19 research outputs found

    Virus infection and grazing exert counteracting influences on survivorship of native bunchgrass seedlings competing with invasive exotics

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    1.  Invasive annual grasses introduced by European settlers have largely displaced native grassland vegetation in California and now form dense stands that constrain the establishment of native perennial bunchgrass seedlings. Bunchgrass seedlings face additional pressures from both livestock grazing and barley and cereal yellow dwarf viruses (B/CYDVs), which infect both young and established grasses throughout the state. 2.  Previous work suggested that B/CYDVs could mediate apparent competition between invasive exotic grasses and native bunchgrasses in California. 3.  To investigate the potential significance of virus-mediated mortality for early survivorship of bunchgrass seedlings, we compared the separate and combined effects of virus infection, competition and simulated grazing in a field experiment. We infected two species of young bunchgrasses that show different sensitivity to B/CYDV infection, subjected them to competition with three different densities of exotic annuals crossed with two clipping treatments, and monitored their growth and first-year survivorship. 4.  Although virus infection alone did not reduce first-year survivorship, it halved the survivorship of bunchgrasses competing with exotics. Within an environment in which competition strongly reduces seedling survivorship (as in natural grasslands), virus infection therefore has the power to cause additional seedling mortality and alter patterns of establishment. 5.  Surprisingly, clipping did not reduce bunchgrass survivorship further, but rather doubled it and disproportionately increased survivorship of infected bunchgrasses. 6.  Together with previous work, these findings show that B/CYDVs can be potentially powerful elements influencing species interactions in natural grasslands. 7.  More generally, our findings demonstrate the potential significance of multitrophic interactions in virus ecology. Although sometimes treated collectively as plant ‘predators’, viruses and herbivores may exert influences that are distinctly different, even counteracting

    Patterns of ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) colonization in mountain grasslands: the importance of management practices

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    International audienceWoody colonization of grasslands is often associated with changes in abiotic or biotic conditions or a combination of both. Widely used as fodder and litter in the past traditional agro-pastoral system, ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) has now become a colonizing species of mountain grasslands in the French Pyrenees. Its present distribution is dependent on past human activities and it is locally controlled by propagule pressure and abiotic conditions. However, even when all favourable conditions are met, all the potentially colonizable grasslands are not invaded. We hypothesize that management practices should play a crucial role in the control of ash colonization. From empirical field surveys we have compared the botanical composition of a set of grasslands (present and former) differing in management practices and level of ash colonization. We have displayed a kind of successional gradient positively linked to both ash cover and height but not to the age of trees. We have tested the relationships between ash presence in grassland and management types i.e. cutting and/or grazing, management intensity and some grassland communities' features i.e. total and local specific richness and species heterogeneity. Mixed use (cutting and grazing) is negatively linked to ash presence in grassland whereas grazing alone positively. Mixed use and high grazing intensity are directly preventing ash seedlings establishment, when low grazing intensity is allowing ash seedlings establishment indirectly through herbaceous vegetation neglected by livestock. Our results show the existence of a limit between grasslands with and without established ashes corresponding to a threshold in the intensity of use. Under this threshold, when ash is established, the colonization process seems to become irreversible. Ash possesses the ability of compensatory growth and therefore under a high grazing intensity develops a subterranean vegetative reproduction. However the question remains at which stage of seedling development and grazing intensity these strategies could occur

    Reintroduction of Nassella pulchra to California coastal grasslands: effects of topsoil removal, plant neighbour removal and grazing

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    Question: What is the most appropriate combination of treatments to reintroduce Nassella pulchra, a perennial bunchgrass, into degraded mediterranean coastal grasslands? Location: Central coast of California, USA. Methods: N. pulchra was sown from seeds and transplanted into a degraded grassland in a multi-factorial experiment testing the effects of (1) two grazing intensities (lightly grazed by native mammal species or ungrazed); (2) topsoil removal and (3) reduction of plant neighbours. The experiment was carried out on two types of surrounding vegetation (exotic annual grasses and exotic forbs). Results: Topsoil removal greatly enhanced establishment from seeds and transplant survival, mainly because it reduced the exotic vegetation and thus reduced competition. While removing neighbours was essential when topsoil was left intact, it had a negative effect on N. pulchra when surrounding species included exotic forbs (Brassica spec. and Asteraceae) at low density (after topsoil removal). Moderate grazing by native mammals (deer, rabbits and gophers) did not affect N. pulchra. Conclusion: Our results suggest that seeding after topsoil has been removed is a promising method to reintroduce N. pulchra to highly degraded sites where there is little to no native seed bank