33 research outputs found

    Efficient response of an onshore Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter using a one-phase SPH model coupled with a multiphysics library

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    In this paper the numerical modelling of an Oscillating Water Column (OWC) Wave Energy Converter (WEC) is studied using DualSPHysics, a software that applies the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method. SPH is a Lagrangian meshless method used in a growing range of applications within the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The power take-off (PTO) system of the OWC WEC is numerically modelled by adding a force on a plate floating on top of the free surface inside the OWC chamber. That force is implemented in the multiphysics library Project Chrono, which avoids the need of simulating the air phase that is computationally expensive in the SPH methods. Validation is carried out with experimental data received from the Korea Research Institute of Ship and Ocean Engineering (KRISO) and Ocean Energy Systems (OES) of the International Energy Agency (IEA) Task 10. The numerical and experimental water surface elevation at the centre of the OWC WEC chamber and the airflow speed through the orifice are compared for different wave conditions and different PTO systems (different orifice diameters at the top part of the chamber of the OWC WEC). Results show that DualSPHysics is a valid tool to model an OWC WEC with and without PTO system, even though no air phase is included.Research Foundation - Flanders | Ref. 1SC5421NXunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2021/44Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciĂłn | Ref. IJCI-2017-3259

    Wave propagation over posidonia oceanica: large scale experiments

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    Posidonia oceanica meadows are considered to be of high importance to the environmental conservation in the Mediterranean Sea, supporting a highly biodiverse habitat and protecting from coastal erosion. In the CIEM wave flume of LIM/UPC (Barcelona, Spain) large scale experiments have been conducted for measuring wave attenuation, transmission and energy dissipation over artificial P. oceanica in intermediate and shallow waters. The effects of submergence ratio hs/D (hs = height of seagrass, D = water depth) and seagrass density (number of stems per squared meter) on the above characteristics are investigated. Mean velocities above and within the simulated P. oceanica are measured and the wave induced flow within the seagrass, which influences processes such as nutrient uptake, waste removal and larval dispersion, is estimated. A meadow with a total length of 10.70 m was constructed using polypropylene artificial plants. Measurements of wave height at different locations along the meadow indicate attenuation of waves for three different submergence ratios (hs/D), two seagrass densities (stems/m2) and various wave conditions. Results are also analysed with regard to the wave induced flow within the field and the effects of hs/D and seagrass density on mean flow characteristics are investigated based on measurements of mean velocities taken within the meadow.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Experimental study of a moored floating Oscillating Water Column Wave-Energy Converter and of a moored cubic box

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    This paper describes experimental research on a floating moored Oscillating Water Column (OWC)-type Wave-Energy Converter (WEC) carried out in the wave flume of the Coastal Engineering Research Group of Ghent University. This research has been introduced to cover the existing data scarcity and knowledge gaps regarding response of moored floating OWC WECs. The obtained data will be available in the future for the validation of nonlinear numerical models. The experiment focuses on the assessment of the nonlinear motion and mooring-line response of a 1:25 floating moored OWC WEC model to regular waves. The OWC WEC model motion has 6 degrees of freedom and is limited by a symmetrical 4-point mooring system. The model is composed of a chamber with an orifice on top of it to simulate the power-take-off (PTO) system and the associated damping of the motion of the OWC WEC model. In the first place, the motion response in waves of the moored floating OWC WEC model is investigated and the water surface elevation in the OWC WEC chamber is measured. Secondly, two different mooring-line materials (iron chains and nylon ropes) are tested and the corresponding OWC WEC model motions and mooring-line tensions are measured. The performance of these two materials is similar in small-amplitude waves but different in large wave-amplitude conditions. Thirdly, the influence of different PTO conditions is investigated by varying the diameter of the top orifice of the OWC WEC model. The results show that the PTO damping does not affect the OWC WEC motion but has an impact on the water surface elevation inside the OWC chamber. In addition, an unbalanced mooring configuration is discussed. Finally, the obtained data for a moored cubic model in waves are presented, which is a benchmarking case for future validation purposes.Research Foundation - Flanders | Ref. 3G029114Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciĂłn | Ref. ENE2016-75074-C2-1-

    Design Features of the Upcoming Coastal and Ocean Basin in Ostend, Belgium, for Coastal and Offshore Engineering Applications

