37,681 research outputs found

    Nontrivial critical crossover between directed percolation models: Effect of infinitely many absorbing states

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    At non-equilibrium phase transitions into absorbing (trapped) states, it is well known that the directed percolation (DP) critical scaling is shared by two classes of models with a single (S) absorbing state and with infinitely many (IM) absorbing states. We study the crossover behavior in one dimension, arising from a considerable reduction of the number of absorbing states (typically from the IM-type to the S-type DP models), by following two different (excitatory or inhibitory) routes which make the auxiliary field density abruptly jump at the crossover. Along the excitatory route, the system becomes overly activated even for an infinitesimal perturbation and its crossover becomes discontinuous. Along the inhibitory route, we find continuous crossover with the universal crossover exponent ϕ≃1.78(6)\phi\simeq 1.78(6), which is argued to be equal to ν∥\nu_\|, the relaxation time exponent of the DP universality class on a general footing. This conjecture is also confirmed in the case of the directed Ising (parity-conserving) class. Finally, we discuss the effect of diffusion to the IM-type models and suggest an argument why diffusive models with some hybrid-type reactions should belong to the DP class.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    A conditional quantum phase gate between two 3-state atoms

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    We propose a scheme for conditional quantum logic between two 3-state atoms that share a quantum data-bus such as a single mode optical field in cavity QED systems, or a collective vibrational state of trapped ions. Making use of quantum interference, our scheme achieves successful conditional phase evolution without any real transitions of atomic internal states or populating the quantum data-bus. In addition, it only requires common addressing of the two atoms by external laser fields.Comment: 8 fig

    Bayesian analysis of the linear reaction norm model with unknown covariate

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    The reaction norm model is becoming a popular approach for the analysis of G x E interactions. In a classical reaction norm model, the expression of a genotype in different environments is described as a linear function (a reaction norm) of an environmental gradient or value. A common environmental value is defined as the mean performance of all genotypes in the environment, which is typically unknown. One approximation is to estimate the mean phenotypic performance in each environment, and then treat these estimates as known covariates in the model. However, a more satisfactory alternative is to infer environmental values simultaneously with the other parameters of the model. This study describes a method and its Bayesian MCMC implementation that makes this possible. Frequentist properties of the proposed method are tested in a simulation study. Estimates of parameters of interest agree well with the true values. Further, inferences about genetic parameters from the proposed method are similar to those derived from a reaction norm model using true environmental values. On the other hand, using phenotypic means as proxies for environmental values results in poor inferences

    Lie bialgebras of generalized Witt type

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    In a paper by Michaelis a class of infinite-dimensional Lie bialgebras containing the Virasoro algebra was presented. This type of Lie bialgebras was classified by Ng and Taft. In this paper, all Lie bialgebra structures on the Lie algebras of generalized Witt type are classified. It is proved that, for any Lie algebra WW of generalized Witt type, all Lie bialgebras on WW are coboundary triangular Lie bialgebras. As a by-product, it is also proved that the first cohomology group H1(W,W⊗W)H^1(W,W \otimes W) is trivial.Comment: 14 page

    Pola Distribusi dan Faktor-Faktor yang Berpengaruh terhadap Pemilihan Lokasi Hunian Tipe Klaster di Purwokerto

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pola distribusi dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan lokasi hunian tipe klaster di Purwokerto dengan menggunakan metode survei dan pendekatan kuantitatif. Analisis tetangga terdekat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi pola distribusi Perumahan klaster di Purwokerto. Hasil analisis menunjukkan pola distibusi Perumahan yang acak dan memiliki asosiasi terhadap fasilitas tertentu. Pola setiap bangunan rumah kemudian diteliti menggunakan statistik Moran's I dan Estimasi Kepadatan Kernel. Hasilnya menggambarkan bahwa konsentrasi rumah-rumah klaster membentuk sebuah pola mengelompok. Penelitian ini menggunakan model matematika analisis regresi logistik biner untuk menganalisis faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan lokasi hunian klaster. Secara umum model dengan tepat dapat memprediksi data sebesar 71,2%. Variabel prediktor termasuk dalam model antara lain: a) alam, b) lindungan, dan c) lingkungan manusia. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa model regresi dengan tiga variabel tersebut memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap pemilihan lokasi hunian klaster dengan variabel paling berpengaruh adalah pelindung. Hal ini menjelaskan bahwa semakin baik kualitas bangunan dan kelengkapan fasilitas Perumahan meningkatkan kesempatan pemukim untuk memilih lokasi tempat tinggal di hunian klaster

    Strategi Rumah Tangga Dalam Pemenuhan Energi Listrik Di Desa Kemujan, Kecamatan Karimunjawa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik aset, akses, dan aktivitas rumah tangga dalam kondisi kekurangan ketersediaan listrik, serta mengetahui strategi rumah tangga dalam pemenuhan energi listrik. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Pemilihan narasumber berdasarkan tujuan tertentu, yaitu rumah tangga di Desa Kemujan yang menggunakan energi listrik untuk berbagai aktivitas tertentu. Jumlah narasumber pada saat penelitian berlangsung akan dibatasi ketika informasi yang diberikan telah jenuh. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, indepth interview, dan telaah data sekunder. Triangulasi digunakan untuk mendapat tingkat kebenaran yang tinggi.Aset rumah tangga di Desa Kemujan bervariasi. Aset tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengakses energi listrik, mempermudah aktivitas, dan meningkatkan akses lain. Strategi rumah tangga dalam pemenuhan energi listrik adalah melalui pelayanan umum listrik PLTD. Pemenuhan energi listrik diluar58waktu pelayanan PLTD adalah dengan menggunakan perlatan pembangkit listrik, yaitu mesin kapal yang ditambahkan dinamo, mesin generator set, pembangkit listrik tenaga surya, dan atau pembangkit listrik tenaga angin

    Simple algebras of Weyl type

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    Over a field FF of any characteristic, for a commutative associative algebra AA with an identity element and for the polynomial algebra F[D]F[D] of a commutative derivation subalgebra DD of AA, the associative and the Lie algebras of Weyl type on the same vector space A[D]=A⊗F[D]A[D]=A\otimes F[D] are defined. It is proved that A[D]A[D], as a Lie algebra (modular its center) or as an associative algebra, is simple if and only if AA is DD-simple and A[D]A[D] acts faithfully on AA. Thus a lot of simple algebras are obtained.Comment: 9 pages, Late

    Cantilever-based Resonant Gas Sensors with Integrated Recesses for Localized Sensing Layer Deposition

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    This work presents mass-sensitive hammerhead resonators with integrated recesses as a gas-phase chemical microsensor platform. Recesses are etched into the head region of the resonator to locally deposit chemically sensitive polymers by ink-jet printing. This permits the sensing films to be confined to areas that (a) are most effective in detecting mass loading and (b) are not strained during the in-plane vibrations of the resonator. As a result of the second point, even 5-μm thick polymer coatings on resonators with a 9-12 μm silicon thickness barely affect the Q-factor in air. This translates into higher frequency stability and ultimately higher sensor resolution compared to uniformly coated devices
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