163 research outputs found

    Putting theory oriented evaluation into practice

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    Evaluations of gaming simulations and business games as teaching devices are typically end-state driven. This emphasis fails to detect how the simulation being evaluated does or does not bring about its desired consequences. This paper advances the use of a logic model approach which possesses a holistic perspective that aims at including all elements associated with the situation created by a game. The use of the logic model approach is illustrated as applied to Simgame, a board game created for secondary school level business education in six European Union countries

    Online peer assessment in higher education: a systematic review of literature in educational practices

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    Neste artigo procedemos a uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre Online Peer Assessment (OPA) no Ensino Superior, mediadas por Tecnologias Digitais de Informação e Comunicação (TIC). Identificamos suas características, centrais e opcionais e mapeamos exemplos práticos (procedimentos e TIC) de OPA que poderão ser transversais, adaptáveis e aplicáveis em diversas unidades curriculares e regimes educacionais. Os resultados apontam para a utilização da OPA como uma estratégia que potencia a “avaliação para a aprendizagem”. Os referenciais teóricos subjacentes, os métodos de avaliação e os tipos de TIC utilizadas indicam seu direcionamento para um maior envolvimento e responsabilidade do aluno na sua aprendizagem. Evidenciamos na literatura que se busca desenvolver essas competências, dando ao aluno oportunidades com alguma regularidade para autoavaliar-se e avaliar seus pares por meio de feedback construtivo. Há também evidências de que dar ou produzir feedback é mais benéfico para a aprendizagem do que apenas recebê-lo, como também é cognitivamente mais exigente e envolve os alunos de forma mais ativa e os direciona ao pensamento crítico e a processos metacognitivos. A partir dos resultados alcançados, consideramos que a OPA, enquanto ferramenta cognitiva, contribui para a construção do conhecimento e para a reflexão sobre a aprendizagem. Um desafio que se coloca diz respeito ao desenvolvimento criativo com foco na diversificação e na inovação das práticas de avaliação no sentido de potenciar aprendizagens e resultados acadêmicos, em atenção às necessidades de aprendizagem que se manifestam frente às expectativas da educação atual e futura e às exigências da sociedade.In this research a systematic review of literature about Online Peer Assessment (OPA) in higher education, mediated by Information and Communication Technology (ICT), was carried out. Optional and central characteristics and its practices (procedures and ICT) were identified and mapping. These procedures and practices may be transversal, adaptable and applied in several curriculum units and educational regimes. The results point to the use of OPA as a strategy that enhances “assessment for learning”. The theoretical framework, the methods of assessment and the kinds of ICT used indicate directions for greater involvement and responsibility from the part of the student in his/her learning. Theoretical framework identifies the need to develop students’ skills, providing them with opportunities for self-assessment and peer assessment on a regular basis through constructive feedback. There is also evidence that to give or receive feedback is more beneficial for learning than just receiving it. It is also cognitively more demanding and directs the students to critical thinking and metacognitive processes. From the results obtained, OPA is seen as a cognitive tool, contributing to the building of knowledge and to reflection about learning. Issues for further reflection are also identified such as the creative development of assessment methods with a focus on diversity and innovation in order to enhance students’ learning and academic results, taking into account their learning needs in face of the expectations of current and future education and the demands of society.CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, IE, UMinho (UI 317 da FCT), PortugalFundos Nacionais através da FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) e cofinanciado pelo Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) através do COMPETE 2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) com a referência POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007562info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Stochastic Resonance Modulates Neural Synchronization within and between Cortical Sources

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    Neural synchronization is a mechanism whereby functionally specific brain regions establish transient networks for perception, cognition, and action. Direct addition of weak noise (fast random fluctuations) to various neural systems enhances synchronization through the mechanism of stochastic resonance (SR). Moreover, SR also occurs in human perception, cognition, and action. Perception, cognition, and action are closely correlated with, and may depend upon, synchronized oscillations within specialized brain networks. We tested the hypothesis that SR-mediated neural synchronization occurs within and between functionally relevant brain areas and thus could be responsible for behavioral SR. We measured the 40-Hz transient response of the human auditory cortex to brief pure tones. This response arises when the ongoing, random-phase, 40-Hz activity of a group of tuned neurons in the auditory cortex becomes synchronized in response to the onset of an above-threshold sound at its “preferred” frequency. We presented a stream of near-threshold standard sounds in various levels of added broadband noise and measured subjects' 40-Hz response to the standards in a deviant-detection paradigm using high-density EEG. We used independent component analysis and dipole fitting to locate neural sources of the 40-Hz response in bilateral auditory cortex, left posterior cingulate cortex and left superior frontal gyrus. We found that added noise enhanced the 40-Hz response in all these areas. Moreover, added noise also increased the synchronization between these regions in alpha and gamma frequency bands both during and after the 40-Hz response. Our results demonstrate neural SR in several functionally specific brain regions, including areas not traditionally thought to contribute to the auditory 40-Hz transient response. In addition, we demonstrated SR in the synchronization between these brain regions. Thus, both intra- and inter-regional synchronization of neural activity are facilitated by the addition of moderate amounts of random noise. Because the noise levels in the brain fluctuate with arousal system activity, particularly across sleep-wake cycles, optimal neural noise levels, and thus SR, could be involved in optimizing the formation of task-relevant brain networks at several scales under normal conditions

