had never used PrEP either cited not being offered PrEP by a provider (57%, n = 49) or declining PrEP (43%, n = 37) as reasons for lack of uptake. The primary reason for declining to use oral PrEP was fear of side effects (41.7%, n = 15). The primary reasons for initiating and continuing on oral PrEP were all related to perceived risk associated with sexual activity. The majority of participants (87.9%, n = 153) also noted that printed IEC materials influenced their decision to initiate PrEP. Qualitative data suggested that several clients initiated on PrEP because they wanted additional protection beyond using condoms due to challenges such as partners refusing to use condoms, having partners with unknown HIV status, having multiple partners, involvement in sex work, or having a partner living with HIV. The majority (73.8%, n = 59) of participants who discontinued oral PrEP cited side effects as the primary reason for discontinuation, followed by feeling stigmatized (18.8%, n = 15). CONCLUSION:This study provides valuable insights on early rollout of PrEP of how clients perceive oral PrEP and where to target efforts to improve the uptake of this highly effective HIV prevention product. By identifying strengths and areas for improvement, the ACCESS study has generated evidence that can be used to guide high quality scale-up in South Africa and may be instructive for other countries' efforts to expand quality access to oral PrEP

    Impact and cost‐effectiveness of the national scale‐up of HIV pre‐exposure prophylaxis among female sex workers in South Africa: a modelling analysis

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    Abstract Introduction In 2016, South Africa (SA) initiated a national programme to scale‐up pre‐exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among female sex workers (FSWs), with ∼20,000 PrEP initiations among FSWs (∼14% of FSW) by 2020. We evaluated the impact and cost‐effectiveness of this programme, including future scale‐up scenarios and the potential detrimental impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic. Methods A compartmental HIV transmission model for SA was adapted to include PrEP. Using estimates on self‐reported PrEP adherence from a national study of FSW (67.7%) and the Treatment and Prevention for FSWs (TAPS) PrEP demonstration study in SA (80.8%), we down‐adjusted TAPS estimates for the proportion of FSWs with detectable drug levels (adjusted range: 38.0–70.4%). The model stratified FSW by low (undetectable drug; 0% efficacy) and high adherence (detectable drug; 79.9%; 95% CI: 67.2–87.6% efficacy). FSWs can transition between adherence levels, with lower loss‐to‐follow‐up among highly adherent FSWs (aHR: 0.58; 95% CI: 0.40–0.85; TAPS data). The model was calibrated to monthly data on the national scale‐up of PrEP among FSWs over 2016–2020, including reductions in PrEP initiations during 2020. The model projected the impact of the current programme (2016–2020) and the future impact (2021–2040) at current coverage or if initiation and/or retention are doubled. Using published cost data, we assessed the cost‐effectiveness (healthcare provider perspective; 3% discount rate; time horizon 2016–2040) of the current PrEP provision. Results Calibrated to national data, model projections suggest that 2.1% of HIV‐negative FSWs were currently on PrEP in 2020, with PrEP preventing 0.45% (95% credibility interval, 0.35–0.57%) of HIV infections among FSWs over 2016–2020 or 605 (444–840) infections overall. Reductions in PrEP initiations in 2020 possibly reduced infections averted by 18.57% (13.99–23.29). PrEP is cost‐saving, with $1.42 (1.03–1.99) of ART costs saved per dollar spent on PrEP. Going forward, existing coverage of PrEP will avert 5,635 (3,572–9,036) infections by 2040. However, if PrEP initiation and retention doubles, then PrEP coverage increases to 9.9% (8.7–11.6%) and impact increases 4.3 times with 24,114 (15,308–38,107) infections averted by 2040. Conclusions Our findings advocate for the expansion of PrEP to FSWs throughout SA to maximize its impact. This should include strategies to optimize retention and should target women in contact with FSW services

    Process evaluation of peer-to-peer delivery of HIV self-testing and sexual health information to support HIV prevention among youth in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: qualitative analysis

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    Objective: Peer-to-peer (PTP) HIV self-testing (HIVST) distribution models can increase uptake of HIV testing and potentially create demand for HIV treatment and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). We describe the acceptability and experiences of young women and men participating in a cluster randomised trial of PTP HIVST distribution and antiretroviral/PrEP promotion in rural KwaZulu-Natal.Methods: Between March and September 2019, 24 pairs of trained peer navigators were randomised to two approaches to distribute HIVST packs (kits+HIV prevention information): incentivised-peer-networks where peer-age friends distributed packs within their social network for a small incentive, or direct distribution where peer navigators distributed HIVST packs directly. Standard-of-care peer navigators distributed information without HIVST kits. For the process evaluation, we conducted semi-structured interviews with purposively sampled young women (n=30) and men (n=15) aged 18–29 years from all arms. Qualitative data were transcribed, translated, coded manually and thematically analysed using an interpretivist approach.Results: Overall, PTP approaches were acceptable and valued by young people. Participants were comfortable sharing sexual health issues they would not share with adults. Coupled with HIVST, peer (friends) support facilitated HIV testing and solidarity for HIV status disclosure and treatment. However, some young people showed limited interest in other sexual health information provided. Some young people were wary of receiving health information from friends perceived as non-professionals while others avoided sharing personal issues with peer navigators from their community. Referral slips and youth-friendly clinics were facilitators to PrEP uptake. Family disapproval, limited information, daily pills and perceived risks were major barriers to PrEP uptake.Conclusion: Both professional (peer navigators) and social network (friends) approaches were acceptable methods to receive HIVST and sexual health information. Doubts about the professionalism of friends and overly exclusive focus on HIVST information materials may in part explain why HIVST kits, without peer navigators support, did not create demand for PrEP