11 research outputs found
The Prospect of Immunoglobulin Y for Therapy of Canine parvovirus Infection in Dogs
Canine parvovirus (CPV) is a highly infectious virus. The virus causes death in dogs worldwide. The mortality rate due to infection of CPV in dog reaches 91%. Prevention of CPV infection in puppies has been done by vaccination which is effectively proven. Protective mechanisms of maternal antibodies contribute to the failure of vaccination. Highly stable characteristics of parvovirus enable the virus still exist in the environment. Various therapies are performed only to suppress the clinical symptoms but can not reduce puppy mortalities. This review discusses CPV alternative therapy and the advantages using immunoglobulin Y (IgY) specific antibodies isolated from chicken egg yolk. Immunoglobulin Y will neutralize the virus, so it can not infect host cells. Intravenous IgY therapy has shown to suppress the spread of CPV infection and prevent death. Key words: Parvovirus, canine, immunotherapy, immunoglobulin
Om Swastiastu
Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadapan Ida Sanghyang Widhi
Wasa, Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, atas asung kerta wara nugraha-Nya,
pelaksanaan Nata Citta Swabudaya (NCS) Desa Adat Tenganan
Pegringsingan dapat terlaksana dengan lancar, sukses dan bermakna.
Pada kesempatan ini pula seluruh tim NCS mengucapkan terima
kasih pada semua pihak, terutama kepada Kepala Desa Tenganan,
Tamping Takon Duluan (Kepala Adat), para tokoh, serta segenap lapisan
masyarakat Desa Adat Tenganan Pegringsingan yang telah membantu
kelacaran pelaksanaan kegiatan NCS Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Denpasar, tahun 2022.
NCS merupakan pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang diselenggarakan
Lembaga Penelitian, Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, dan Pengembangan Pendidikan (LP2MPP) ISI
Denpasar bermitra dengan Desa Adat Tenganan Pegringsingan, Desa Tenganan, Kecamatan
Manggis, Kabupaten Karangasem. Desa Adat Tenganan Pegringsingan terpilih sebagai mitra NCS
karena potensi desa adat tersebut layak dikembangkan dalam bidang seni budaya.
Adapun kegiatan NCS di Desa Adat Tenganan Pegringsingan terdiri dari penciptaan tari dan
iringan Murdha Nata Dahayuning Gringsing, Film Dokumenter Etnografi Tenganan Pegringsingan,
pembuatan logo desa Tenganan, peletakan prasasti NCS ISI Denpasar dan buku monografi desa adat
Tenganan Pegringsingan.
Semoga dengan adanya buku monografi desa adat Tenganan Pegringsingan sebagai salah
satu bentuk luaran dari kegiatan NCS ISI Denpasar dapat berkontribusi serta bermanfaat sebagai
sumber inspirasi untuk pengembangan dunia keilmuan, penelitian serta pengabdian kepada
masyarakat, khususnya di bidang seni budaya berikutnya.
Om shanti, Shanti, Shanti O
Perbedaan Morfometri Anjing Kintamani Bali yang Dipelihara di Kabupaten Bangli dan Kota Denpasar
Anjing kintamani bali merupakan anjing asli Indonesia dengan ciri khas uniknya yaitu gumba, badong, dan ekor yang seperti sabit serta tubuh yang tegap dan seimbang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan morfometri anjing kintamani bali jantan dan betina umur 6 - 18 bulan yang dipelihara di Kabupaten Bangli dan Kota Denpasar. Anjing kintamani bali yang digunakan sebanyak 32 ekor dan dikelompokkan berdasarkan jenis kelamin (jantan dan betina), tempat asal (Kabupaten Bangli dan Kota Denpasar), dan umur (6 - 12 bulan dan 12 - 18 bulan). Variasi morfometri dari panjang tubuh, tinggi kaki belakang, tinggi kaki depan, panjang kepala, panjang nasale, jarak panggul, jarak sudut mata, dan lingkar dada diukur menggunakan pita ukur. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji ANOVA dengan SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa morfometri anjing kintamani bali yang dipelihara di Kabupaten Bangli dan Kota Denpasar tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05) dan anjing kintamani bali antara jantan dan betina berbeda nyata (P0,05) pada variabel yang lain
An study was carried out to determine the physiological data on plasma protein characteristics of Bal cattle. A total of 24 plasma samples of male and female bali cattle were characterized by using sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS PAGE). The data were presented descriptively. The results showed that on the basis of their estimated molecular weights, at least 14 protein bands (1st to band 14th) were identified with the molecular weights of 963,50 kDa, 530 kDa, kDa 346,82, 124,84 kDa, 89,85 kDa, 68,67 kDa, 54,71 kDa, 37,77 kDa, 20,78 kDa, 16,95 kDa, 16,18 kDa, 15,46 kDa, 12,56 kDa and 10,46 kDa, respectively from the highest to the lowest. Furthermore, plasma protein bands of 14 bali cattle were grouped into five fractions, namely albumin, globulin a1, a2, b, and g. Albumin fraction shown by the band 