256 research outputs found

    Influence of Primary Cosmic Radiation Mass Composition on the Estimation of Eas Energy

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    At the Yakutsk EAS array E_em is determined by using measurements of EAS Cherenkov light flux and charged particle flux. It is known from calculations that these characteristics depend on a sort of primary particle and, therefore, the estimation of E_em depends on a primary particle mass. In the work the dependence of the E_em/E_0 ratio on the energy is given and experimental data are compared with calculations by the QGSJET model. The calculations have been carried out for the primary proton and iron nucleus. The average calculated meaning of the value of E_em/E_0 ratio (between the proton and iron nucleus) within experimental errors is in agreement with experimental data that doesnt contradict to the mixed mass composition of primary cosmic radiation.Comment: 19th European Cosmic Ray Symposium. Aug 30 - Sep 3 2004, Florence, Italy. 3 pages, 1 figure. Subbmitted for publication in International Journal of Modern Physics

    Fluctuations of Xmax and Primary Particle Mass Composition in the Range of Energy 5 10^{17} - 3 10^{19} ev by Yakutsk Data

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    The experimental distributions of \Xmax obtained with the Yakutsk EAS array at fixed energies of 5×10175 \times10^{17}, 1×10181\times10^{18} and 5×10185\times10^{18} eV are analysed. A recent version of the QGSJET model is used as a tool of our analysis. In the framework of this model, the most adequate mass composition of primary particles satisfying the experimental data on \Xmax is selected.Comment: 19th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Aug 30 - Sep 3 2004, Florence, Italy. 3 pages, 1 figure. Submitted for publication in International Journal of Modern Physics

    Muons with E_th >= 1 Gev and Mass Composition in the Energy Range 10^{18}-10^{20} ev Observed by Yakutsk Eas Array

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    The ratio of the muon flux density to charged particle flux density at distances of 300 and 600 m from the shower axis (\rhom(300)/\rhos(300) and \rhom(600)/\rhos(600)) is measured. In addition, the energy dependence of \rhom(1000) is analysed for showers with energies above 101810^{18} eV. A comparison between the experimental data and calculations performed with the QGSJET model is given for the cases of primary proton, iron nucleus and gamma- ray. We conclude that the showers with \E\ge3\times10^{18} eV can be formed by light nuclei with a pronounced fraction of protons and helium nuclei. It is not excluded however that a small part of showers with energies above 101910^{19} eV could be initiated by primary gamma-rays.Comment: 19th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Aug 30 - Sep 3 2004, Florence, Italy. 3 pages, 1 figure. Submitted for publication in International Journal of Modern Physics

    Structure of (22\u3cem\u3eS\u3c/em\u3e)-3\u3cem\u3eβ\u3c/em\u3e-Acetoxy-20-(3-isopropylisoxazolin-5-yl)-4,4,14 \u3cem\u3eα\u3c/em\u3e-trimethylpregn-8(9)-ene

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    C32H51NO3, Mr = 497·7, orthorhombic, P212121, a = 7·577 (2), b = 10·510 (2), c = 35·399 (7) Å, V = 2819 (1) Å3, Z = 4, Dx = 1·173 g cm-3, λ (Mo Kα) = 0·71073 Å, μ = 0·69 cm-1, F(000) = 1096, T = 153 K, R = 0·0497 for 2235 observed reflections. The compound investigated is found to be a (22S)-epimer


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    The structure of β-homopipitzolone (one of the two isomers of an intermediate product in the homocedrole synthesis) has been unequivocally established as 1 O-hydroxy-2,6,9-trimetbyltricyclo[,6] dodeca-9-ene-5, II, 12-trione with relative IR,2R,6R,8S configuration