17 research outputs found

    The circumstellar environment of the FU Orionis pre-outburst candidate V1331 Cygni

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    High resolution (~4") aperture synthesis maps of the CO (1→ 0), ^(13)CO (1→0), ^(13)CO (2→1), and asociated continuum emission from the FU Orions candidate V1331 Cygni reveal a massive, 0.5 ± 0.15 M_☉, circumstellar disk surrounded by a flattened gaseous envelope, 6000 x 4400 AU in size, mass >0.32 M_☉. These images and lower resolution measurements also trace a bipolar outflow and gaseous ring, 4.1 by 2.8 x 10^4 AU, mass greater than or equal to 0.07 M_☉, radially expanding at 22 ± 4 kms^(-1). We suggest this ring is a swept-up gaseous torus from an energetic mass ejection stage, possibly an FU Orionis outburst or outburts, ~4 x 10^3 yr ago that imparted >10^(45) ergs into the ambient cloud

    The FU Orionis binary system RNO 1B/1C

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    Observations of CS (7→6) emission reveal a ≥3M_⊙ core, 1.8×10^4 AU in size, surrounding the FU Orionis binary system RNO 1B/1C. Fractional chemical abundances, calculated from LVG and LTE codes, are mostly similar to those in the cold core TMC 1. However, values for Si0/H_2 and CH_(3)0H/H_2 are enhanced, possibly by sputtering reactions or grain-grain collisions in tile outflow associated with the young stars. Aperture syntllesis maps of tile 2.6 and 3.1 mm continuum emission at ~5" and ~9" resolution, respectively, reveal that RNO 1C is surrounded by a flattened, dusty envelope, ~5000 AU in size, with mass ≥1.1 M_⊙. High spatial resolution (~3") interferometer observations of CS (2→1) emission may trace the dense walls of ail outflow cavity comprised of two concentric arcs with dynamical ages of 4×10^3 and 1×10^4 yr. The velocity structure of lower density gas imaged in the CO (1→0) transition is consistent with the arcs being formed by two energetic FU Orionis outbursts. Each event may have imparted more than 4 M_⊙km s^(-1) to the outflow, implying outburst mass loss rates of ~10^(-4) M_⊙ yr^(-1). It appears that RNO 1C is probably the driving source for the outflow and tllat, while pre-main sequence stars are in tile FU Orionis stage, outbursts may dominate both outflow morphology and energetics

    Development Status of Adjustable Grazing Incidence Optics for 0.5 Arcsecond X-Ray Imaging

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    We describe progress in the development of adjustable grazing incidence X-ray optics for 0.5 arcsec resolution cosmic X-ray imaging. To date, no optics technology is available to blend high resolution imaging like the Chandra X-ray Observatory, with square meter collecting area. Our approach to achieve these goals simultaneously is to directly deposit thin film piezoelectric actuators on the back surface of thin, lightweight Wolter-I or Wolter- Schwarschild mirror segments. The actuators are used to correct mirror figure errors due to fabrication, mounting and alignment, using calibration and a one-time figure adjustment on the ground. If necessary, it will also be possible to correct for residual gravity release and thermal effects on-orbit. In this paper we discuss our most recent results measuring influence functions of the piezoelectric actuators using a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor. We describe accelerated and real-time lifetime testing of the piezoelectric material, and we also discuss changes to, and recent results of, our simulations of mirror correction

    Improved control and characterization of adjustable x-ray optics

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    We report on improvements in our efforts to control and characterize piezoelectrically adjustable, thin glass optics. In the past, an optical profilometer and a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor have been used to measure influence functions for a at adjustable mirror. An electronics system has since been developed to control > 100 actuator cells and has been used in a full calibration of a high-yield at adjustable mirror. The calibrated influence functions have been used to induce a pre-determined figure change to the mirror, representing our first attempt at figure control of a full mirror. Furthermore, we have adapted our metrology systems for cylindrical optics, allowing characterization of Wolter-type mirrors. We plan to use this metrology to perform the first piezoelectric figure correction of a cylindrical mirror over the next year...

    The opto-mechanical design of the GMT-Consortium Large Earth Finder (G-CLEF)

