18 research outputs found

    Extracellular matrix protein anosmin-1 modulates olfactory ensheathing cell maturation in chick olfactory bulb development

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    Olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) are a specialized class of glia, wrapping around olfactory sensory axons that target the olfactory bulb (OB) and cross the peripheral nervous system/central nervous system boundary during development and continue to do so post-natally. OEC subpopulations perform distinct subtype-specific functions dependent on their maturity status. Disrupted OEC development is thought to be associated with abnormal OB morphogenesis, leading to anosmia, a defining characteristic of Kallmann syndrome. Hence, anosmin-1 encoded by Kallmann syndrome gene (KAL-1) might modulate OEC differentiation/maturation in the OB. We performed in ovo electroporation of shRNA in the olfactory placode to knock-down kal in chick embryos, resulting in abnormal OB morphogenesis and loss of olfactory sensory axonal innervation into OB. BLBP-expressing OECs appeared to form a thinner and poorly organized outmost OB layer where SOX10 expressing OECs were completely absent with emergence of GFAP-expressing OECs. Furthermore, in embryonic day 10 chick OB explant cultures, GFAP expression in OECs accumulating along the OB nerve layers was dramatically reduced by recombinant anosmin-1. We then purified immature OECs from embryonic day 10 chick OB. These cells express GFAP after 7 days in vitro, exhibiting a multipolar morphology. Overexpression of chick anosmin, exogenous anosmin-1 or FGF2 could inhibit GFAP expression with cells presenting elongated morphology, which was blocked by the FGF receptor inhibitor Su5402. These data demonstrate that anosmin-1 functions via FGF signalling in regulating OEC maturation, thereby providing a permissive glial environment for axonal innervation into the OB during development

    Serotonin Receptor 1A (HTR1A), a Novel Regulator of GnRH Neuronal Migration in Chick Embryo

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    The hypothalamic GnRH neurons are a small group of cells that regulate the reproductive axis. These neurons are specified within the olfactory placode, delaminate from this structure, and then migrate to enter the forebrain before populating the hypothalamus. We have used microarray technology to analyze the transcriptome of the olfactory placode at a number of key time points for GnRH ontogeny using the chick embryo. This resulted in the identification of a large number of genes whose expression levels change significantly over this period. This repertoire includes those genes that are known to be important for GnRH neuronal development as well as many novel genes, such as the serotonin receptor 1A, HTR1A. We find that HTR1A is expressed in the region of the olfactory placode that generates GnRH neurons. We further show that when this receptor is inactivated using a selective HTR1A antagonist as well as a gene knockdown approach using RNAi, this resulted in delayed migration causing the GnRH neurons to stall just outside the forebrain. These findings implicate HTR1A as being important for GnRH neuronal migration from the olfactory placode to the forebrain. Our study thus extends the repertoire of genes involved in GnRH neuron biology and thus identifies new candidate genes that can be screened for in patients who do not show mutations in any of the previously identified hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism/Kallmann syndrome genes

    EphrinA6 on chick retinal axons is a key component for p75(NTR)-dependent axon repulsion and TrkB-dependent axon branching

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    A characteristic of the ephrin/Eph family is their capacity for bi-directional signalling. This means that an ephrin, for example, can function either as a ligand for an Eph 'receptor', or as a receptor for an Eph 'ligand'. A system in which this phenomenon is well studied is the retinotectal projection in which the guidance of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons to their target area in the tectum is controlled by both Ephs and ephrins expressed in gradients in both the retina and tectum.Here we have analysed the receptor function of ephrinAs on RGC axons in further detail by focussing on ephrinA6, which is the most strongly expressed ephrinA in the chick retina. EphrinAs are GPI-anchored proteins and therefore require the interaction with transmembrane proteins to exert this receptor function. Previous work has shown that ephrinAs interact on RGC axons in cis with the neurotrophin receptors p75(NTR) and TrkB. P75(NTR) then was shown to be necessary for the repulsion of ephrinA-expressing RGC axons from an EphA substrate and for the downregulation of axon branching. In turn, an interaction of ephrinAs with TrkB as well as an increase in axonal ephrinA expression augments the axon branch-promoting activity of TrkB.We now show that ephrinA6 is the necessary ephrinA component of the repulsive ephrinA/p75(NTR) receptor complex on chick RGC axons as axons lacking ephrinA6 no longer avoid an EphA matrix in stripe assay experiments. We also demonstrate that the branch-promoting activity of TrkB is dependent on ephrinA6 as a knockdown of ephrinA6 renders RGC axons insensitive to BDNF, the high affinity ligand for TrkB.In sum our data further strengthen the hypothesis that a fine-tuned interplay of ephrinAs with p75(NTR) and TrkB is important for the guidance and branching of RGC axons. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    GnRH neuronal migration and olfactory bulb neurite outgrowth are dependent on FGF receptor 1 signalling, specifically via the PI3K p110α isoform in chick embryo