    The DARE study of relapse prevention in depression: design for a phase 1/2 translational randomised controlled trial involving mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and supported self monitoring

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Depression is a common condition that typically has a relapsing course. Effective interventions targeting relapse have the potential to dramatically reduce the point prevalence of the condition. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) is a group-based intervention that has shown efficacy in reducing depressive relapse. While trials of MBCT to date have met the core requirements of phase 1 translational research, there is a need now to move to phase 2 translational research - the application of MBCT within real-world settings with a view to informing policy and clinical practice. The aim of this trial is to examine the clinical impact and health economics of MBCT under real-world conditions and where efforts have been made to assess for and prevent resentful demoralization among the control group. Secondary aims of the project involve extending the phase 1 agenda to an examination of the effects of co-morbidity and mechanisms of action.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>This study is designed as a prospective, multi-site, single-blind, randomised controlled trial using a group comparison design between involving the intervention, MBCT, and a self-monitoring comparison condition, Depression Relapse Active Monitoring (DRAM). Follow-up is over 2 years. The design of the study indicates recruitment from primary and secondary care of 204 participants who have a history of 3 or more episodes of Major Depression but who are currently well. Measures assessing depressive relapse/recurrence, time to first clinical intervention, treatment expectancy and a range of secondary outcomes and process variables are included. A health economics evaluation will be undertaken to assess the incremental cost of MBCT.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The results of this trial, including an examination of clinical, functional and health economic outcomes, will be used to assess the role that this treatment approach may have in recommendations for treatment of depression in Australia and elsewhere. If the findings are positive, we expect that this research will consolidate the evidence base to guide the decision to fund MBCT and to seek to promote its availability to those who have experienced at least 3 episodes of depression.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry: <a href="http://www.anzctr.org.au/ACTRN12607000166471.aspx">ACTRN12607000166471</a></p

    The design and evaluation of EKE, a semi-automated email knowledge extraction tool

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Knowledge Management Research and Practice. The definitive publisher-authenticated version, TEDMORI, S. and JACKSON, T., 2012. The design and evaluation of EKE, a semi-automated email knowledge extraction tool. Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 10 (1), pp. 79 - 88 is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/kmrp.2011.40This paper presents an approach to locating experts within organisations through the use of the indispensable communication medium and source of information, email. The approach was realised through the email expert locator architecture developed by the authors, which uses email content in the modelling of individuals' expertise profiles. The approach has been applied to a real-world application, EKE, and evaluated using focus group sessions and system trials. In this work, the authors report the findings obtained from the focus groups sessions. The aim of the sessions was to obtain information about the participants' perceptions, opinions, underlying attitudes, and recommendations with regard to the notion of exploiting email content for expertise profiling. The paper provides a review of the various approaches to expertise location that have been developed and highlights the end-users' perspectives on the usability and functionality of EKE and the socio-ethical challenges raised by its adoption from an industrial perspective. © 2012 Operational Research Society. All rights reserved

    The Connectome Visualization Utility: Software for Visualization of Human Brain Networks

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    In analysis of the human connectome, the connectivity of the human brain is collected from multiple imaging modalities and analyzed using graph theoretical techniques. The dimensionality of human connectivity data is high, and making sense of the complex networks in connectomics requires sophisticated visualization and analysis software. The current availability of software packages to analyze the human connectome is limited. The Connectome Visualization Utility (CVU) is a new software package designed for the visualization and network analysis of human brain networks. CVU complements existing software packages by offering expanded interactive analysis and advanced visualization features, including the automated visualization of networks in three different complementary styles and features the special visualization of scalar graph theoretical properties and modular structure. By decoupling the process of network creation from network visualization and analysis, we ensure that CVU can visualize networks from any imaging modality. CVU offers a graphical user interface, interactive scripting, and represents data uses transparent neuroimaging and matrix-based file types rather than opaque application-specific file formats