136 research outputs found

    Mothers’ work–family conflict and enrichment:associations with parenting quality and couple relationship

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    Background Employment participation of mothers of young children has steadily increased in developed nations. Combining work and family roles can create conflicts with family life, but can also bring enrichment.Work–family conflict and enrichment experienced by mothers may also impact children’s home environments via parenting behaviour and the couple relationship, particularly in the early years of parenting when the care demands for young children is high. Methods In order to examine these associations, while adjusting for a wide range of known covariates of parenting and relationship quality, regression models using survey data from 2151 working mothers of 4- to 5-year-old children are reported. Results/Conclusion Results provided partial support for the predicted independent relationships between work–family conflict, enrichment and indicators of the quality of parenting and the couple relationship

    Non-linear relationship between maternal work hours and child body weight: Evidence from the Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort (Raine) Study

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    Using longitudinal data from the Western Australia Pregnancy Cohort (Raine) Study and both random-effects and fixed-effects models, this study examined the connection between maternal work hours and child overweight or obesity. Following children in two-parent families from early childhood to early adolescence, multivariate analyses revealed a non-linear and developmentally dynamic relationship. Among preschool children (ages 2 to 5), we found lower likelihood of child overweight and obesity when mothers worked 24 h or less per week, compared to when mothers worked 35 or more hours. This effect was stronger in low-to-medium income families. For older children (ages 8 to 14), compared to working 35–40 h a week, working shorter hours (1–24, 25–34) or longer hours (41 or more) was both associated with increases in child overweight and obesity. These non-linear effects were more pronounced in low-to-medium income families, particularly when fathers also worked long hours

    Parents' nonstandard work and child wellbeing: a critical review of the existing literature

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    The rising prevalence of nonstandard work among parents in the era of the 24-hour/7-day economy in developed countries has raised a concern about its possible impacts on children’s health and development. This paper provides a comprehensive and critical review of literature on this topic. To date researchers have examined (a) three developmental outcomes: mental health and behavioral problems, cognitive development, and childhood obesity; (b) family processes: parental time spent with children, parental monitoring, parent-child closeness, and the home environment and (c) other child outcomes: school engagement, extracurricular activities, and sleep patterns. Findings from research that used rigorous methodology show consistent associations between nonstandard work and poor child outcomes. This association is more pronounced in disadvantaged families and magnified when parents work nonstandard hours full-time. A similar association was found between nonstandard work and family processes. The paper discusses the strengths and limitations of existing research and directions for future research

    Contemporary contestations over working time: time for health to weigh in

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    Non-communicable disease (NCD) incidence and prevalence is of central concern to most nations, along with international agencies such as the UN, OECD, IMF and World Bank. As a result, the search has begun for ‘causes of the cause’ behind health risks and behaviours responsible for the major NCDs. As part of this effort, researchers are turning their attention to charting the temporal nature of societal changes that might be associated with the rapid rise in NCDs. From this, the experience of time and its allocation are increasingly understood to be key individual and societal resources for health (7–9). The interdisciplinary study outlined in this paper will produce a systematic analysis of the behavioural health dimensions, or ‘health time economies’ (quantity and quality of time necessary for the practice of health behaviours), that have accompanied labour market transitions of the last 30 years - the period in which so many NCDs have risen sharply

    Fault-tolerant grid-based solvers: Combining concepts from sparse grids and MapReduce

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    A key issue confronting petascale and exascale computing is the growth in probability of soft and hard faults with increasing system size. A promising approach to this problem is the use of algorithms that are inherently fault tolerant. We introduce such an algorithm for the solution of partial differential equations, based on the sparse grid approach. Here, the solution of multiple component grids are efficiently combined to achieve a solution on a full grid. The technique also lends itself to a (modified) MapReduce framework on a cluster of processors, with the map stage corresponding to allocating each component grid for solution over a subset of the processors, and the reduce stage corresponding to their combination. We describe how the sparse grid combination method can be modified to robustly solve partial differential equations in the presence of faults. This is based on a modified combination formula that can accommodate the loss of one or two component grids. We also discuss accuracy issues associated with this formula. We give details of a prototype implementation within a MapReduce framework using the dynamic process features and asynchronous message passing facilities of MPI. Results on a two-dimensional advection problem show that the errors after the loss of one or two sub-grids are within a factor of 3 of the sparse grid solution in the presence of no faults. They also indicate that the sparse grid technique with four times the resolution has approximately the same error as a full grid, while requiring (for a sufficiently high resolution) much lower computation and memory requirements. We finally outline a MapReduce variant capable of responding to faults in ways other than re-scheduling of failed tasks. We discuss the likely software requirements for such a flexible MapReduce framework, the requirements it will impose on users’ legacy codes, and the system's runtime behavior.J. W. Larson, M. Hegland, B. Harding, S. Roberts, L. Stals, A. P. Rendell, P. Strazdins, M. M. Ali, C. Kowitz, R. Nobes, J. Southern, N. Wilson, M. Li, Y. Oish

    Intra-Household Work Timing: The Effect on Joint Activities and the Demand for Child Care

