109 research outputs found

    Prospective, International, Multisite Comparison of Platelet Isolation Techniques for Genome-Wide Transcriptomics: Communication from the SSC of the ISTH

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordGenome-wide platelet transcriptomics is increasingly used to uncover new aspects of platelet biology and as a diagnostic and prognostic tool. Nevertheless, platelet isolation methods for transcriptomic studies are not standardized, introducing challenges for cross-study comparisons, data integration, and replication. In this prospective multicenter study, called “Standardizing Platelet Transcriptomics for Discovery, Diagnostics, and Therapeutics in the Thrombosis and Hemostasis Community (STRIDE)” by the ISTH SSCs, we assessed how three of the most commonly used platelet isolation protocols influence metrics from next-generation bulk RNA sequencing and functional assays. Compared with washing alone, more stringent removal of leukocytes by anti-CD45 beads or PALLTM filters resulted in a sufficient quantity of RNA for next-generation sequencing and similar quality of RNA sequencing metrics. Importantly, stringent removal of leukocytes resulted in the lower relative expression of known leukocyte-specific genes and the higher relative expression of known platelet-specific genes. The results were consistent across enrolling sites, suggesting the techniques are transferrable and reproducible. Moreover, all three isolation techniques did not influence basal platelet reactivity, but agonist-induced integrin αIIbβ3 activation is reduced by anti-CD45 bead isolation compared to washing alone. In conclusion, the isolation technique chosen influences genome-wide transcriptional and functional assays in platelets. These results should help the research community make informed choices about platelet isolation techniques in their own platelet studies.British Heart FoundationNational Institutes of Health (NIH)KU LeuvenFWOLowy FoundationNational Research, Development and Innovation OfficeVeteran Affairs CSR&DAmerican Heart AssociationRURAL and Underserved Utah Training Experience (RUUTE), University of Utah School of Medicin

    Factors That Affect Large Subunit Ribosomal DNA Amplicon Sequencing Studies of Fungal Communities: Classification Method, Primer Choice, and Error

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    Nuclear large subunit ribosomal DNA is widely used in fungal phylogenetics and to an increasing extent also amplicon-based environmental sequencing. The relatively short reads produced by next-generation sequencing, however, makes primer choice and sequence error important variables for obtaining accurate taxonomic classifications. In this simulation study we tested the performance of three classification methods: 1) a similarity-based method (BLAST + Metagenomic Analyzer, MEGAN); 2) a composition-based method (Ribosomal Database Project naïve Bayesian classifier, NBC); and, 3) a phylogeny-based method (Statistical Assignment Package, SAP). We also tested the effects of sequence length, primer choice, and sequence error on classification accuracy and perceived community composition. Using a leave-one-out cross validation approach, results for classifications to the genus rank were as follows: BLAST + MEGAN had the lowest error rate and was particularly robust to sequence error; SAP accuracy was highest when long LSU query sequences were classified; and, NBC runs significantly faster than the other tested methods. All methods performed poorly with the shortest 50–100 bp sequences. Increasing simulated sequence error reduced classification accuracy. Community shifts were detected due to sequence error and primer selection even though there was no change in the underlying community composition. Short read datasets from individual primers, as well as pooled datasets, appear to only approximate the true community composition. We hope this work informs investigators of some of the factors that affect the quality and interpretation of their environmental gene surveys

    Next-generation RNA sequencing elucidates transcriptomic signatures of pathophysiologic nerve regeneration

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    Abstract The cellular and molecular underpinnings of Wallerian degeneration have been robustly explored in laboratory models of successful nerve regeneration. In contrast, there is limited interrogation of failed regeneration, which is the challenge facing clinical practice. Specifically, we lack insight on the pathophysiologic mechanisms that lead to the formation of neuromas-in-continuity (NIC). To address this knowledge gap, we have developed and validated a novel basic science model of rapid-stretch nerve injury, which provides a biofidelic injury with NIC development and incomplete neurologic recovery. In this study, we applied next-generation RNA sequencing to elucidate the temporal transcriptional landscape of pathophysiologic nerve regeneration. To corroborate genetic analysis, nerves were subject to immunofluorescent staining for transcripts representative of the prominent biological pathways identified. Pathophysiologic nerve regeneration produces substantially altered genetic profiles both temporally and in the mature neuroma microenvironment, in contrast to the coordinated genetic signatures of Wallerian degeneration and successful regeneration. To our knowledge, this study presents as the first transcriptional study of NIC pathophysiology and has identified cellular death, fibrosis, neurodegeneration, metabolism, and unresolved inflammatory signatures that diverge from pathways elaborated by traditional models of successful nerve regeneration