56 research outputs found

    Dynamic and Efficient Routing Algorithm for Multi-Sink Wireless Sensor Networks

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    ABSTRACT: Sensor networks are dense wireless networks where information is gathered by sensor elements spread out in an interest area. Wireless sensors applications cover large fields such as surveillance and security, target tracking, agriculture, health and military purposes. As wireless sensor network protocols are application specific. The three main categories explored are data-centric, hierarchical and location-based. Each of the routing schemes and algorithms has the common objective of trying to get better throughput and to extend the lifetime of the sensor network. The key objective of the proposed mechanism is to achieve traffic-balancing by detecting the congested areas along the route and distributing the packets along the paths that have idle and under loaded nodes

    Framework for Ease Maneuver of On Road Emergency Vehicles: Using Mobile Sink

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    ABSTRACT:In order to make timely and correct decisions and to avoid potential accidents, moving vehicles on the road need to acquire real time traffic flow and road information directly from WSN with the help of telematics services. The concept proposed in this paper involves the use of multiple metric to promote emergency vehicle an ease of transport during their crucial hours of time. This includes a proposal of a practical and scalable approach for point-topoint routing in wireless sensor nets which aims at providing the shortest path for emergency vehicles to save time, and to enable a robust paradigm for sensor network to change the primary path of the emergency vehicle dynamically. In addition to these, this paper also indulges in the proposal of analysing real-time traffic flow parameters using image sensors and controlling the congestion on priority basis. KEYWORDS: Wireless sensor network, Routing, Dynamic, congestion control, emergency vehicle. I. INTRODUCTION Traffic management being a vast domain, WSN can be applied to gather information about the incoming flow of traffic, traffic load on a particular road, traffic load at particular period of time (peak hours) and in vehicle prioritization. Because of the recent developments in wireless networks and multifunctional sensors with digital processing, power supply and communication capabilities, WSN are being largely deployed in physical environments for fine-grain monitoring in different classes of applications [1] The proposal of an adaptive and dynamic traffic intersection system include first finding of shortest path for the emergency vehicle to reach its nearby health care zone from the accident area usinga scalable a point-to-point routing schemecalled Beacon Vector Routing or BVR method. The second module is to find a better dynamic path arrangement for emergency vehicle, because the traffic status is changed dynamically. To achieve a fault tolerant and low latency algorithm, called PEQ (Periodic, Event-Driven and Query-Based Protocol) is employed. The main purpose to adopt this algorithm than any other existing routing algorithm is that PEQuse ordinary motes, with no special hardware and a simple processing at each node by using the hop level as the main information to minimize data transmission. The next part of this paper deals with an adaptive traffic intersection system where traffic light of one intersection communicates with the traffic light of the next neighbouring intersections and controlling the congestio

    Detection and Prevention of Data Hacking in Net Banking Using Visual Cryptography Technique

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    ABSTRACT: In net banking system it is not guaranteed that every transaction will be carried out very much securely because of increasing the problem of hacking the data of authorized users. To provide security to such types of hacking activities in this project it aims to achieve the authenticity by visual cryptography technique namely 2 out of 2 scheme technique. It takes scanned signature image as an input. While creating new bank account, the bank will generate splits then bank will be given one split to user and another will be stored in bank database. The user needs to present the split during every transactions then the stacking of splits will be taking place. Decision of access granted or denied will be confirmed based on comparison of stacked and original image. If both are same then it will be confirmed that the user is authorized user otherwise unauthorized user

    Analysis of Steady State Heat Conduction Problem Using EFGM

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    ABSTRACT In present work, a one dimensional heat conduction problem with uniform heat generation is solved by using element free Gelerkin method (EFGM). The problem was to calculate the temperature distribution on different points across the thickness of a plane wall. The nodes are generated across the thickness of wall to find out the temperature distribution on different points. Then moving least squares (MLS) approximants is used to approximate the unknown function of temperature T(x) with the help of T h (x). Lagrange multiplier technique is used to enforce essential boundary conditions. The MATLAB codes have been developed to obtain the solution of the given problem. The results obtained by EFG method are compared with analytical and FEM results to validate the proposed MATLAB codes. The results are also studied by increasing the number of nodes and by changing the values of scaling parameter d max . Different weight functions are also used to check the variation in the results

    Storage and Backing Up Of Data in a Cloud Environment Using File System

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    ABSTRACT -Today's computational advances have created numerous applications for I/O operations have the capacity to store more data. The authentic need is accessible of information from anyplace. This gets to be issue for some clients who use applications, for example, databases, media, and hard disks, and so forth. The I/O data solicitations of these applications get higher as they get greater. To beat these issues we present a cloud domain for support and data stockpiling utilizing parallel document framework. That have the capacity to store and reinforcement of information through removed server cap can be open through web association. The usage intends to expand the availability of data and reduce in loss of information