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    This study examines whether couples time their work hours and how this work timing influences child care demand and the time that spouses jointly spend on leisure, household chores, and child care. By using an innovative matching strategy, this study identifies the timing of work hours that cannot be explained by factors other than the partners' potential to communicate about the timing of their work. The main findings are that couples with children create less overlap in their work times and this effect is more pronounced the younger the children. We find evidence for a togetherness preference of spouses, but only for childless couples. Work timing also influences the joint time that is spent on household chores, but the effect is small. Finally, work timing behaviour affects the demand for informal child care, but not the demand for formal child care

    The limitations of employment as a tool for social inclusion

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>One important component of social inclusion is the improvement of well-being through encouraging participation in employment and work life. However, the ways that employment contributes to wellbeing are complex. This study investigates how poor health status might act as a barrier to gaining good quality work, and how good quality work is an important pre-requisite for positive health outcomes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This study uses data from the PATH Through Life Project, analysing baseline and follow-up data on employment status, psychosocial job quality, and mental and physical health status from 4261 people in the Canberra and Queanbeyan region of south-eastern Australia. Longitudinal analyses conducted across the two time points investigated patterns of change in employment circumstances and associated changes in physical and mental health status.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Those who were unemployed and those in poor quality jobs (characterised by insecurity, low marketability and job strain) were more likely to remain in these circumstances than to move to better working conditions. Poor quality jobs were associated with poorer physical and mental health status than better quality work, with the health of those in the poorest quality jobs comparable to that of the unemployed. For those who were unemployed at baseline, pre-existing health status predicted employment transition. Those respondents who moved from unemployment into poor quality work experienced an increase in depressive symptoms compared to those who moved into good quality work.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This evidence underlines the difficulty of moving from unemployment into good quality work and highlights the need for social inclusion policies to consider people's pre-existing health conditions and promote job quality.</p

    Exploring men's and women's experiences of depression and engagement with health professionals: more similarities than differences? A qualitative interview study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It is argued that the ways in which women express emotional distress mean that they are more likely to be diagnosed with depression, while men's relative lack of articulacy means their depression is hidden. This may have consequences for communicating with health professionals. The purpose of this analysis was to explore how men and women with depression articulate their emotional distress, and examine whether there are gender differences or similarities in the strategies that respondents found useful when engaging with health professionals.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In-depth qualitative interviews with 22 women and 16 men in the UK who identified themselves as having had depression, recruited through general practitioners, psychiatrists and support groups.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found gender similarities and gender differences in our sample. Both men and women found it difficult to recognise and articulate mental health problems and this had consequences for their ability to communicate with health professionals. Key gender differences noted were that men tended to value skills which helped them to talk while women valued listening skills in health professionals, and that men emphasised the importance of getting practical results from talking therapies in their narratives, as opposed to other forms of therapy which they conceptualised as 'just talking'. We also found diversity among women and among men; some respondents valued a close personal relationship with health professionals, while others felt that this personal relationship was a barrier to communication and preferred 'talking to a stranger'.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings suggest that there is not a straightforward relationship between gender and engagement with health professionals for people with depression. Health professionals need to be sensitive to patients who have difficulties in expressing emotional distress and critical of gender stereotypes which suggest that women invariably find it easy to express emotional distress and men invariably find it difficult. In addition it is important to recognise that, for a minority of patients, a personal relationship with health professionals can act as a barrier to the disclosure of emotional distress.</p

    Analyzing musculoskeletal neck pain, measured as present pain and periods of pain, with three different regression models: a cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the literature there are discussions on the choice of outcome and the need for more longitudinal studies of musculoskeletal disorders. The general aim of this longitudinal study was to analyze musculoskeletal neck pain, in a group of young adults. Specific aims were to determine whether psychosocial factors, computer use, high work/study demands, and lifestyle are long-term or short-term factors for musculoskeletal neck pain, and whether these factors are important for developing or ongoing musculoskeletal neck pain.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Three regression models were used to analyze the different outcomes. Pain at present was analyzed with a marginal logistic model, for number of years with pain a Poisson regression model was used and for developing and ongoing pain a logistic model was used. Presented results are odds ratios and proportion ratios (logistic models) and rate ratios (Poisson model). The material consisted of web-based questionnaires answered by 1204 Swedish university students from a prospective cohort recruited in 2002.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Perceived stress was a risk factor for pain at present (PR = 1.6), for developing pain (PR = 1.7) and for number of years with pain (RR = 1.3). High work/study demands was associated with pain at present (PR = 1.6); and with number of years with pain when the demands negatively affect home life (RR = 1.3). Computer use pattern (number of times/week with a computer session ≥ 4 h, without break) was a risk factor for developing pain (PR = 1.7), but also associated with pain at present (PR = 1.4) and number of years with pain (RR = 1.2). Among life style factors smoking (PR = 1.8) was found to be associated to pain at present. The difference between men and women in prevalence of musculoskeletal pain was confirmed in this study. It was smallest for the outcome ongoing pain (PR = 1.4) compared to pain at present (PR = 2.4) and developing pain (PR = 2.5).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>By using different regression models different aspects of neck pain pattern could be addressed and the risk factors impact on pain pattern was identified. Short-term risk factors were perceived stress, high work/study demands and computer use pattern (break pattern). Those were also long-term risk factors. For developing pain perceived stress and computer use pattern were risk factors.</p
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