112 research outputs found

    Pendidikan Polri sebagai Pembangun Polisi Sipil (Studi pada Akademi Kepolisian)

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    Police at this time not only have the duty as a “crime hunter” and “law enforcement”, but they are required to act as a “problem solving oriented team, maintaining order officers, public servant, public observer and chief executive officer” who are solid in pluralism and social problems in the community. That is part of the efforts to change the old culture of police officers and build civilian character of police. Building a new culture can be started by setting up Police Academy officer with civilian character. Departing from the strategic issues, empirical research on the Police Academy Tarun and devices that contribute to the development of civilian police as the educational system , training and care at the Police Academy are required.Problems discussed in this research are: (1) How far the Police Academy Taruna has an understanding on civilian police? (2) how much education / teaching contributed to the development of civilian police? (3) How much training gave effect on the development of civilian police? (4) how parenting affects the development of the civilian police? The purpose of this study are: (1) Knowing the understanding of the Police Academy Taruna on Civilian Police; (2) Knowing that education / teaching contributed to the development of civilian police, (3) Knowing that training influence on the development of civilian police, (4) Knowing that parenting influence the development of civilian police.This study uses a quantitative approach. Target of the research is the Police Academy Taruna level II and III. Samples of the research is conducted by using stratified proportional random sampling. The independent variablecomprised three variables, namely Education / Teaching, training, and parenting. Dependent variable is the Civilian Police. The data collection wa done by using a questionnaire, collecting the relevant documents and interviews. Data were analyzed with regression techniques. Results showed that education / teaching, training and parenting together contribute positively to the development of the Civilian Police with significance level 0.05 with F = 23.916 count is greater than the F table = 3.943. It can be concluded that the education / teaching, training and parenting give a positive contribution to the process of building a civilian character to Police Academy Taruna. Based on the results of these studies, it is suggested that in order to support the development of civilian police to the Police Academy Taruna in Indonesia, it is required a process of education / teaching, training and nurturing that consistently have to really put forward the principles that form a picture of civilian police, so that in the future, these three things can be a guidance / reference in creating the Police Academy Tarun with police civilian character

    Efek Mediasi Kinerja Perusahaan pada Pengaruh Manajemen Laba Riil dan Ukuran Perusahaan terhadap Return Saham

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    This study aimed to examined the impact of real earnings management to stock return with Corporate Performance as intervening variable. Stock Return in this study is proxied by Cummulative Abnormal Return, Riil Earnings Management in this study focus on three manipulation methods (abnormal CFO, abnormal production cost, abnormal discretionary expenses). Corporate Performance in this study is proxied by profitability, Productivity and Market Valuation. Sample which used in this study is consumer goods industry that listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). The result of these research also shows that corporate performance significantly have a positive effect on stock return, while real earnings management and firm size are not significant influence to stock return. The result of the research shows that corporate performance can mediating the effect of real earnings management and firm size on stock return. Keywords: Share Return, Real Earnings Management, and Corporate Performanc

    Terapi Dengan Panax Ginseng “Bing Han” Salah Satu Alternatif Menatap Masa Depan Yang Cerah Bagi Penderita Diabetes Dan Komplikasinya

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    Artikel ini ditulis berangkat dari pengalaman pribadi penulis yang selama 3 tahunini mengalami sakit yang menurut banyak teman merupakan sakit yang aneh dan hebat.Aneh karena jarang ditemui di masyarakat. Analisis dokter katanya SJS tapi ada jugayang menyatakan sebagai Psoriasis Eritroderma. Penulis kurang memahami tentangjenis penyakit ini yang jelas berkaitan dengan Immunitas tubuh. Sampai suatu waktudivonis dokter tidak ada obatnya. Tapi penulis percaya bahwa Tuhan akan memberikanampunan dan pertolongan pada hambanya yang mau berusaha dan bertawakal.Berawal dari Alergi hebat sehingga terjadi pembengkakan pada kepala penulis,sehingga sampai tidak bisa melihat dengan kata lain mata saya tertutup oleh bengkak.Kemudian kulit mengelupas seperti Ular “nelungsungi” dalam bahasa jawa. Padaakhirnya penulis mengalami banyak komplikasi penyakit. Selama 3 tahun ini penuliskeluar masuk rumah sakit lebih dari 10 kali, sampai pada maret 2012 kemarin penulismenemukan terapi yang meringankan penderitaan penulis hingga bisa masuk kerja lagi.Yang pertama terapi dengan akupresure dan pemanasan mengunakan sinar inframerahjauh (SIM J) memakai batu keramik turmanium dan terapi minum powder ginsenguntuk memperbaiki keenam sistem dalam tubuh. Hasilnya sangat “ajaib”, penulismengalami kemajuan yang revolusioner membaik. Pengalaman ini mendorong penulisuntuk mengkaji dan mencari referensi kenapa dan bagaimana terutama kerja ginsengdari referensi yang ada dan mencoba mengkaitkan dengan keenam sistem dalam tubuhmanusia.Keenam sistem utama dalam tubuh manusia adalah 1) sistem hormon, 2) sistemsirkulasi, 3) sistem metabulasi, 4) sistem syaraf Otonomic, 5) sistem daya Immunitas,dan 6) sistem Bakteri positif Usus. Dengan terapi yang sesuai dengan “Bing Han”ginseng maka keenam sistem ini akan diperbaiki, sehingga penyakit yang dideritaseseorang secara progresive dapat disembuhkan tanpa ada efek samping