    Virtual Prototyping (VP) In Construction

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    ABSTRACT: VP means virtual prototyping is a computer aided design process. It is the latest and cost effective way to visualize real circumstances that enhance effective communication of design and ideas without manufacturing physical samples. Virtual prototyping involves the integration of different design softwares during each and every stages of a construction process, visualizing the construction site environment in different stages. This process enhance the capability of engineers to detect the problem areas. Now a days construction safety is a serious problem in construction industry worldwide, especially in the case of large scale construction projects. We can adopt the VP technology to improve the safety management performance through the identification of key factors that cause accident.. This report is an overview of virtual prototyping technique, its application for simulating construction process for the easy and effective execution, life cycle management of a construction process and to improve the safety management in construction projects

    Fractal Based SVPWM Algorithm for Two Legged Three Phase Multilevel Inverters

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    Abstract: This paper proposes a Space Vector PWM (SVPWM) algorithm based on fractals for two legged three phase multilevel inverters. The paper presents the observation that the space vector representation of two legged three phase multilevel inverter has an inherent fractal structure. The properties of fractal structure together with the simplicity of fractal arithmetic are utilized to propose a generalized algorithm for SVPWM generation for two legged multilevel inverters and it can be easily extended to n-level inverters. The voltage space vectors of higher level inverter can be generated from the voltage vectors of an equivalent 2-level inverter using simple addition operations. Sector identification and switching vector determination in SVPWM generation are carried out using simple arithmetic operations without any computational complexity. The proposed algorithm doesn't use any look up table for sector identification and switching vector determination. The validation of the algorithm through simulations in MATLAB/SIMULINK has been carried out for two legged 3-level and 5-level inverter configurations for which the results are also presented. . Multilevel inverters gained more attention in recent years due to its inherent advantages of high voltage handling and good harmonic rejection capabilities with currently available power devices. The requirement of more number of semiconductor switches is the major disadvantage of multilevel inverters. Although low voltage rated switches can be used in a multilevel inverter, each switch requires a related gate drive protection circuits and the overall system becomes more complex and expensive. In addition increased number of switches increases the switching losses and electromagnetic interference (EMI). The increased switches have limited the usage of multilevel inverters in many critical applications particularly in the field of aerospace applications. The reduction in the number of power semiconductor switches for the inverters is drawing significant research attention. The four switch three phase inverter topology [FSTPI] is one of the techniques to reduce the switches in the inverte

    A System to Filter Unwanted Messages from OSN User Walls

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    Abstract: The very basic requirement in present days Online Social Networks (OSNs) or Mobile Social Networks (MSNs) is to enable users with the facility to filter and moderate the messages posted on their own private space(like Profile pages, walls etc) to evade that unnecessary content is displayed. As of now Online Social Networks (OSNs) do not provide any kind options in order to fill this user requirement. To address this issue, in this paper, we propose a system allowing Online Social Networks (OSNs) users to have a direct control on the messages posted on their profiles and walls. This is accomplished through a flexible rule-based system, that permits registered users to modify the filtering criteria to be applied to their walls, and Machine Learning based soft classifier automatically labeling messages in support of content-based filtering

    VLSI Implementation of Soft Bit Flipping Decoder for Geometric LDPC Codes

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    ABSTRACT: As the Technology improves digital systems are become more prominent and the reliability and security of memories are essential considerations. As technology scales, memory devices become larger and more eminent error correction codes are required to protect memories from soft errors. Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) Codes are the class of linear block codes which provide large collection of data transmission channels while simultaneously feasible for implementable decoders.One specific type of LDPC codes, namely EG-LDPC are used due to their fault secure detection capability, higher reliability and lower area overhead.In this paper, a low-complexity high-performance algorithm is introduced for decoding of LDPC codes.The developed soft-bit-flipping (SBF) algorithm having advantages of bit-flipping (BF) algorithm and reliability of improve error performance. A hybrid decoding scheme comprised of the BF and SBF algorithms is also proposed to shorten the decoding time

    Recovery of Chromium from Ferrochrome Slag

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    ABSTRACT: Ferrochrome slag generated from alumino-thermi method piles up in large quantities poses many problems to the environment and contaminates ground water on long run, needs to be addressed very urgently. It principally contains chromium, alumina, Iron, magnesium, calcium in small quantities. This paper deals with extraction of chromium and renders the slag harmless. In this paper industrial waste was collected from GTS industries and used in the subsequent experimentation. Ferrochrome slag is treated with lime to conduct slag-lime solid-solid reaction. Chromium present in the slag reacts with lime to form mixed chromates. The reaction is conducted at 973K, soluble chromium ion was extracted with water and is subsequently separated by adsorbing fly ash based zeolite which can be recovered. The recovery of chromium metal in the slag is 64%. The method is viable for the commercial recovery of chromium from slag
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