14 research outputs found
Holzverbrennung in Feuerungsanlagen - Grundlagen - Emissionen - Entwicklung schadstoffarmer Kacheloefen
Starting from the chemical structure of the fuel and the basis of the formation of harmful substances, this work shows the basic processes in the combustion of wood. Based on this, the most important effects of parameters (e.g.: heat output, lumpiness of fuel) on the combustion process in technical combustion are shown and their effect on the emission of harmful substances is discussed. The text is supplemented by the author's own emission investigations on tiled stoves. Details are given on the basic relationship of the production of harmful substances during the combustion process, concentration profiles in the reaction zones and relationships between emission and working parameters of the stove. The previous work forms the basis for the development of the use of a tiled stove for heating with low emission of harmful substances and a basic stove combustion space. Both developments are shown and their emission depending on the combustion output and the quantity of wood used is discussed. (orig.)Ausgehend von dem chemischen Aufbau des Brennstoffes und den Grundlagen der Schadstoffbildung werden in dieser Arbeit die grundsaetzlichen Vorgaenge beim Holzabbrand anschaulich gezeigt. Aufbauend hierauf werden die wichtigsten Einflussgroessen (z.B.: Heizleistung, Stueckigkeit des Brennstoffs) auf den Verbrennungsprozess in technischen Feuerungen dargestellt und deren Auswirkungen auf die Schadstoffemissionen diskutiert. Ergaenzt werden die Ausfuehrungen durch eigene Emissions-Untersuchungen an Kacheloefen. Auf die grundsaetzlichen Zusammenhaenge der Schadstoffentstehung waehrend des Abbrandvorganges, Konzentrationsprofile in den Reaktionszonen und Zusammenhaenge zwischen Emissionen und Betriebsparameter der Oefen wird ausfuehrlich eingegangen. Die so vorangegangenen Arbeiten bildeten die Grundlage fuer die Entwicklung eines schadstoffarmen Kachelofen-Heizeinsatzes und eines Grundofen-Feuerraums. Beide Entwicklungen werden dargestellt und deren Emissionen in Abhaengigkeit der Feuerungsleistung und der Holzaufgabemenge diskutiert. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie (BMFT), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman
Emissionsmessungen an Heizanlagen der Stadt Stuttgart
SIGLETIB Hannover: RO 4448(7) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman
Entwicklung schadstoffarmer Kleinfeuerungsanlagen fuer die Brennstoffe Holz und Braunkohle Abschlussbericht
Wood fired domestic heating systems only cover a small part of the energy required for effective room heating and heating of the household water. Largely responsible for the high level of unburnt hydrocarbons are ovens badly designed for the fuel 'wood' as well as the often difficult usage of the stoves and the wide range of possibilities for the user to influence the process of combustion. In this work is given a vivid description of the process of wood burning, developed on the chemical structure of the fuel and the basic knowledge of pollutant formation. Based on this, the most important influences on this process of technical combustion (i.e. heating power, dimensions of the wood pieces) and their effects on the pollutants emissions are discussed. These statements are completed with Emissionexperiments on 'warm air' fire-places, done by ourselves. The basic correlations of the pollutant-formation during the combustion, the concentration profiles in the reaction-zone and the relations between emission and operating parameters of the stoves are explained in depth. Based on these works, a 'warm air' fireplace interior and a tile stove interior (special wood stove, totaly build of stones) are developed. Both developments and their emissions based on their performances and the quantity of wood used are discussed. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F93B513+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie (BMFT), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman
Ermittlung der mittleren Emissionsfaktoren zur Darstellung der Emissionsentwicklung aus Feuerungsanlagen im Bereich der Haushalte und Kleinverbraucher
The objective of the investigations was to establish emission factors for the most important flue gas components CO_2, CO, VOC, CH_4, NMVOC, benzene, particulate matter, SO_2, NO_x (as NO_2), N_2O, HCl, heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, V, Zn), polychlorinated dioxines and furanes (PCDD/PCDF) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) from combustion units in households, small consumer sector and armed forces. The emission factors were calculated with a high differentiation to the design of the applications, the operation mode, the range of the nominal heat output and the year of manufacture. The investigations took a closer look on the energy sources light fuel oil, heavy fuel oil, gaseous fuels, coke from hard coal, hard coal briquettes, lignite, brown coal briquettes from the mining areas 'Rheinland, Lausitz, Mitteldeutschland and Bohemia', untreated wood, wood materials and wood scraps and straw. The determination of the structure of the installed combustion units in Germany was carried out on the basis of the statistics of the trade of chimney sweeps in Germany as well as own surveys in selected chimney sweep districts in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen and Sachsen. Based on an extensive literature analysis the emission characteristics of the combustion units were described. There was made a difference between results of emission measurements otbained from the stands or field investigations. Own additional investigations were carried out for solid-fueled heating appliances on the institutes test stand and in field measurements in the New Bundeslaender. The emission amount was calculated with the structure-relevant emission factors and the final energy consumption of the individual heating appliances for room heating and hot water preparation in the reference year 1995 of the study. Finally, two emission scenarios were calculated in order to estimate the trend of future emissions up