38 research outputs found

    Remission of a Pregnant Woman with Persistent Hyperemesis Gravidarum with Corticosteroid Treatment

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    Nausea and vomiting affect more than 50% of pregnancies. It presents a broad spectrum of symptoms ranging from mild symptoms to severe weight loss and that may affect daily activities. Hyperemesis gravidarum is a severe pathologic form of nausea and vomiting of pregnancy characterized by a greater than 5% loss of weight and unexplained ketonuria. Hyperemesis gravidarum affects approximately 0.5% of pregnancies. The pathogenesis of hyperemesis gravidarum is not exactly known but multifactorial. Previous pregnancy history, low body mass index, maternal inheritance, maternal mood disorders are thought to be associated with. Other causes of nausea and vomiting, such as gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, central nervous system, toxic metabolism, must be ruled out. The risk factors include family history, obstetric history, molar pregnancy, multiple pregnancy, nulliparity, female fetus, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, asthma, depression, peptic ulcer or other gastrointestinal disorders. Severe symptoms affect daily activities, cause anxiety, and sometimes may even lead to the termination of pregnancy and cancellation of future pregnancy plans. The symptoms that started in the first trimester of pregnancy decrease and recover to starting of the second trimester. In our case, we will discuss the successful treatment of severe form of hyperemesis gravidarum with parenteral and oral corticosteroids atypically in the second trimester

    Covid-19 pandemisinin hemşirelerin mesleki imaj algısına etkisi

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    Amaç: Çalışma, COVID-19 pandemisinin hemşirelerin mesleki imaj algısına etkisini belirlemek ve etkileyen faktörleri saptamak amacıyla yapıldı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı, kesitsel ve ilişki arayıcı tipteki araştırmaya 717 hemşire katıldı. Araştırmanın verileri “Tanımlayıcı Bilgi Formu” ve “Hemşirelik Mesleğine Yönelik İmaj Ölçeği” kullanılarak toplandı. Veriler tanımlayıcı istatistikler ve %95 güven aralığında Kruskal Wallis-H testi ve lojistik regresyon analizi kullanılarak değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Hemşirelerin yaş ortalaması 29.29±6.78’dir. Hemşirelerin %38.8’i bu dönemde çalışmaktan memnun olmadıklarını, %37.5’i bu dönemde hemşire olduğu için kendisini özel hissetmediğini, %56.6’sı ise toplumun manevi desteğini yanında hissetmediğini ve %32.4’ü istifa etmek istediğini belirtmiştir. Hemşirelerin %35.3’ü bu dönemde mesleki imaj algısının olumlu yönde ve %33.9’u ise olumsuz yönde değiştiğini ifade etmiştir. Hemşirelerin, Hemşirelik Mesleğine Yönelik İmaj Ölçeği’nden aldıkları puan ortalaması 142.24±8.77 olarak saptanmış olup imaj algılarının birçok faktörden etkilendiği belirlenmiştir. Sonuç: Araştırma COVID-19 pandemisinin hemşirelerin mesleki imaj algısını orta düzeyde olumlu yönde etkilediğini ve bu dönemde hemşirelerin mesleki imaj algısının bazı faktörlerden etkilendiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Bu bağlamda, politika yapıcılar tarafından kurumsal ve hukuksal girişimlerin planlanması ve geliştirilmesi önerilmektedir.Objective: The study was conducted to determine the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on nurses' perception of professional image and to determine the factors affecting it. Materials and Methods: 717 nurses participated in the descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational study. The data of the study were collected by using the "Descriptive Information Form" and the "Scale for the Image of Nursing Profession". Data were evaluated using descriptive statistics and Kruskal Wallis-H test and logistic regression analysis at 95% confidence interval. Results: The mean age of the nurses is 29.29±6.78. 38.8% of the nurses stated that they were not satisfied with working in this period, 37.5% did not feel special because they were nurses during this period, 56.6% did not feel the moral support of the society and 32.4% wanted to resign. During this period, 35.3% of the nurses stated that their perception of professional image changed positively, and 33.9% in the negative direction. The mean score of nurses from the Scale for the Image of Nursing Profession was determined as 142.24 ± 8.77, and it was determined that image perceptions were affected by many factors. Conclusion: The research reveals that the COVID-19 pandemic affects nurses' perception of professional image positively at a moderate level and that nurses' perception of professional image is affected by some factors in this period. In this context, it is recommended to plan and develop institutional and legal initiatives by policy maker

    Demographic characteristics, aetiology, and assessment of treatment options in leukocytoclastic vasculitis

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    Introduction: Vasculitides are a heterogeneous group of disease characterized by inflammation of the blood vessel walls. Etiological factors include infections, drugs, connective tissue diseases, and malignancies.Aim: To examine the demographic characteristics, etiological factors, and treatment options in 75 patients with leukocytoclastic vasculitis.Material and methods: The study included 75 patients diagnosed with leukocytoclastic vasculitis at our clinic. The patients' medical records were reviewed to determine their age, sex, presence of systemic symptoms, possible etiological factors, laboratory results, types of cutaneous lesions, locations of the lesions, treatment options, and disease course.Results: There were 43 women and 32 men. Cutaneous lesions affected only the lower limbs in 60 of the 75 patients (80%) and usually presented as palpable purpura (64%, n = 48). Arthralgia (26.7%, n = 20) was the most frequent extracutaneous symptom. Of the patients with secondary vasculitis, the most common causes were infections and drugs. The mean age of the patients with Henoch-Schonlein purpura was 26.8 years. There was no significant association between age and renal, gastrointestinal, or joint involvement.Conclusions: The most common form of vasculitis in our study was cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis. In most of the patients it appeared to be idiopathic. Among drugs, antibiotics were the most common etiological factor. In 4 patients, the cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis behaved like the paraneoplastic syndrome