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    Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling is essential for both olfactory bulb (OB) morphogenesis and the specification, migration, and maturation of the GnRH-secreting neurons. Disruption of FGF signaling contributes to Kallmann syndrome characterized by both anosmia and sexual immaturity. However, several unanswered questions remain as to which specific FGF receptor (FGFR)-1 signaling pathways are necessary for OB and GnRH neuronal development. Here, using pharmacological phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) isoform-specific inhibitors, we demonstrate a central role for the PI3K p110α isoform as a downstream effector of FGFR1 signaling for both GnRH neuronal migration and OB development. We show that signaling via the PI3K p110α isoform is required for GnRH neuronal migration in explant cultures of embryonic day (E) 4 chick olfactory placodes. We also show that in ovo administration of LY294002, a global PI3K inhibitor as well as an inhibitor to the PI3K p110α isoform into the olfactory placode of E3 chick embryo impairs GnRH neuronal migration toward the forebrain. In contrast, in ovo PI3K inhibitor treatment produced no obvious defects on primary olfactory sensory neuron axonal targeting and bundle formation. We also demonstrate that anosmin-1 and FGF2 induced neuronal migration of immortalized human embryonic GnRH neuroblast cells (FNC-B4-hTERT) is mediated by modulating FGFR1 signaling via the PI3K p110α isoform, specifically through phosphorylation of the PI3K downstream effectors, Akt and glycogen synthase kinase-3β. Finally, we show that neurite outgrowth and elongation of OB neurons in E10 chick OB explants are also dependent on the PI3K p110α isoform downstream of FGFR1. This study provides mechanistic insight into the etiology of Kallmann syndrome.</jats:p

    Diminution of pharyngeal segmentation and the evolution of the amniotes

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    Abstract Background The pharyngeal arches are a series of bulges found on the lateral surface of the head of vertebrate embryos, and it is within these segments that components of the later anatomy are laid down. In most vertebrates, the post-otic pharyngeal arches will form the branchial apparatus, while in amniotes these segments are believed to generate the larynx. It has been unclear how the development of these segments has been altered with the emergence of the amniotes. Results In this study, we examined the development of pharyngeal arches in amniotes and show that the post-otic pharyngeal arches in this clade are greatly diminished. We find that the post-otic segments do not undergo myogenesis or skeletogenesis, but are remodelled before these processes occur. We also find that nested DLX expression, which is a feature of all the pharyngeal arches in anamniotes, is associated with the anterior segments but less so with the posterior arches in amniotes. We further show that the posterior arches of the mouse embryo fail to properly delineate, which demonstrates the lack of function of these posterior segments in later development. Conclusion In amniotes, there has been a loss of the ancestral “branchial” developmental programme that is a general feature of gnathostomes; myogenesis and skeletogenesis This is likely to have facilitated the emergence of the larynx as a new structure not constrained by the segmental organisation of the posterior pharyngeal region

    Pro-neurotrophins secreted from retinal ganglion cell axons are necessary for ephrinA-p75(NTR)-mediated axon guidance

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    Background: Retinotectal map formation develops via topographically specific guidance and branching of retinal axons in their target area. This process is controlled, in part, by reverse signalling of ephrinAs expressed on retinal axons. As glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored molecules, ephrinAs require transmembrane co-receptors to exert this function, for which the two neurotrophin receptors, p75(NTR) and TrkB, were recently proposed.Results: We show here that the ligands for these receptors, the brain-derived neurotrophic factor precursor (proBDNF) and its processed form, BDNF, respectively, control the branching of retinal axons antagonistically, which they mediate by inducing the corresponding neurotrophin receptor-ephrinA complexes. Moreover, scavenging proneurotrophins, by adding antibodies specific for the pro-domain of proBNDF or a soluble extracellular domain of p75NTR, abolish repellent ephrinA reverse signalling in the stripe assay.Conclusions: This indicates that retinal cells secrete proneurotrophins, inducing the ephrinA-p75(NTR) interaction and enabling repellent axon guidance. The antagonistic functions of proBDNF and BDNF raise the possibility that topographic branching is controlled by local control of processing of proneurotrophins

    Development of the mammalian main olfactory bulb

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    The mammalian main olfactory bulb is a crucial processing centre for the sense of smell. The olfactory bulb forms early during development and is functional from birth. However, the olfactory system continues to mature and change throughout life as a target of constitutive adult neurogenesis. Our Review synthesises current knowledge of prenatal, postnatal and adult olfactory bulb development, focusing on the maturation, morphology, functions and interactions of its diverse constituent glutamatergic and GABAergic cell types. We highlight not only the great advances in the understanding of olfactory bulb development made in recent years, but also the gaps in our present knowledge that most urgently require addressing

    The molecular mechanism for the spectral shifts between vertebrate ultraviolet- and violet-sensitive cone visual pigments.

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    The short-wave-sensitive (SWS) visual pigments of vertebrate cone photoreceptors are divided into two classes on the basis of molecular identity, SWS1 and SWS2. Only the SWS1 class are present in mammals. The SWS1 pigments can be further subdivided into violet-sensitive (VS), with lambda(max) (the peak of maximal absorbance) values generally between 400 and 430 nm, and ultraviolet-sensitive (UVS), with a lambda(max)<380 nm. Phylogenetic evidence indicates that the ancestral pigment was UVS and that VS pigments have evolved separately from UVS pigments in the different vertebrate lineages. In this study, we have examined the mechanism of evolution of VS pigments in the mammalian lineage leading to present day ungulates (cow and pig). Amino acid sequence comparisons of the UVS pigments of teleost fish, amphibia, reptiles and rodents show that site 86 is invariably occupied by Phe but is replaced in bovine and porcine VS pigments by Tyr. Using site-directed mutagenesis of goldfish UVS opsin, we have shown that a Phe-86-->Tyr substitution is sufficient by itself to shift the lambda(max) of the goldfish pigment from a wild-type value of 360 nm to around 420 nm, and the reverse substitution of Tyr-86-Phe into bovine VS opsin produces a similar shift in the opposite direction. The substitution of this single amino acid is sufficient to account therefore for the evolution of bovine and porcine VS pigments. The replacement of Phe with polar Tyr at site 86 is consistent with the stabilization of Schiff-base protonation in VS pigments and the absence of protonation in UVS pigments