94 research outputs found

    Midnight Story for a Sunny Day

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    The Diner

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    The psychological and spiritual quest for personal identity in the poetry of Theodore Roethke

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    In a panel discussion on “Identity” at Northwestern University in February of 1963, Theodore Roethke listed the major themes of his poetry; (1) the multiplicity, the chaos of modern life; (2) the way, the means of establishing a personal identity, a self, in the face of that chaos; (3) the nature of creation, that faculty for producing order out of disorder in the arts, particularly in poetry; and (4) the nature of God himself. The two major experimental sequences of poetry in Roethke’s career, included in The Lost Some and Other Poems (1948) and Praise to the End! (1951) are particularly representative of the above themes. They may be read as a psychological and spiritual quest for personal identity, an identity, for Roethke, absolutely essential in the face of the chaos of modern life

    Combined knockout of collecting duct endothelin A and B receptors causes hypertension and sodium retention

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    The collecting duct (CD) endothelin (ET) system regulates blood pressure (BP) and Na excretion. CD-specific knockout (KO) of ET-1 causes hypertension, CD-specific KO of the ETA receptor does not alter BP, while CD-specific KO of the ETB receptor increases BP to a lesser extent than CD ET-1 KO. These findings suggest a paracrine role for CD-derived ET-1; however, they do not exclude compensation for the loss of one ET receptor by the other. To examine this, mice with CD-specific KO of both ETA and ETB receptors were generated (CD ETA/B KO). CD ETA/B KO mice excreted less urinary Na than controls during acute or chronic Na loading. Urinary aldosterone excretion and plasma renin concentration were similar during Na intake and both fell comparably during Na loading. On a normal sodium diet, CD ETA/B KO mice had increased BP, which increased further with high salt intake. The degree of BP elevation during normal Na intake was similar to CD ET-1 KO mice and higher than CD ETB KO animals. During 1 wk of Na loading, CD ETA/B KO mice had higher BPs than CD ETB KO, while BP was less than CD ET-1 KOs until the latter days of Na loading. These studies suggest that 1) CD ETA/B deficiency causes salt-sensitive hypertension, 2) CD ETA/B KO-associated Na retention is associated with failure to suppress the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, and 3) CD ETA and ETB receptors exerts a combined hypotensive effect that exceeds that of either receptor alone

    Altered collecting duct adenylyl cyclase content in collecting duct endothelin-1 knockout mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Endothelin-1 (ET-1) inhibition of vasopressin (AVP)-stimulated water reabsorption by the inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD) is associated with reduced cAMP accumulation. To determine the effect of ET-1 deficiency, AVP-stimulated cAMP responsiveness was assessed in IMCD from mice with collecting duct-specific deletion of ET-1 (CD ET-1 KO) and from control animals.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cyclic AMP production, adenylyl cyclase (AC) mRNA, and AC protein were measured in acutely isolated IMCD.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>CD ET-1 KO IMCD had enhanced AVP-stimulated cAMP accumulation. Inhibition of calcium-stimulated AC using BAPTA did not prevent enhanced AVP responsiveness in CD ET-1 KO IMCD. Factors known to be modified by ET-1, including nitric oxide, cyclooxygenase metabolites, and superoxide did not affect the increased AVP responsiveness of CD ET-1 KO IMCD. Differential V2 receptor or G-protein activity was not involved since CD ET-1 KO IMCD had increased cAMP accumulation in response to forskolin and/or cholera toxin. CD ET-1 KO did not affect mRNA or protein levels of AC3, one of the major known collecting duct AC isoforms. However, the other known major collecting duct AC isoform (AC5/6) did have increased protein levels in CD ET-1 KO IMCD, although AC5 (weak signal) and 6 mRNA levels were unchanged.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>ET-1 deficiency increases IMCD AC5/6 content, an effect that may synergize with acute ET-1 inhibition of AVP-stimulated cAMP accumulation.</p

    Bacterial Effector Binding to Ribosomal Protein S3 Subverts NF-κB Function

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    Enteric bacterial pathogens cause food borne disease, which constitutes an enormous economic and health burden. Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) causes a severe bloody diarrhea following transmission to humans through various means, including contaminated beef and vegetable products, water, or through contact with animals. EHEC also causes a potentially fatal kidney disease (hemolytic uremic syndrome) for which there is no effective treatment or prophylaxis. EHEC and other enteric pathogens (e.g., enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC), Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia) utilize a type III secretion system (T3SS) to inject virulence proteins (effectors) into host cells. While it is known that T3SS effectors subvert host cell function to promote diarrheal disease and bacterial transmission, in many cases, the mechanisms by which these effectors bind to host proteins and disrupt the normal function of intestinal epithelial cells have not been completely characterized. In this study, we present evidence that the E. coli O157:H7 nleH1 and nleH2 genes encode T3SS effectors that bind to the human ribosomal protein S3 (RPS3), a subunit of nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB) transcriptional complexes. NleH1 and NleH2 co-localized with RPS3 in the cytoplasm, but not in cell nuclei. The N-terminal region of both NleH1 and NleH2 was required for binding to the N-terminus of RPS3. NleH1 and NleH2 are autophosphorylated Ser/Thr protein kinases, but their binding to RPS3 is independent of kinase activity. NleH1, but not NleH2, reduced the nuclear abundance of RPS3 without altering the p50 or p65 NF-κB subunits or affecting the phosphorylation state or abundance of the inhibitory NF-κB chaperone IκBα NleH1 repressed the transcription of a RPS3/NF-κB-dependent reporter plasmid, but did not inhibit the transcription of RPS3-independent reporters. In contrast, NleH2 stimulated RPS3-dependent transcription, as well as an AP-1-dependent reporter. We identified a region of NleH1 (N40-K45) that is at least partially responsible for the inhibitory activity of NleH1 toward RPS3. Deleting nleH1 from E. coli O157:H7 produced a hypervirulent phenotype in a gnotobiotic piglet model of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli infection. We suggest that NleH may disrupt host innate immune responses by binding to a cofactor of host transcriptional complexes