4,727 research outputs found

    Faraday Rotation, Band Splitting, and One-Way Propagation of Plasmon Waves on a Nanoparticle Chain

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    We calculate the dispersion relations of plasmonic waves propagating along a chain of semiconducting or metallic nanoparticles in the presence of both a static magnetic field B{\bf B} and a liquid crystalline host. The dispersion relations are obtained using the quasistatic approximation and a dipole-dipole approximation to treat the interaction between surface plasmons on different nanoparticles. For a plasmons propagating along a particle chain in a nematic liquid crystalline host with both B{\bf B} and the director parallel to the chain, we find a small, but finite, Faraday rotation angle. For B{\bf B} perpendicular to the chain, but director still parallel to the chain, the field couples the longitudinal and one of the two transverse plasmonic branches. This coupling is shown to split the two branches at the zero field crossing by an amount proportional to ∣B∣|{\bf B}|. In a cholesteric liquid crystal host and an applied magnetic field parallel to the chain, the dispersion relations for left- and right-moving waves are found to be different. For some frequencies, the plasmonic wave propagates only in one of the two directions.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1502.0496

    Model of the Longitudinal Spin Seebeck Coefficient of InSb in a Magnetic Field

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    We develop a simple theory for the longitudinal spin Seebeck effect in n-doped InSb in an external magnetic field. We consider spin-1/21/2 electrons in the conduction band of InSb with a temperature gradient parallel to the applied magnetic field. In the absence of spin-orbit interactions, a Boltzmann equation approach leads to a spin current parallel to the field and proportional to the temperature gradient. The calculated longitudinal spin Seebeck coefficients oscillates as a function of magnetic field B; the peak positions are approximately periodic in 1/B. The oscillations arise when the Fermi energy crosses the bottom of a Landau band.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Theory of plasmonic waves on a chain of metallic nanoparticles in a liquid crystalline host

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    A chain of metallic particles, of sufficiently small diameter and spacing, allows linearly polarized plasmonic waves to propagate along the chain. In this paper, we describes how these waves are altered when the liquid crystal host is a nematic or a cholesteric liquid crystal (NLC or CLC) with or without an applied magnetic field. We find that, in general, the liquid crystal host, either NLC or CLC, alters the dispersion relations of the transverse (TT) and longitudinal (LL) waves significantly from the dispersion relations for an isotropic host. We show that by altering the director axis of the liquid crystal relative to the long axis of the metallic chain, that the TT branch can be split into two non-degenerate linearly polarized branches (NLC host) or two non-degenerate elliptically polarized branches (CLC host). When an external magnetic field is applied parallel to both the long axis of the metallic particles and the director of the CLC host, we find that the dispersion relations are odd in an exchange in sign for ω\omega for the non-degenerate elliptically polarized TT branches. That is, the application of an external magnetic field leads to the realization of a one-way waveguide.Comment: 9 Pages, 3 Figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1210.150

    Graphene with adatoms: tuning the magnetic moment with an applied voltage

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    We show that, in graphene with a small concentration of adatoms, the total magnetic moment μT\mu_T can be switched on and off by varying the Fermi energy EFE_F, either by applying a gate voltage or by suitable chemical doping. Our calculation is carried out using a simple tight-binding model described previously, combined with a mean-field treatment of the electron-electron interaction on the adatom. The values of EFE_F at which the moment is turned on or off are controlled by the strength of the hopping between the graphene sheet and the adatom, the on-site energy of the adatom, and the strength of the electron-electron correlation energy U. Our result is in qualitatively consistent with recent experiments by Nair {\it et al.} [Nat.\ Commun.\ {\bf 4}, 2010 (2013)].Comment: 4 Pages, 1 Figur

    Tight-Binding Model for Adatoms on Graphene: Analytical Density of States, Spectral Function, and Induced Magnetic Moment

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    In the limit of low adatom concentration, we obtain exact analytic expressions for the local and total density of states (LDOS, TDOS) for a tight-binding model of adatoms on graphene. The model is not limited to nearest-neighbor hopping but can include hopping between carbon atoms at any separation. We also find an analytical expression for the spectral function A(k,E)A({\bf k}, E) of an electron of Bloch vector k{\bf k} and energy E on the graphene lattice, to first order in the adatom concentration. We treat the electron-electron interaction by including a Hubbard term on the adatom, which we solve within a mean-field approximation. For finite Hubbard UU, we find the spin-polarized LDOS, TDOS, and spectral function self-consistently. For any choice of parameters of the tight-binding model within mean field theory, we find a critical value of UU above which a moment develops on the adatom. For most choices of parameters, we find a substantial charge transfer from the adatom to the graphene host.Comment: 11 Pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Microscopes and computers combined for analysis of chromosomes

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    Scanning machine CHLOE, developed for photographic use, is combined with a digital computer to obtain quantitative and statistically significant data on chromosome shapes, distribution, density, and pairing. CHLOE permits data acquisition about a chromosome complement to be obtained two times faster than by manual pairing

    Al Jazeera and the DoD: The Need for Greater Engagement

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    A review of the recently published Capstone Concept for Joint Operations (CCJO) highlights a complex security environment marked by an ever-changing and easily accessible global information network. Because of this expanding phenomenon, military actions and operations will be conducted under increased media scrutiny and will require greater transparency especially for the international audience. Additionally, U.S. military operations within the Middle East will be widely scrutinized by a global Muslim audience, who has become more distrustful and critical of U.S. policies and military strategy. As such, this necessitates greater engagement with international news networks by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and its military services. In particular, the Al Jazeera Media Network represents one of the fastest growing and most influential news networks among the myriad media who dominate the global information environment. This research highlights the need for the DoD and the Joint Services to examine current communication strategies with the Al Jazeera Media Network and incorporate the findings into its senior leader engagement plan and its leader development strategies for public affairs and communication specialists
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