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    The new Coastal and Ocean Basin (COB) located at the Greenbridge Science Park in Ostend, Belgium is under construction since February 2017. The laboratory will provide a versatile facility that will make a wide range of physical modelling studies possible, including the ability to generate waves in combination with currents and wind at a wide range of model scales. The facility is serving the needs in Flanders, Belgium, in the fields of mainly offshore renewable energy and coastal engineering. The COB will allow users to conduct tests for coastal and offshore engineering research and commercial projects. The basin will have state-of-the-art generating and absorbing wavemakers, a current generation system, and a wind generator. It will be possible to generate waves and currents in the same, opposite and oblique directions. The basin is expected to be operational in 2019. This paper presents an overview of the basin’s capabilities, the ongoing work, and selected results from the design of the COB

    CFD Simulations of Floating Point Absorber Wave Energy Converter Arrays Subjected to Regular Waves

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    In this paper we use the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) toolbox OpenFOAM to perform numerical simulations of multiple floating point absorber wave energy converters (WECs) arranged in a geometrical array configuration inside a numerical wave tank (NWT). The two-phase Navier-Stokes fluid solver is coupled with a motion solver to simulate the hydrodynamic flow field around the WECs and the wave-induced rigid body heave motion of each WEC within the array. In this study, the numerical simulations of a single WEC unit are extended to multiple WECs and the complexity of modelling individual floating objects close to each other in an array layout is tackled. The NWT is validated for fluid-structure interaction (FSI) simulations by using experimental measurements for an array of two, five and up to nine heaving WECs subjected to regular waves. The validation is achieved by using mathematical models to include frictional forces observed during the experimental tests. For all the simulations presented, a good agreement is found between the numerical and the experimental results for the WECs’ heave motions, the surge forces on the WECs and the perturbed wave field around the WECs. As a result, our coupled CFD–motion solver proves to be a suitable and accurate toolbox for the study of fluid-structure interaction problems of WEC arrays

    Wake Effect Assessment in Long- and Short-Crested Seas of Heaving-Point Absorber and Oscillating Wave Surge WEC Arrays

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    In the recent years, the potential impact of wave energy converter (WEC) arrays on the surrounding wave field has been studied using both phase-averaging and phase-resolving wave propagation models. Obtaining understanding of this impact is important because it may affect other users in the sea or on the coastline. However, in these models a parametrization of the WEC power absorption is often adopted. This may lead to an overestimation or underestimation of the overall WEC array power absorption, and thus to an unrealistic estimation of the potential WEC array impact. WEC array power absorption is a result of energy extraction from the incoming waves, and thus wave height decrease is generally observed downwave at large distances (the so-called “wake” or “far-field” effects). Moreover, the power absorption depends on the mutual interactions between the WECs of an array (the so-called “near field” effects). To deal with the limitations posed by wave propagation models, coupled models of recent years, which are nesting wave-structure interaction solvers into wave propagation models, have been used. Wave-structure interaction solvers can generally provide detailed hydrodynamic information around the WECs and a more realistic representation of wave power absorption. Coupled models have shown a lower WEC array impact in terms of wake effects compared to wave propagation models. However, all studies to date in which coupled models are employed have been performed using idealized long-crested waves. Ocean waves propagate with a certain directional spreading that affects the redistribution of wave energy in the lee of WEC arrays, and thus gaining insight wake effect for irregular short-crested sea states is crucial. In our research, a new methodology is introduced for the assessment of WEC array wake effects for realistic sea states. A coupled model is developed between the wave-structure interaction solver NEMOH and the wave propagation model MILDwave. A parametric study is performed showing a comparison between WEC array wake effects for regular, long-crested irregular, and short-crested irregular waves. For this investigation, a nine heaving-point absorber array is used for which the wave height reduction is found to be up to 8% lower at 1.0 km downwave the WEC array when changing from long-crested to short-crested irregular waves. Also, an oscillating wave surge WEC array is simulated and the overestimation of the wake effects in this case is up to 5%. These differences in wake effects between different wave types indicates the need to consider short-crested irregular waves to avoid overestimating the WEC array potential impacts. The MILDwave-NEMOH coupled model has proven to be a reliable numerical tool, with an efficient computational effort for simulating the wake effects of two different WEC arrays under the action of a range of different sea states