6 research outputs found

    QTLs detected for PLnCR and PordER using Multi-trait QTL analysis, GenStat 14.

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    <p>Upper panel shows the QTL profiles at –log10 (P-value) which resulted from interval mapping scanning. The horizontal line shows the genome-wide significant threshold determined by Li and Ji (P = 3.5). Lower panel shows the QTL effects (green square) resulting from multi-trait interactions: QTL on LGD4b was affected by PLnCR (dark blue square) and PordER (light blue square) while; QTL on LGP16b only contains effect from PordER (brown square).</p

    Alignment of the ENL48 (left) and ML161 (right) maps using co-segregating markers.

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    <p>Markers showing distorted segregation are indicated by asterisk (*) representing significance at p<0.1; (**) p<0.05; (***) p<0.01; (****) p<0.05 and; (******) p<0.0005.</p

    General workflow of oil palm tissue culture. Explant (E0) is cultured to form callus (<i>C</i>) which is transferred to a new medium (C1) to form embryoids.

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    <p>Cultures not forming callus (<i>NC</i>) are transferred to a fresh medium (<b>E1</b>–<b>E3</b>) and undergo the same process again. Embryoids (<i>EC</i>) generated from <b>C1</b> proceed to polyembryoid culture (<b>PE1</b>–<b>PE15</b>) for the regeneration of plantlets. Callus cultures that fail to generate embryoids (<i>NEC</i>) are transferred to a fresh medium (<b>C2</b>–<b>C4</b>) and undergo the same process again.</p

    SSR markers mapped on both the ENL48 and ML161 parental maps and their accession numbers.

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    <p>Putative IDs were deduced for the SSR-containing sequences by comparing to the non-redundant protein database (Blastx for EST sequences) and nucleotide database of GenBank (tBlastx for genomic sequences). A threshold score of >80 was used to assign significant similarity.</p>a<p>Two SSR markers were mapped.</p>b<p>SSRs developed from oil palm sequences from NCBI GenBank.</p>c<p>Accession numbers of NCBI GenBank.</p>d<p>Probe Unique Identifiers (PUIDs) of NCBI Probe Database.</p