15 research outputs found

    Acute appendicitis caused by endometriosis: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Endometriosis is a well-recognized gynecological condition in the reproductive age group. Surgical texts present the gynecological aspects of the disease in detail, but the published literature on unexpected manifestations, such as appendiceal disease, is inadequate. The presentation to general surgeons may be atypical and pose diagnostic difficulty. Thus, a definitive diagnosis is likely to be established only by the histological examination of a specimen.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report a case of endometriosis of the appendix in a 25-year-old Caucasian woman who presented with symptoms of acute appendicitis and was treated by appendectomy, which resulted in a good outcome.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We discuss special aspects of acute appendicitis caused by endometriosis to elucidate the pathologic entity of this variant of acute appendicitis.</p

    Managing large adrenal tumors via lateral transperitoneal approach

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    Adrenalectomia laparoscopică (AL) pentru o formatiune mare ridica suspiciunea pentru malignitate. În datele din literatura se pare că AL este sigură și fezabilă pentru formatiuni mari atunci când este efectuată de chirurgi cu experiență adecvată. Tumorile mai mari de 10-12 cm par să puna dificultăți tehnice mai mari, timp de operare mai lung, pierderi de sânge crescute, mai multe complicații și potențial de malignitate cu invazia organelor adiacente. Scopul lucrarii este de a discuta capcanele chirurgicale in astfel de cazuri din literatură și, de asemenea, de a prezenta experiența noastră.Laparoscopic adrenalectomy (LA) in large mass bears the concern for malignancy. Across the literature it seems that LA is safe and feasible in large masses when performed by adequately experienced surgeons. Tumors greater than 10-12 cm seem to have greater technical difficulty, longer operating time, increased blood loss, more complications, and potential for malignancy with adjacent organ involvement. The aim of the lecture is to discuss the surgical pitfalls in such cases as presented in literature and also present our experience

    The role of prophylactic parathyroidectomy during thyroidectomy for MTC in patients with MEN2A syndrome

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    Aim: To define the role of prophylactic parathyroidectomy in the surgical treatment of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) in multiple endocrine neoplasia type IIa (MEN2A) syndrome through a literature review. Materials and methods: The database of PubMed was searched using the terms “parathyroidectomy” and “medullary” in the fields “Title” and “Abstract”, as well as the Google Scholar database. Articles without references to parathyroid management strategies were mainly excluded. Results: Fourteen articles were reviewed as relevant to this study regarding recommendations for the management of parathyroids during prophylactic thyroidectomy in patients with MTC in MEN2A syndrome. Three of them had the same or similar purpose to our work, and the most recent literature review did not clearly support either one of the two management strategies. References to parathyroid management were found in the rest of the articles, but their purpose was not to determine the appropriate management strategy. The majority of the authors support the preservation of macroscopically normal parathyroid glands, while one study favored routine total parathyroidectomy and autografting. Conclusions: Although there does not seem to be a gold standard, the strategy of preserving macroscopically normal parathyroid glands with routine lab testing and surgical exploration for hyperparathyroidism during thyroidectomy seems to be a safe and effective strategy

    Necrotizing cellulitis of the abdominal wall, caused by Pediococcus sp., due to rupture of a retroperitoneal stromal cell tumor

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    AbstractINTRODUCTIONSoft tissue necrotizing infections are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study is to present a patient with necrotizing infection of abdominal wall resulting from the rupture of a retroperitoneal stromal tumor.PRESENTATION OF CASEWe present a 60-year-old Caucasian male patient with necrotizing infection of abdominal wall secondary to the rupture of a retroperitoneal stromal tumor. The patient was initially treated with debridement and fasciotomy of the anterior abdominal wall. Laparotomy revealed purulent peritonitis caused by infiltration and rupture of the splenic flexure by the tumor. Despite prompt intervention the patient died 19 days later. The isolated microorganism causing the infection was the rarely identified as cause of infections in humans Pediococcus sp., a gram-positive, catalase-negative coccus.DISCUSSIONNecrotizing infections of abdominal wall are usually secondary either to perineal or to intra-abdominal infections. Gastrointestinal stromal cell tumors could be rarely complicated with perforation and abscess formation. In our case, the infiltrated by the extra-gastrointestinal stromal cell tumor ruptured colon was the source of the infection. The pediococci are rarely isolated as the cause of severe septicemia.CONCLUSIONRuptured retroperitoneal stromal cell tumors are extremely rare cause of necrotizing fasciitis, and before this case, Pediococcus sp. has never been isolated as the responsible agent

    Surgical Significance of Berry&rsquo;s Posterolateral Ligament and Frequency of Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Injury into the Last 2 cm of Its Caudal Extralaryngeal Part(P1) during Thyroidectomy

