2,205 research outputs found

    Voorbeelden Duurzame Voedselplanning, Een inventarisatie van 10 steden en gemeentes die invulling geven aan duurzame voedselplanning

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    Welke internationale voorbeelden van steden zijn er die op lokaal niveau beleid maken om duurzaam voedsel te bevorderen? Wat zeggen die voorbeelden wat je als gemeente op lokaal niveau kan doen om duurzaam voedsel te bevorderen? In dit document staan 10 voorbeelden van gemeenten wereldwijd die lokaal beleid daarvoor maken. Dit zijn de gemeenten Rostock in Duitsland; Malmo in Zweden; Turijn in Italië; Aylsham en Rotherham in Engeland, Portland in de USA; Richmond in Canada; Wenen in Oostenrijk; Kinsale in Ierland en Chiran+Kawanabe+Kaseda+Kinpo in Japan

    Upwelling rates for the equatorial Pacific Ocean derived from the bomb 14C distribution

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    A north-south cross section of bomb-produced radiocarbon (14C) in the upper 1000 m of the central equatorial Pacific Ocean (CEP) was measured in April, 1979 during Leg 3 of the NORPAX shuttle experiment. The 14C shows an equatorial mixed layer depletion of ∼40‰ compared to subtropical surface waters. Upwelling of deeper, 14C depleted water maintains this minimum. Two subsurface tongues of high 14C water, found north and south of the equator, are associated with high salinity water and probably result from exchange with subtropical surface water. The continued increase in mixed layer 14C levels in the CEP (up to 1979) indicates the importance of 14C input from these subsurface 14C maxima. Equatorward meridional advection resulting from geostrophic flow is the predominant supply of water upwelling at the equator and controls the 14C distribution in the CEP. The results of multi-layer mixing model calculations indicate an upwelling transport rate of 47 Sverdrups (5S–4N) and a maximum depth of upwelling of 225 m (σ0 = 26.5). These equatorial circulation characteristics explain the 14C, ΣCO2, oxygen, salinity and tritium distributions measured during Leg 3. The time history of mixed layer bomb 14C concentrations in the CEP indicate an exchange time of 4–6 years between the subtropical and equatorial surface oceans

    The VEL and VANLA environmental co-operatives as field laboratories

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    This article describes the Nutrient Management Project of the environmental co-operatives VEL and VANLA as a field laboratory. A field laboratory is defined as a heterogeneous collection of inter-linked scientific studies performed by several actors within a specific field, but – as in normal laboratories – with some protection against outside interference and disturbance. The Nutrient Management Project of VEL and VANLA demonstrates several characteristics of field laboratories. Firstly, in the project, dairy farmers and scientists carry out joint research using different sources of knowledge. Secondly, apart from research the actors are engaged in changing the location, thereby developing new knowledge and practices. In the case of VEL and VANLA this means developing the fields and farms towards sustainability. Thirdly, the actors thoughtfully experiment with several research methodologies to gain understanding on a variety of issues. So within the field laboratory of VEL and VANLA there is heterogeneity in themes, disciplines and methodologies. Simultaneously a systems perspective is created as an interpretative scheme that links up all the different activities. Finally, within VEL and VANLA, alignment among practices, research and the institutional context is essential for the continuation of the research activities

    Other road users’ adaptations to increase safety in response to older drivers’ behaviour

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    Changes in physical and cognitive abilities not only challenge the driving ability of older adults, in some situations age-related changes in driving behaviour require other road users to adapt their behaviour to maintain a safe traffic situation. In this study, we aimed to map age-related differences in driving behaviour and assess the impact on other road users. A group younger and a group older adults drove four different routes containing challenging situations (e.g., merging into motorway traffic) in a driving simulator while measures of driving behaviour were collected. Other road users’ deceleration responses to the driver's behaviour were also collected as a measure of behavioural adaptation. Our results showed similar driving performance between young and older drivers when task complexity was low, but reduced performance in older drivers when tasks requirements increased. Lower driving speed and longer waiting times that were observed in older drivers can be interpreted as compensatory behaviour aimed at creating more time to lower task requirements. Crucially, in a non-time critical situation this compensatory behaviour was found to be successful, however in a time-critical situation (merging onto a motorway) this strategy had negative side effects because other road users had to decelerate in order to keep a safe distance. Our results show the importance of anticipation and adaptation by other road users for the success of older driver's strategies and traffic safety

    Learning in context through conflict and alignment: farmers and scientists in search of sustainable agriculture

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    This article analyzes learning in context through the prism of a sustainable dairy-farming project. The research was performed within a nutrient management project that involved the participation of farmers and scientists. Differences between heterogeneous forms of farmers knowledge and scientific knowledge were discursively constructed during conflict and subsequent alignment over the validity and relevance of knowledge. Both conflict and alignment appeared to be essential for learning in context. Conflict spurred learning when disagreeing groups of actors developed their knowledge in order to strengthen their arguments. Conflict caused self-referentiality when the actors no longer listened to each other. This inhibited self-reflection, thus blocking ongoing learning. Nevertheless, after a period of alignment, scientific models and knowledge of farmers were reevaluated and recontextualized. Through determining how to use scientific models and farmers knowledge for further learning, aimed at a shared goal, the participating actors also learned how to lear

    Van A tot Z : wat kunnen gemeenten doen om duurzaam voedsel te stimuleren?

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    Voedsel leeft en staat volop in de belangstelling. Op veel plaatsen in Nederland zijn er voedselinitiatieven. Streekmarkten worden georganiseerd, school- en moestuinen worden opgezet, de jeugd krijgt smaaklessen en gaat op boerderijbezoek. Voedsel bindt mensen en brengt mensen samen. Verandering van de huidige voedselconsumptie en productie is hard nodig, ondermeer omdat wereldwijd de bevolking toeneemt, voorraden van een aantal cruciale grondstoffen eindig zijn en voedselzekerheid lang niet voor iedereen een gegeven is. Aan de hand van 24 acties van A tot Z laten we zien wat gemeenten (kunnen) doen om de ambities uit de Nota Duurzaam Voedsel te realisere

    Determination of burial age of the "Augustus' villa" (Italy)

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