677 research outputs found

    Testing of an improved ultrasound flowmeter: technical description and results of testing in vitro

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    In vitro testing was carried out of an advanced model of an intravascular flowgauge based on the ultrasound principle - that is, measurement of the difference in transit time of an upstream and downstream ultrasound pulse. The gauge was tested extensively to determine its sensitivity and stability as well as the influence of changes of haematocrit and temperature on its performanc

    Stellenwert der pelvinen Lymphadenektomie beim klinisch lokalisierten Prostatakarzinom

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    Zusammenfassung: Der Stellenwert und die Ausdehnung der pelvinen Lymphadenektomie beim klinisch lokalisierten Prostatakarzinom werden weiterhin kontrovers diskutiert. Die Lymphadenektomie stellt jedoch bis heute die einzige Methode für ein exaktes Tumorstaging dar. Es gibt zunehmend Hinweise, dass das Entfernen von allen befallenen Lymphknoten einen positiven Einfluss auf das tumorfreie Überleben und evtl. auf das Gesamtüberleben haben könnte. Aus diesem Grund sollte, wenn eine Lymphadenektomie durchgeführt wird, diese Entlang der V.iliaca externa, in der Fossa obturatoria und beidseits Entlang der A.iliaca interna erfolge

    Pulsatile velocity of blood in the pulmonary artery of dogs: measurement by an ultrasound gauge

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    An advanced model of an ultrasound flow gauge, mounted on a N7 catheter was used to measure flow velocity in the pulmonary artery of closed-chest dogs. The recorded flow signals were calibrated in cm/sec by determining stroke volume (by dye dilution) and diameter of the pulmonary artery (by angiography). The influence of positive and negative inotropic drugs on velocity and acceleration is reporte

    Immunohistochemical determination of p53 overexpression: An easy and readily available method to identify progression in superficial bladder cancer?

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    Overexpression of p53, as determined by immunohistochemical staining with the murine monoclonal antibody DO7, was determined in specimens of 46 primary superficial transitional cell bladder tumours (14 TaG2, 10 T1G2, 22 T1G3). A colon cancer specimen served as a positive control and normal mesenchymal cells in the specimens served as an internal negative control. An exceptionally high proportion 36/46 (78%) of the specimens were found to stain positively for p53 in over 20% of the cell nuclei. After a median follow-up of 7 years, ten patients developed progressive disease. Of these ten patients nine demonstrated p53 positivity, resulting in a sensitivity of 90%. However, 27 of the overall 36 patients (75%) with p53-positive tumours did not progress to a higher stage or metastatic disease. These findings suggest that p53 overexpression is not of predictive prognostic value in superficial transitional cell carcinoma. With 7 of 14 specimens (50%) of Ta tumours overexpressing p53, the results were suggestive of p53 mutation being an early event in carcinogenesis. When the threshold was set at 50% of the cell nuclei overexpressing p53, 16/46 (35%) classified as p53 positive. Of the 16 tumours staining positively for p53, 7 (46%) progressed and 9 (56%) did not. None of the Ta and 16 (50%) of the T1 tumours classified as positive. This more stringent definition of positivity still does not identify p53 positivity as a single prognostic factor. With 50% of T1 tumours classifying as positive, we still find that p53 mutation may be an early event in carcinogenesis of bladder cance

    Disseminated Tuberculosis Following Total Knee Arthroplasty in an HIV Patient

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    Skeletal tuberculosis is now uncommon in developed countries. In immunocompromised patients - particularly in the HIV-infected - who present with subacute or chronic joint pain refractory to conventional treatment, osteoarticular tuberculosis should still be included in the differential diagnosis. We report on a lethal case of disseminated tuberculosis in an HIV-infected subject. Dissemination may have resulted from the implantation of an articular prosthesis in a knee joint with unsuspected osteoarticular tuberculosis. The diagnosis was established months later when the patient presented with far-advanced tuberculous meningitis, miliary tuberculosis of the lungs, femoral osteomyelitis and extended cold abscesses along the femoral shaft. Failure to respond to a conventional four-drug regimen is explained by the resistance pattern of his multi-drug resistant strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which was only reported after the patient's death. This case illustrates the diagnostic challenges of osteoarticular tuberculosis and the consequences of a diagnostic delay in an HIV-infected individua

    Molecular Characterisation of Bacterial Wilt Resistance in \u3cem\u3eLolium Multiflorum\u3c/em\u3e Lam.

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    Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.), a forage grass of prime importance throughout the world, is adversely affected by the pathogen Xanthomonas translucens pv graminis. Breeding for resistant cultivars is the only practicable means of disease control. However, the inheritance of bacterial wilt resistance is largely unknown. The aim of our research is to elucidate genetic control of bacterial wilt resistance using molecular technologies such as genetic linkage mapping and the analysis of quantitative trait loci (QTL)

    First results on proton radiography with nuclear emulsion detectors

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    We propose an innovative method for proton radiography based on nuclear emulsion film detectors, a technique in which images are obtained by measuring the position and the residual range of protons passing through the patient's body. For this purpose, nuclear emulsion films interleaved with tissue equivalent absorbers can be used to reconstruct proton tracks with very high accuracy. This is performed through a fully automated scanning procedure employing optical microscopy, routinely used in neutrino physics experiments. Proton radiography can be used in proton therapy to obtain direct information on the average tissue density for treatment planning optimization and to perform imaging with very low dose to the patient. The first prototype of a nuclear emulsion based detector has been conceived, constructed and tested with a therapeutic proton beam. The first promising experimental results have been obtained by imaging simple phantoms.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Instrumentation (JINST