6 research outputs found


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    This is a report of a qualitative study on contrastive thought patterns of Indonesian bilingual writers. The data are the thought patterns reflected in the linguistic features in English and Indonesian letters. The results reveal that rhetorical organizations developed and organized in both letters are similar in three ways. The paragraphs in both letters indicate similarities in terms of coherence. Three ways of sentence construction are found; four different shifts in grammatical style are made by the writers. The diction shows that for the English letters, in addition to using the colloquial lexemes, two kinds of lexemes are found: (a) jargon, and (b) attitudinal. For the Indonesian letters, three kinds of lexemes are found: (a) jargon, (b) attitudinal, (c) for-mality. In general, the results show that a large number of Indonesian letters follow quasi-linear thought patterns (QL), while a small number still follow the non-linear thought patterns (NL). For the English letters, the results reveal that the most percentage is converged on the line of category linear (L); less percentage is on category QL

    Manajemen pembinaan guru daerah terpencil

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    The role of teachers at remote areas is very important on empowenring local human resources. Human character building partly was related with teacher‟s performance at remote areas. But how far teacher‟s performance in conducting heir‟s responsibility partly depends on their quality social-economy conditions. To keep the teachers comfort on teaching-learning process and in order to improve their spirit on daily educational activates, very special management should treat them. It means that there musik be any equilibrium between carrier and economical life and those of their night and their responsibility. To carry out this concept, any institutions musik be closely involved in every phases since planning, arganizing, actuating, and evaluating. These institutions are: local communitç universities, schools, and other institutions belong to local government

    Pembinaan Guru di Daerah Terpencil

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    The role of teachers in isolated remote areas is very important in empowering local human resources. Human character building was partly related to teacher's performance. The teacher's performance in conducting their responsibility depends on the quality of their social-economic conditions. To improve their spirit on daily educational activities, they should be treated by a special management. It means that there must be an equilibrium between career and economic-life and between their right and their responsibility. To implement this concept, all of related institutions should be involved in planning, implementing, and evaluating phases. These institutions are local community, universities, schools, and other institutions belonging to local government

    Pembinaan Guru Di Daerah Terpencil

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    The role of teachers in isolated remote areas is very important in empowering local human resources. Human character building was partly related to teacher's performance. The teacher's performance in conducting their responsibility depends on the quality of their social-economic conditions. To improve their spirit on daily educational activities, they should be treated by a special management. It means that there must be an equilibrium between career and economic-life and between their right and their responsibility. To implement this concept, all of related institutions should be involved in planning, implementing, and evaluating phases. These institutions are local community, universities, schools, and other institutions belonging to local government

    Pengembangan Pendidikan Berbasis Daerah

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    Implementing the autonomy in both provinces and districts will have significant implication to education system. In one hand, it is an opportunity for empowering human resources in provinces and districts independently. On the other hand, it is districts' challenges, because the provinces and districts must be facilitated with lots of factors, mainly human resources factor with its high competencies. These human resources must be developed prior being used as agents of changes in their own districts. The concept of the District Based Education (DBE) is a break-through for accelerating human resources development in each distric