43 research outputs found

    Constructible isocrystals

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    We introduce a new category of coefficients for p-adic cohomology called constructible isocrystals. Conjecturally, the category of constructible isocrystals endowed with a Frobenius structure is equivalent to the category of perverse holonomic arithmetic D-modules. We prove here that a constructible isocrystal is completely determined by any of its geometric realizations.Comment: Pr\'epublication de l'IRMAR 2016-0

    The Overconvergent Site I. Coefficients

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    We define and study the overconvergent site of an algebraic variety, the sheaf of overconvergent functions on this site and show that the modules of finite presentations correspond to Berthelot's overconvergent isocrystals. We work with Berkovich theory instead of rigid analytic geometry and do not use any of Berthelot's results. This gives a complete alternative approach to rigid cohomology.Comment: 53 page

    The Overconvergent Site II. Cohomology

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    We prove that rigid cohomology can be computed as the cohomology of a site analogous to the crystalline site. Berthelot designed rigid cohomology as a common generalization of crystalline and Monsky-Washnitzer cohomology. Unfortunately, unlike the former, the functoriality of the theory is not built-in. We defined somewhere else the "overconvergent site" which is functorially attached to an algebraic variety and proved that the category of modules of finite presentation on this ringed site is equivalent to the category of over- convergent isocrystals on the variety. We show here that their cohomology also coincides.Comment: 27 page

    On quantum state of numbers

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    We introduce the notions of quantum characteristic and quantum flatness for arbitrary rings. More generally, we develop the theory of quantum integers in a ring and show that the hypothesis of quantum flatness together with positive quantum characteristic generalizes the usual notion of prime positive characteristic. We also explain how one can define quantum rational numbers in a ring and introduce the notion of twisted powers. These results play an important role in many different areas of mathematics and will also be quite useful in a subsequent work of the authors.Comment: 2013 - 8

    Constructible nabla-modules on curves

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    39 pagesInternational audienceLet V\mathcal V be a discrete valuation ring of mixed characteristic with perfect residue field. Let XX be a geometrically connected smooth proper curve over V\mathcal V. We introduce the notion of constructible convergent ∇\nabla-module on the analytification XKanX_{K}^{\mathrm{an}} of the generic fibre of XX. A constructible module is an OXKan\mathcal O_{X_{K}^{\mathrm{an}}}-module which is not necessarily coherent, but becomes coherent on a stratification by locally closed subsets of the special fiber XkX_{k} of XX. The notions of connection, of (over-) convergence and of Frobenius structure carry over to this situation. We describe a specialization functor from the category of constructible convergent ∇\nabla-modules to the category of DX^Q†\mathcal D^\dagger_{\hat X \mathbf Q}-modules. We show that if XX is endowed with a lifting of the absolute Frobenius of XX, then specialization induces an equivalence between constructible FF-∇\nabla-modules and perverse holonomic FF-DX^Q†\mathcal D^\dagger_{\hat X \mathbf Q}-modules

    Rigid cohomology of locally noetherian schemes Part 2 : Crystals

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    We introduce the general notions of an overconvergent site and a constructible crystal on an overconvergent site. We show that if VV is a geometric materialization of a locally noetherian formal scheme XX over an analytic space OO defined over Q\mathbb Q, then the category of constructible crystals on X/OX/O is equivalent to the category of constructible modules endowed with an overconvergent connection on the tube  ]X[V\,]X[_V of XX in VV. We also show that the cohomology of a constructible crystal is then isomorphic to the de Rham cohomology of its realization on the tube  ]X[V\,]X[_V. This is a generalization of rigid cohomology. Finally, we prove universal cohomological descent and universal effective descent with respect to constructible crystals with respect to the hh-topology. This encompass flat and proper descent and generalizes all previous descent results in rigid cohomology