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    The GMT-Consortium Large Earth Finder (G-CLEF) will be part of the first generation instrumentation suite for the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT). G-CLEF is a general purpose echelle spectrograph operating in the optical passband with precision radial velocity (PRV) capability. The measurement precision goal of G-CLEF is 10 cm/sec; necessary for the detection of Earth analogues. This goal imposes challenging stability requirements on the optical mounts and spectrograph support structures especially when considering the instrument's operational environment. G-CLEF's accuracy will be influenced by changes in temperature and ambient air pressure, vibration, and micro gravity-vector variations caused by normal telescope motions. For these reasons we have chosen to enclose G-CLEF's spectrograph in a wellinsulated, vibration-isolated vacuum chamber in a gravity invariant location on GMT's azimuth platform. Additional design constraints posed by the GMT telescope include; a limited space envelope, a thermal leakage ceiling, and a maximum weight allowance. Other factors, such as manufacturability, serviceability, available technology, and budget are also significant design drivers. G-CLEF will complete its Critical Design phase in mid-2018. In this paper, we discuss the design of GCLEF's optical mounts and support structures including the choice of a low-CTE carbon-fiber optical bench. We discuss the vacuum chamber and vacuum systems. We discuss the design of G-CLEF's insulated enclosure and thermal control systems which simultaneously maintain the spectrograph at milli-Kelvin level stability and limit thermal leakage into the telescope dome. Also discussed are micro gravity-vector variations caused by normal telescope slewing, their uncorrected influence on image motion, and how they are dealt with in the design. We discuss G-CLEF's front-end assembly and fiber-feed system as well as other interface, integration and servicing challenges presented by the telescope, enclosure, and neighboring instrumentation. This work has been supported by the GMTO Corporation, a non-profit organization operated on behalf of an international consortium of universities and institutions: Arizona State University, Astronomy Australia Ltd, the Australian National University, the Carnegie Institution for Science, Harvard University, the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, the São Paulo Research Foundation, the Smithsonian Institution, the University of Texas at Austin, Texas AM University, the University of Arizona, and the University of Chicago

    Ralph: A Visible/Infrared Imager for the New Horizons Pluto/Kuiper Belt Mission

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    The New Horizons instrument named Ralph is a visible/near infrared multi-spectral imager and a short wavelength infrared spectral imager. It is one of the core instruments on New Horizons, NASA's first mission to the Pluto/Charon system and the Kuiper Belt. Ralph combines panchromatic and color imaging capabilities with IR imaging spectroscopy. Its primary purpose is to map the surface geology and composition of these objects, but it will also be used for atmospheric studies and to map the surface temperature. It is a compact, low-mass (10.5 kg), power efficient (7.1 W peak), and robust instrument with good sensitivity and excellent imaging characteristics. Other than a door opened once in flight, it has no moving parts. These characteristics and its high degree of redundancy make Ralph ideally suited to this long-duration flyby reconnaissance mission.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures, 4 tables; To appear in a special volume of Space Science Reviews on the New Horizons missio

    Recent Progress in Adjustable X-ray Optics for Astronomy

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    Two adjustable X-ray optics approaches are being developed for thin grazing incidence optics for astronomy. The first approach employs thin film piezoelectric material sputter deposited as a continuous layer on the back of thin, lightweight Wolter-I mirror segments. The piezoelectric material is used to correct mirror figure errors from fabrication, mounting/alignment, and any ground to orbit changes. The goal of this technology is to produce Wolter mirror segment pairs corrected to 0.5 arc sec image resolution. With the combination of high angular resolution and lightweight, this mirror technology is suitable for the Square Meter Arc Second Resolution Telescope for X-rays (SMART-X) mission concept.. The second approach makes use of electrostrictive adjusters and full shell nickel/cobalt electroplated replication mirrors. An array of radial adjusters is used to deform the full shells to correct the lowest order axial and azimuthal errors, improving imaging performance from the 10 - 15 arc sec level to ~ 5 arc sec. We report on recent developments in both technologies. In particular, we discuss the use of insitu strain gauges on the thin piezo film mirrors for use as feedback on piezoelectric adjuster functionality, including their use for on-orbit figure correction. We also report on the first tests of full shell nickel/cobalt mirror correction with radial adjusters

    Technology Requirements for a Square Meter, Arcsecond Resolution Telescope for X-Rays: The SMART-X Mission

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    Addressing the astrophysical problems of the 2020's requires sub-arcsecond x-ray imaging with square meter effective area. Such requirements can be derived, for example, by considering deep x-ray surveys to find the young black holes in the early universe (large redshifts) which will grow into the first super-massive black holes. We have envisioned a mission, the Square Meter Arcsecond Resolution Telescope for X-rays (SMART-X), based on adjustable x-ray optics technology, incorporating mirrors with the required small ratio of mass to collecting area. We are pursuing technology which achieves sub-arcsecond resolution by on-orbit adjustment via thin film piezoelectric "cells" deposited directly on the non-reflecting sides of thin, slumped glass. While SMART-X will also incorporate state-of-the-art x-ray cameras, the remaining spacecraft systems have no requirements more stringent than those which are well understood and proven on the current Chandra X-ray Observatory

    Toward Large-Area Sub-Arcsecond X-Ray Telescopes

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    The future of x-ray astronomy depends upon development of x-ray telescopes with larger aperture areas (>1 sq m) and finer angular resolution(100 sq m) of lightweight (1 kg/sq m areal density) high quality mirrors-possibly entailing active (in-space adjustable) alignment and figure correction. This paper discusses relevant programmatic and technological issues and summarizes progress toward large area sub-arcsecond x-ray telescopes. Key words: X-ray telescopes, x-ray optics, active optics, electroactive devices, silicon mirrors, differential deposition, ion implantation