1,549 research outputs found

    Music Recommender Systems Challenges and Opportunities for Non-Superstar Artists

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    Music Recommender Systems (MRS) are important drivers in music industry and are widely adopted by music platforms. Other than most MRS research exploring MRS from a technical or from a consumers’ perspective, this work focuses on the impact, value generation, challenges and opportunities for those, who contribute the core value, i.e. the artists. We outline the non-superstar artist’s perspective on MRS, and explore the question if and how non-superstar artists may benefit from MRS to foster their professional advancement. Thereby, we explain several techniques how MRS generate recommendations and discuss their impact on non- superstar artists

    Paterno v. Laser Spine Institute: Did the New York Court of Appeals\u27 Misapplication of Unjustified Policy Fears Lead to A Miscarriage of Justice and the Creation of Inadequate Precedent for the Proper Use of the Empire State’s Long-Arm Statute?

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    This article discusses CPLR section 302(a)(1) as applied by the New York State Court of Appeals in Paterno v. Laser Spine Institute. The Paterno Court failed to properly apply a statutory jurisdictional analysis by conflating it with a due process inquiry. Also, the Court unnecessarily balanced the interests of the Empire State\u27s citizens in having a forum for access to justice with unjustified policy fears of potential costs to the state from assertions of in personam jurisdiction. Furthermore, the Court\u27s policy focus4 on the protection of medical doctors from lawsuits and the prevention of “floodgate” litigation which would adversely affect the medical profession was not justified by the record and created poor precedent for subsequent judicial application of the state\u27s long-arm statute. This article will examine CPLR section 302(a)(1), under Paterno v. Laser Spine Institute and some of its predecessors, to demonstrate that sometimes overarching policy concerns get in the way of a strict statutory analysis under CPLR section 302(a)(1). We analyze how the Court of Appeals in Paterno conflated the jurisdictional basis and due process analyses and determine that the Court, based on a faulty statutory analysis, erroneously decided that there was no statutory jurisdiction. Our article is divided into six parts. Part II briefly discusses the history of the CPLR and the manner of obtaining jurisdiction through Sections 301 and 302, focusing mainly on long-arm jurisdiction. Part III discusses and analyzes leading cases, which involve the application of CPLR 302 in obtaining personal jurisdiction. Part IV discusses a recent case, Paterno v. Laser Spine Institute, in great detail, and Part V engages in a critical analysis of Paterno with reference to a similar case, Grimaldi v. Guinn. Part VI addresses policy considerations and Part VII concludes with a discussion of how the Paterno Court entangled its jurisdictional analysis and where the Court may be headed with its future application of CPLR section 302(a)(1)

    An Open Model for Researching the Role of Culture in Online Self-Disclosure

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    The analysis of consumers’ personal information (PI) is a significant source to learn about consumers. In online settings, many consumers disclose PI abundantly - this is particularly true for information provided on social network services. Still, people manage the privacy level they want to maintain by disclosing by disclosing PI accordingly. In addition, studies have shown that consumers’ online self-disclosure (OSD) differs across cultures. Therefore, intelligent systems should consider cultural issues when collecting, processing, storing or protecting data from consumers. However, existing studies typically rely on a comparison of two cultures, providing valuable insights but not drawing a comprehensive picture. We introduce an open research model for cultural OSD research, based on the privacy calculus theory. Our open research model incorporates six cultural dimensions, six predictors, and 24 structured propositions. It represents a comprehensive approach that provides a basis to explain possible cultural OSD phenomena in a systematic way

    Neomycin resistance as a dominant selectable marker for selection and isolation of vaccinia virus recombinants

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    The antibiotic G418 was shown to be an effective inhibitor of vaccinia virus replication when an appropriate concentration of it was added to cell monolayers 48 h before infection. Genetic engineering techniques were used in concert with DNA transfection protocols to construct vaccinia virus recombinants containing the neomycin resistance gene (neo) from transposon Tn5. These recombinants contained the neo gene linked in either the correct or incorrect orientation relative to the vaccinia virus 7.5-kilodalton gene promoter which is expressed constitutively throughout the course of infection. The vaccinia virus recombinant containing the chimeric neo gene in the proper orientation was able to grow and form plaques in the presence of G418, whereas both the wild-type and the recombinant virus with the neo gene in the opposite polarity were inhibited by more than 98%. The effect of G418 on virus growth may be mediated at least in part by selective inhibition of the synthesis of a subset of late viral proteins. These results are discussed with reference to using this system, the conferral of resistance to G418 with neo as a positive selectable marker, to facilitate constructing vaccinia virus recombinants which contain foreign genes of interest