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    Background and Objectives: Recurrent laryngeal nerve injury is one of the major complications of thyroidectomy, with the lateral thyroid ligament (Berry&rsquo;s ligament) being the most frequent site of nerve injury. Neuromonitoring during thyroidectomy revealed three possible anatomical regions of the recurrent laryngeal nerve P1, P2, and P3. P1 represents the recurrent laryngeal nerve&rsquo;s caudal extralaryngeal part and is primarily associated with Berry&rsquo;s ligament. The aim of this systematic review is to identify the anatomical region with the highest risk of injury of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (detected via neuromonitoring) during thyroidectomy and to demonstrate the significance of Berry&rsquo;s ligament as an anatomical structure for the perioperative recognition and protection of the nerve. Materials and Methods: This study conducts a systematic review of the literature and adheres to all PRISMA system criteria as well as recommendations for systematic anatomical reviews. Three search engines (PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane) were used, and 18 out of 464 studies from 2003&ndash;2018 were finally included in this meta-analysis. All statistical data analyses were performed via SPSS 25 and Microsoft Office XL software. Results: 9191 nerves at risk were identified. In 75% of cases, the recurrent laryngeal nerve is located superficially to the ligament. In 71% of reported cases, the injury occurred in the P1 area, while the P3 zone (below the location where the nerve crosses the inferior thyroid artery) had the lowest risk of injury. Data from P1, P2, and P3 do not present significant heterogeneity. Conclusions: Berry&rsquo;s ligament constitutes a reliable anatomical structure for recognizing and preserving recurrent laryngeal nerves. P1 is the anatomical area with the greatest risk of recurrent laryngeal nerve damage during thyroidectomy, compared to P2 and P3

    Tertiary hyperparathyroidism masking an atypical parathyroid tumor

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    Key Clinical Message Atypical parathyroid tumors represent a group of parathyroid neoplasms of uncertain malignant potential. In view of preoperative diagnostic difficulties, suspicious features for malignancy may guide the surgeon to perform a radical surgical approach

    Frequency of Thyroid Microcarcinoma in Patients Who Underwent Total Thyroidectomy with Benign Indication—A 5-Year Retrospective Review

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    Background and Objectives: Incidental thyroid cancers (ITCs) are often microcarcinomas. The most frequent histologic type is a papillary microcarcinoma. Papillary thyroid microcarcinomas are defined as papillary thyroid tumours measuring less than 10 mm at their greatest diameter. They are clinically occult and frequently diagnosed incidentally in histopathology reports after a thyroidectomy. The aim of this study is to evaluate the rate of papillary thyroid microcarcinomas (PTMC) in patients who were thyroidectomised with indications of benign disease. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively evaluated the histological incidence of PTMC in 431 consecutive patients who, in a 5 year period, underwent a thyroidectomy with benign indications. Patients with benign histology and with known or suspected malignancy were excluded. Results: Histopathology reports from 540 patients who underwent a total thyroidectomy in our department between 2016 and 2021 were reviewed. A total of 431 patients were thyroidectomised for presumed benign thyroid disease. A total of 395 patients had confirmed benign thyroid disease in the final histopathology, while 36 patients had incidental malignant lesions (33 PTMC—7.67%, one multifocal PTC without microcarcinomas—0.23%, two follicular thyroid carcinoma—0.46%). Out of the PTMC patients, 29 were female and four were male (7.2:1 female–male ratio). The mean age was 54.2 years old. A total of 24 out of 33 patients had multifocal lesions, 11 of which co-existed with macro PTC. Nine patients had unifocal lesions. A total of 21 of these patients were initially operated on for multinodular goitre (64%), while 13 were operated on for Hashimoto/Lymphocytic thyroiditis (36%). Conclusions: PTMC—often multifocal—is not an uncommon, incidental finding after thyroidectomy for benign thyroid lesions (7.67% in our series) and often co-exists with other incidental malignant lesions (8.35% in our series). The possibility of an underlying papillary microcarcinoma should be taken into account in the management of patients with benign—especially nodular—thyroid disease, and total thyroidectomy should be considered

    Cardiopulmonary Arrest Caused by Large Substernal Goiter—Treatment with Combined Cervical Approach and Median Mini-Sternotomy: Report of a Case

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    Introduction: Substernal goiter is usually defined as a goiter that extends below the thoracic inlet or a goiter with more than 50% of its mass lying below the thoracic inlet. Substernal goiters may compress adjacent anatomical structures causing a variety of symptoms. Case report: Here we report a rare case of a 75-year-old woman presenting with cardiac arrest caused by acute respiratory failure due to tracheal compression by a substernal goiter. Discussion: Substernal goiters can be classified as primary or secondary depending on their site of origin. Symptoms are diverse and include a palpable neck mass, mild dyspnea to asphyxia, dysphagia, dysphonia, and superior vena cava syndrome. Diagnosis of substernal goiter is largely based on computed tomography imaging, which will show the location of the goiter and its extension in the thoracic cavity. Surgery is the treatment of choice for symptomatic patients with substernal goiter. The majority of substernal goiters are resected through a cervical approach. However, in approximately 5% of patients, a thoracic approach is required. The most important factor determining whether a thoracic approach should be used is the depth of the extension to the tracheal bifurcation on CT imaging. Conclusion: Cardiac arrest appearing as the first symptom of a substernal goiter is a very rare condition and should be treated by emergency thyroidectomy via a cervical or thoracic approach depending on the CT imaging findings