6th to 14th with a molecular weight of 68,67 to 10,46 kDa respectively. Globulin fraction a1 and a2 shown by the band 5th and 4th with a molecular weight of 89,85 kDa and 124,84 kDa respectively. b- globulin fraction shown by the band 3rd with a molecular weight of 346,82 kDa. g-globulin fraction was shown by the band 1st and 2nd with a molecular weight of 963,50 kDa and 530 kDa respectively. The percentage of area band Bali cattle plasma protein fraction consists of 92% albumin, globulin fraction a2 of 3%, g-globulin of 2%, globulin a1 and b of 1%. It can be concluded that the plasma protein band Bali cattle male and female calves (aged 0-1.5 years), puberty (ages 2-2.5 years) and adults (aged 3-5 years) amounted to 14 protein bands with varying thickness comprises of the five fractions are albumin, globulin a1, a2, b, and g.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik protein plasma sapi bali. Sebanyak 24 sampel plasma sapi bali jantan dan betina dikarakterisasi menggunakan metode sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS PAGE). Data hasil penelitian dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan perhitungan bobot molekul pita protein ke-1 sampai pita ke-14 secara berurutan memiliki bobot molekul yaitu 963,50 kDa, 530 kDa, 346,82 kDa, 124,84 kDa, 89,85 kDa, 68,67 kDa, 54,71 kDa, 37,77 kDa, 20,78 kDa, 16,95 kDa, 16,18 kDa, 15,46 kDa, 12,56 kDa, dan 10,46 kDa. Selanjutnya, 14 pita protein plasma sapi bali dikelompokan menjadi lima fraksi yaitu albumin, globulin a1, a2, b, dan g. Fraksi albumin ditunjukan oleh pita ke-6 sampai pita ke-14 dengan bobot molekul 68,67-10,46 kDa. Fraksi globulin a1 dan a2 ditunjukan oleh pita ke-5 dan ke-4 dengan bobot molekul 89,85 kDa dan 124,84 kDa. Fraksi globulin b ditunjukan oleh pita ke-3 dengan bobot molekul 346,82 kDa. Fraksi globulin g ditunjukan oleh pita ke-1 dan ke-2 dengan bobot molekul 963,50 kDa dan 530 kDa. Persentase luas pita protein plasma sapi bali terdiri dari fraksi albumin 92%, fraksi globulin a2 3%, globulin g 2%, globulin a1 dan b 1%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pita protein plasma sapi bali jantan dan betina pedet (umur 0-1,5 tahun), pubertas (umur 2-2,5 tahun), dan dewasa (umur 3-5 tahun) berjumlah 14 pita protein dengan ketebalan bervariasi terdiri dari lima fraksi yaitu albumin, globulin a1, a2, a, dan g
Tingkat Deteksi Parvovirus Anjing di Organ Jantung dan Usus Halus pada Infeksi Lapangan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat deteksi parvovirus anjing pada infeksi
lapangan dari organ jantung dan usus halus yang dinilai berdasarkan pita hasil polymerase chain
reaction (PCR). Obyek penelitian yang digunakan adalah spesimen jantung dan usus halus dari lima
ekor anjing yang terinfeksi parvovirus alami. Isolasi DNA dilakukan dengan DNA isolation kit
(Invitrogen) dan diamplifikasi menggunakan teknik PCR. Hasil PCR kemudian diskoring dan
dianalisis menggunakan uji t tidak berpasangan. Hasil PCR menunjukkan frekuensi infeksi pada usus
halus (4/5) lebih tinggi dibandingkan jantung (3/5), akan tetapi, rerata skor pita PCR dari organ usus
dan jantung masing-masing adalah (3,2 ± 0,97) dan (1,4 ± 0,75) yang secara statistik tidak berbeda
nyata (p>0,05)
Aktivitas Invitro Senyawa Antimikroba Streptococcus lactis
Aktivitas IgY dan IgG Antitetanus setelah Perlakuan pada Berbagai pH, Suhu dan Enzim Proteolitik
A study was carried out to find out an alternative method of producing antitetanus antibody (IgY) in chicken and to evaluate its activity at different levels of pH, temperatures and proteolytic enzymes. Antitetanus IgY was produced by immunization of chickens with tetanus toxoid, three times weekly at gradual doses of 100, 200, and 300 Lf, respectively. Serum samples were collected 4 weeks following the last immunization. IgY was purified by ammonium sulfat precipitation and gel filtration chromatography (Sephadex G. 120).The purified IgY was then treated at different levels of temperatures and pH as well as proteolytic enzymes. Commercial antitetanus IgG was used as control. The activities of treated IgY and IgG were tested by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). IgY and IgG activities were significantly reduced at 80ÂșC and completely destroyed at 90ÂșC. Treatment with pepsin significantly reduced IgY and IgG whereas trypsin slightly reduced IgY activities and has no effect on IgG activities. IgY and IgG activities were reduced significantly at pH < 3 and and only sightly reduced at pH>10. It is evident that heating at >90oC, pH at <3 and treatment with pepsin significantly reduced IgY activities and it appears that IgG was more resistent to the efect of temperatures, pH and proteolytic enzyme