to the year 2020. (orig.)Ziel des Forschungsvorhabens war die Ermittlung von mittleren Emissionsfaktoren der wichtigen Abgasbestandteile CO_2, CO, VOC, CH_4, NMVOC, Benzol, Partikeln, SO_2, NO_x (als NO_2), N_2O, HCl, Schwermetalle (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, V, Zn), polychlorierte Dioxine und Furane (PCDD/PCDF) und polycyclische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAH) fuer Feuerungsanlagen im Bereich der Haushalte, Kleinverbraucher und Militaer. Die Emissionsfaktoren wurden, soweit die Datengrundlage es ermoeglichte, mit einem hohen Differenzierungsgrad nach Geraetebauart, Leistungsbereich und Betriebsweise fuer die Brennstoffe Heizoel EL, Heizoel S/SA, gasfoermige Brennstoffe, Steinkohlen, Steinkohlenkoks, Steinkohlenbriketts, Rohbraunkohle, Braunkohlenbriketts (Importe sowie Rheinisches, Lausitzer und Mitteldeusches Revier), naturbelassenes Holz und Resthoelzer ermittelt. Die Beschreibung der Anlagenstruktur der in den alten und neuen Bundeslaendern installierten Feuerungsanlagen erfolgte unter Verwendung der Statistiken zum Wohnungs- und Gebaeudebestand, des Schornsteinfegerhandwerks und durch eigene Erhebungen in ausgewaehlten Kehrbezirken in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen und Sachsen. Das Emissionsverhalten der Feuerungsanlagen wurde auf der Basis einer umfangreichen Literaturauswertung dokumentiert, wobei zwischen Ergebnissen aus Pruefstandsuntersuchungen und Feldmessungen unterschieden wurde. Ergaenzend hierzu wurden eigene Untersuchungen an Feuerstaetten fuer feste Brennstoffe auf dem Pruefstand und in Felduntersuchungen vorgenommen. Die Berechnung des Emissionsaufkommens fuer das Bezugsjahr 1995 der Studie erfolgte unter Verwendung des zuvor ermittelten geraetebezogenen Endenergieverbrauchs fuer die Erzeugung von Raumwaerme, Warmwasser sowie teilweise Prozesswaerme. Aufbauend auf dem ermittelten Emissionsaufkommen wurde anhand zweier Szenarien die weitere Entwicklung der Emissionen bis in das Jahr 2020 abgeschaetzt. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RN 8422(2000,14) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman
Schadstoffemissionen von Kleinfeuerungsanlagen Derzeitiger Stand - Moeglichkeiten zur Schadstoffminderung - zukuenftige Foerderschwerpunkte
Copy held by FIZ Karlsruhe; available from UB/TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman
Untersuchungen zum Auftreten von Geruechen und polyzyklischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen in Feuerungsabgasen Schlussbericht
With 39 refs., 31 figs., 12 tabs.TIB Hannover: FR 3421 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman
Emissionsminderung bei direkt befeuerten Holzbackoefen Abschlussbericht
SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F02B1003 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDeutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, Osnabrueck (Germany)DEGerman
Ermittlung und Evaluierung der Feinstaubemissionen aus Kleinfeuerungsanlagen im Bereich der Haushalte und Kleinverbraucher sowie Ableitung von geeigneten Massnahmen zur Emissionsminderung
Subject of this project was to determine new emission factors and the actual emission load of particulate matter from combustion appliances for solid and liquid fuels used by households and the small consumer sector in Germany. A difference for the emissions of particles was made between the total quantity of emitted particles and the particle fractions PM_1, PM_2_,_5, and PM_1_0. For the investigation, particle measurements were taken at commercial stoves, boilers and applicances on the test rig and at installed appliances of the small consumer sector. As a supplement, previously carried-out in-house investigations were utilised and data from literature evaluated. Additionally the emission behaviour and the emissions of particulate matter from boilers with oil burners were investigated on the test rig for the use of light fuel oils with differing sulphur contents and applying a ferrocene-containing additive. In the investigations, both the filterable and the condensable particle fractions of the emissions were ascertained for the substances concerned. It was the case for instance with combustion appliances for solid fuels when the exhausts contained higher concentrations of organic compounds. In the same way, the measurements at the oil-fired appliances besides the filtrable particles comprised the condensable emission fraction in the form of sulphuric acid. The emission load of particles in the year 2000 for the household and small consumer section is substantially determined by the combustion of solid fuels in combustion appliances within the scope of the 1"s"t BImSchV (Ordinance on Small Furnaces). About 94% of the calculated particle matter load originate from these firing systems. In the case of oil burners, the particle fractions PM_1 and PM_1_0 amount to between 88 and 100% of the total particulate matter emission. For solid fuels, the particle fractions PM_1 and PM_1_0 range between 64 and 99%. In the case of stoves the amount of the particle fractions depend on the utilised fuel above all and only little on the combustion conditions and the appliance construction. The percentrages of the particle fractions for oil-fired appliances depend on the sulphur content of the fuel and hence the sulphuric acid concentration in the exhaust gas, which also has a substantial impact on the total particule emission level. In the case of manually and mechanically charged wood-fired boilers not only the fuel but also the heat output and the exhaust gas cleaning installations (e.g. fabric filter) affect the particle distribution. By installing a fabric filter in a modern underfeed firing system operating with waste wood a particle reduction of more than 90% could be achieved. The reduction of the sulphur content to 0.1% by mass in light fuel oil results in a reduced emission of particles in the order of magnitude of 30% through lower sulphuric acid concentrations in the exhaust gas. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RN 8422(2003,41) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Berlin (Germany)DEGerman