11 research outputs found

    MOESM2 of A rapid method to increase transparency and efficiency in web-based searches

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    Additional file 2. Instructions on how to use the URL generator for Google Scholar

    MOESM5 of A rapid method to increase transparency and efficiency in web-based searches

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    Additional file 5. Database of search results from Google Scholar title and full text searches for tillage systematic review case study

    MOESM3 of A rapid method to increase transparency and efficiency in web-based searches

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    Additional file 3. Instructions on how to download web-based search engine search results using DownThemAll add-on

    Proportion of total a) full text and b) title Google Scholar search results by literature type for 7 case studies (see Table 2 for descriptions of SR codes).

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    <p>Proportion of total a) full text and b) title Google Scholar search results by literature type for 7 case studies (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0138237#pone.0138237.t002" target="_blank">Table 2</a> for descriptions of SR codes).</p

    Duplication rates (proportion of total results that are duplicates) in Google Scholar and Web of Science searches across the 7 case studies.

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    <p>Duplication rates are assessed for up to 1,000 search records (or the total number where less than c. 1,300). For Web of Science the full text results were ordered by publication date (newest first) and relevance where more than 1,000 results were returned. Numbers are duplication rate (%) followed by total search records in parentheses.</p

    Overlap between Web of Science (WoS) and Google Scholar (GS) for title searches in Web of Science and the first 1,000 search results from title searches in Google Scholar.

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    <p>See <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0138237#pone.0138237.t002" target="_blank">Table 2</a> for case study explanations.</p

    Overlap between Web of Science (WoS) and Google Scholar (GS) for topic word searches in Web of Science and the first 1,000 search results from full text searches in Google Scholar.

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    <p>n/a corresponds to search results that were too voluminous to download in full. See <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0138237#pone.0138237.t002" target="_blank">Table 2</a> for case study explanations.</p

    Typical characteristics of academic citation databases and search engines.

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    <p>Typical characteristics of academic citation databases and search engines.</p

    The ability of Google Scholar to find included articles from six published systematic reviews.

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    <p><sup>1</sup> For those articles not found using Google Scholar, Web of Science searches were carried out using Bangor University subscription (Biological Abstracts, MEDLINE, SciELO Citation Index, Web of Science Core Collections, Zoological Record).</p><p>Records identified as citations are found only within reference lists of other articles (their existence is not verified by the presence of a publisher version or full text article, unlike hyperlinked citations).</p

    Duplication rates (proportion of total results that are duplicates) for Google Scholar and Web of Science for title-level, topic word and full text searches using 7 case study systematic review search strings.

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    <p>Numbers in parentheses correspond to the standard deviations of the individual case study duplication rates. Sample size refers to the number of search records in total, followed by the number of independent search strings (i.e. the number of case studies investigated).</p