    Expression of Sindbis virus structural proteins via recombinant vaccinia virus: synthesis, processing, and incorporation into mature Sindbis virions

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    We have obtained a vaccinia virus recombinant which contains a complete cDNA copy of the 26S RNA of Sindbis virus within the thymidine kinase gene of the vaccinia virus genome. This recombinant constitutively transcribed the Sindbis sequences throughout the infectious cycle, reflecting the dual early-late vaccinia promoter used in this construction. The Sindbis-derived transcripts were translationally active, giving rise to both precursor and mature structural proteins of Sindbis virus, including the capsid protein (C), the precursor of glycoprotein E2 (PE2), and the two mature envelope glycoproteins (E1 and E2). These are the same products translated from the 26S mRNA during Sindbis infection, and thus these proteins were apparently cleaved, glycosylated, and transported in a manner analogous to that seen during authentic Sindbis infections. By using epitope-specific antibodies, it was possible to demonstrate that recombinant-derived proteins were incorporated into Sindbis virions during coinfections with monoclonal antibody-resistant Sindbis variants. These results suggest that all the information necessary to specify the proper biogenesis of Sindbis virus structural proteins resides within the 26S sequences and that vaccinia may provide an appropriate system for using DNA molecular genetic manipulations to unravel a variety of questions pertinent to RNA virus replication

    Metaheuristics for the Order Batching Problem in Manual Order Picking Systems

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    In manual order picking systems, order pickers walk or drive through a distribution warehouse in order to collect items which are requested by (internal or external) customers. In order to perform these operations effciently, it is usually required that customer orders are combined into (more substantial) picking orders of limited size. The Order Batching Problem considered in this paper deals with the question of how a given set of customer orders should be combined such that the total length of all tours is minimized which are necessary to collect all items. The authors introduce two metaheuristic approaches for the solution of this problem; the rst one is based on Iterated Local Search, the second one on Ant Colony Optimization. In a series of extensive numerical experiments, the newly developed approaches are benchmarked against classic solution methods. It is demonstrated that the proposed methods are not only superior to existing methods, but provide solutions which may allow for operating distribution warehouses signicantly more effcient.Warehouse Management, Order Picking, Order Batching, Iterated Local Search, Ant Colony Optimization

    Investment in Irrigation Systems under Weather Uncertainty

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    Irrigated agriculture will play a crucial role to meet future food demand, but a sustainable water resource management in agriculture is crucial as well. Therefore, the European Water Framework Directive promotes several measures, e.g., the adoption of adequate water pricing mechanisms or the promotion of water-saving irrigation techniques. Since production conditions such as weather and climate development are uncertain, farmers might be reluctant to invest in a water-saving but capital intensive irrigation system. We apply a stochastic dynamic programming approach to analyze a farmer’s optimal investment strategy for either a water–saving drip irrigation system or sprinkler irrigation system under weather uncertainty and assess the probability of adopting either irrigation system until the year 2040. We design two policy scenarios: (i) irrigation water pricing and (ii) equipment subsidies for drip irrigation, and investigate how they affect the farmer’s optimal investment strategy. Our case study analysis is performed for the region Marchfeld, a typical semi-arid agricultural production region in Austria. We use data from the bio-physical process simulation model EPIC (Environmental Policy Integrated Climate) which accounts for site and management related characteristics as well as weather parameters from a statistical climate change model. We find that investment in drip irrigation is unlikely unless subsidies for equipment cost are granted. Even water prices do not increase the probability to adopt a drip irrigation system, but rather decrease the probability to invest into either irrigation system.Irrigation investment, stochastic dynamic programming approach, water policies, weather uncertainty, EPIC, Farm Management, Risk and Uncertainty,