Aktivitas Hipolipidemik dan Indeks Aterogenik yang Rendah Ekstrak Air Daun Tapak Dara pada Tikus Hiperkolesterolemia (HYPOLIPIDEMIC ACTIVITY AND LOW ATHEROGENIC INDEX OF AQUEOUS LEAF EXTRACTS OF CATHARANTHUS ROSEUS IN HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIC RATS)
Catharanthus roseus is one plant recognized as medical potential which can decrease cholesterol. Thepresent study was carried out to evaluate the effect of aqueous leaf extracts of C. roseus on plasma lipidprofil levels in rats cholesterol rich diet and atherogenic index. This study was carried out on 15 SpraqueDawley male rats randomly distributed into five groups (n=3). Rats hypercholesterolemic wereadministrated cholesterol rich diet containing 1% (w/w). Normal control group with normal diet whitoutextracts (K1), positive control hypercholesterolemic group (K2) with cholesterol rich diet whitout extracts,and others three groups (K3-K5) were feed high cholesterol and 1 mL of aqueous leaf extracts of C. roseuswith a dose of 20% (w/v), 40% (w/v) and 80% (w/v) respectively, administered twice daily 1 mL orally.Treatment was given for 28 days. After treatment, the plasma lipids profile such cholesterol total, highdensity lipoprotein (HDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL), triglyceride (TGA) level were measured. Theresults showed that during the period of treatment with cholesterol rich diet have produced under condition hypercholesterolemic of rats with average cholesterol levels of 124.33 ± 4.04 mg/dL (K2 group). Treatmentwith extract dose of 80% showed the best results among the other doses in reducing levels of total cholesterol,triglycerides, LDL and raise HDL levels. Extract treatment dose of 80% up to four weeks resulted incholesterol total (79.33±3.51 mg/dL), TGA (72.33±6.65 mg/dL), HDL (55.00±3.60 mg/dL), and LDL(9.87±5.34mg/dL). In addition, value ratio of cholesterol:HDL was 1.4: 1 and atherogenic index value was0.44. These results suggest that extracts of leaf C. roseus optimum doses 80% (w/v) has hipolipidemicactivity in hypercholesterolemic rats and it has low atherogenic index value
Kinetika Immunoglobulin Kuning Telur Antiparvovirus Anjing Pada Anjing (KINETICS OF ANTICANINE PARVOVIRUS YOLK IMMUNOGLOBULIN IN DOGS)
Kinetic study on Anti CPV IgY has been performed on six dogs aged 5-10 months. The IgY was injectedintravenously at dose of 21.4mg /10kg body weight. IgY levels in the blood were determined by ELISA. Aresearch was conducted to find out the kinetics of Anti CPV IgY in dogs blood. The kinetics of IgY wascalculated by using regression analysis to determine the association on the levels of IgY in serum againsttime at injection. The results showed that kinetic parameters were calculated based on first order kinetics.The constant elimination rate of IgY was at the range between 0.007 to 0.015 / h. IgY concentration in thedogs blood was from 0.746 to 0.992 mg / mL. The half-life of IgY was from 1.65 to 4.01 / d. Volumedistribution of IgY was between 21.47 to 28,55 / mL. Total IgY in the dog bodies (AUC) was from 42,60 to142,00 mg / mL.h. The duration of the IgY in the dogâs body was 3.08 to 8.51 days. Clearance time of IgY was0.15 to 0.50 mL / h. In conclusion the kinetics of anti CPV IgY in dogâs body follow one compartment andfirst order model, which are only distributed in the blood with the half-life at 2.5 days, and IgY has lesspossibility to accumulate in the body compared to the IgG
Aktivitas Biologis Imunoglobulin Yolk Anti Parvovirus Setelah Perlakuan Suhu (BIOLOGY ACTIVITIES OF IgY PARVOVIRUS AFTER HEAT TREATMENT)
This study aims to determine the effect of temperature on the biological activity of various crude and precipitate specific Immunoglobulin (Ig)Y Canine parvovirus (CPV). Hiperimun serum conducted on Isa Brown chickens injected with antigen CPV. Crude yolk Ig preparations derived from chicken serum without purification while the yolk Ig preparations precipitates obtained by the chicken serum was precipitated with ammonium sulfate and dialyzed. Both types of Ig yolk given treatment temperature 50ÂșC, 60ÂșC, 70ÂșC, and 80ÂșC for 15 minutes. To test Gel Precipitation Test (AGPT) is performed to determine whether there is a specific IgY CPV in the serum of chickens. Biological activity of both types of Ig detected with Barriers Haemagglutination test (HI). The design used in this study is completely randomized design factorial. The results of this study indicate that the temperature was highly significant on the activities of IgY crude and precipitates. Activities IgY crude and precipitate down to the treatment temperature of 50ÂșC, 60ÂșC, 70ÂșC, and 80ÂșC. Geometric Mean Titer crude IgY respectively - were 26.67, 26, 25.33, and <2Âș Unit HI while IgY precipitates are respectively 26.33, 25.67, 24, and <2Âș Unit HI. Based on the results of this study concluded that the biological activity of crude IgY better than IgY precipitates after treatment of a wide range of temperatures