    Faktor Penting dalam Pembelajaran Renang Anak Sekolah Dasar

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    There are manythings that have to be understood in swimming learning for children ofelementary school dealing with fulfiling the children needs and also parents thatexpect the children becomingwell swimmed. Therefore, it needs appropriate attention how swimminglearning for children can be well conducted andthe expectation can be achieved, although there are complex barriers in the swimming learning process that is conductedin the water. Starting from students in elementary school that have special characteristics, learning to swimthat the activity is in the waterneeds an adaptation that has to be prepared thoroughly. Water itself has special features. Therefore, shildren need to be prepared physically or psychologically. Before the children learn how to swimin the real situation, they have to be introduced with the water, learn the basic technique of swinnning. This article will describe the important things that have to be paid attenttion in swimming learning for children in elementary school in orderto overcomethe barriers that will befaced in swimming learning so that the expectation from the learners can be achieved

    Standardisasi Kecakapan Bermain Sepakbola untuk Siswa Sekolah Sepakbola (Ssb) Ku 14-15 Tahun Se-daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat standarisasi tingkat kecakapan bermain sepakbola siswa SSB KU 14-15 tahun se-Daerah lstimewa Yogyakarta setelah mengikuti proses pembinaan periode tertentu.Metode penelitian ini dilakukan dengan survey melalui tes unjuk kerja, untuk menentukan standarisasi kecakapan bermain sepakbola dilakukan tes kecakapan bermain sepakbola dari David Lee. Setiap teste diberikan kesempatan dua kali tes, pelaksanaan tes ini diukur dengan waktu dalam perhitungan detik hingga dua bilangan di belakang koma. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 137 siswa SSB KU 14-15 tahun yang diambil secara pusposive. Untuk menentukan tingkat kecakapan bermain sepakbola dengan cara penilaian acuan norma yaitu dengan mencari nilai rerata dan simpangan baku.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan uji validitas Tes Kecakapan "David Lee" N = 137 sebesar 0,800 > r1 = 0,174, berarti sahih dan uji reliabilitas diperoleh r sebesar 0,528 berarti cukup reliable dan telah tersusun standarisasi kecakapan bermain sepakbola siswa SSB KU 14-15 tahun se-DIY yang terbagi dalam lima kategori yaitu : baik sekali ( 27,24")

    Supplementation of Sapindus Rarak and Garlic Extract in Feed Containing Adequate Cr, Se, and Zn on Rumen Fermentation

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    The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of Sapindus rarak extract (SRE) with or without garlic extract (GE) on in vitro ruminal fementation. This research was conducted experimentally with a randomized block design, with 7 treatments and 5 blocks. The treatments were: R0: dairy cow feed; R1: R0 + 1.5 ppm Cr + 0.3 ppm Se + 40 ppm Zn; R2: R1 + 1.8 g/kg methanol extract of lerak fruit meal (SRE); R3: R2 + 0.25 ppm of garlic extract (GE); R4: R2 + 0.50 ppm of GE; R5: R2 + 0.75 ppm of GE; R6: R2 +1.0 ppm of GE. The results showed that the supplementation of SRE alone or without GE did not affect the pH, however, it decreased crude fiber digestibility. The supplementations of SRE and GE, decreased crude fibre digestibility as much as 13.01% up to 16.6%. The supplementation of 1.8 g/kg SRE + 0.25 ppm GE in the dairy cattle diet was able to decrease ace-tate, protozoal population and increase propionate. The supplementation of 1.8 g/kg SRE and 0.25 ppm garlic represents the best combination for dairy cattle feed in improving ruminal fermentation based on feed digestibility, fermentation products, and rumen bacterial population
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