6 research outputs found

    Une collection de musique populaire suisse

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    Canti liturgici popolari nel Ticino. Liturgia eucaristica e dell’ufficiatura funebre (enregistrements Arnold Geering, 1949-1952) ; Vespro 1983, enregistrements Pietro Bianchi, Texte de prĂ©sentation : P. Bianchi. Un microsillon Fata Morgana FM 84022, 1984. Der VolksliedsĂ€nger und -forscher Hanns in der Gand. Enregistrements 1925-1934. Texte de prĂ©sentation : Christine Burckhardt-Seebass. Un microsillon Fata Morgana FM 84023, 1984. Musique populaire suisse. Collection Constantin Brăiloiu. Chans..

    Une collection de musique populaire suisse

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    Canti liturgici popolari nel Ticino. Liturgia eucaristica e dell’ufficiatura funebre (enregistrements Arnold Geering, 1949-1952) ; Vespro 1983, enregistrements Pietro Bianchi, Texte de prĂ©sentation : P. Bianchi. Un microsillon Fata Morgana FM 84022, 1984. Der VolksliedsĂ€nger und -forscher Hanns in der Gand. Enregistrements 1925-1934. Texte de prĂ©sentation : Christine Burckhardt-Seebass. Un microsillon Fata Morgana FM 84023, 1984. Musique populaire suisse. Collection Constantin Brăiloiu. Chans..

    Substernal goiters

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    Background: Substernal goiter, also said cervico-mediastinic goiter, is a thyroid formation with cervical departure that goes beyond, with stretched neck, the superior thoracic strait for at least 3 cm and that preserves, generally, the parenchimal or fibrous connections between the cervical and thoracic portion, maintaining a direct vascularization supplied by the thyroid arteries. The prevalence of this pathology is very variable and fluctuates between 1.7% and 30% of all thyroid damages. The actual classification is provided by the radiologic examination of the chest and, above all, by the new techniques of imaging. Methods: In the period between January 1998 and December 2003, 332 patients with thyroid pathology have been treated surgically. Forthy-five (13.5%) of these were afflicted with a cervico-mediastinic goiter. In 32/45 (71.1%) cases a total thyroidectomy has been performed by collar carving in accordance with Kocher; in 11/45 (24.5%) cases an hemithyroidectomy has been performed by collar incision; in 2/45 (4.4%) cases, already submitted to surgical intervention of isthmus-lobectomy a totalization has been performed. Results: The surgical technique forese es always an anterior collar neck incision. This way of access is to prefer in the substernal goiters, both for the presence of a cervical vascularization easy to control and for the possibility, nearly always realizable, to dislocate the goiter by that way. As for what concerns the results of the histological examination, in 2/45 (4.5%) cases it has been set a diagnosis of follicular carcinoma (one of them surely invading and the other, leastly invading), in 3/45 (6.6%) cases papillary carcinoma, in 4/45 (8.8%) cases colloido-cystic goiter, in 33/45 (73.5%) cases micro-macrofollicular hyperplasia (in one of which contemporarily compromise from lymphoma of Hodgkin); in 3/45 (6.6%) cases of adenomatous hyperplasia of the thyroid. Discussion: The surgical approa ch has been in all cases the collar neck incision in accordance to Kocher, and it has never been necessary to associate a sternotomy or thoracotomy. After the intervention, in all the patients the symptomatology tied to the mediastinal compression has disappeared. The goiter showed signs of neoplastic degeneration in 11.1 % of the cases, with prevalence of the papillary carcinoma in the 6.6% and, in the remaining 4.5%, of follicular carcinoma. These data are superimposable to the data gathered in other surveys. All the patients passed the post-operating hospitalization in optimal conditions and have been discharged during the fourth post-operating day with the prescription of increasing levothyroxine doses according to the body weigh

    Breast cancer in young women. Case report

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    BACKGROUND: Breast cancer in patients under 40 years is uncommon. Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) program reveals that 75% of breast tumors occur in women age 50 years, only 6.5% in women age 40 years, and a mere 0.6% in women age 30 years. Breast-conserving surgery with subsequent chemo-radiotherapy has become the treatment of choice in women with breast neoplasm. CASE REPORT: Two young patients, 30 and 28 years respectively, with breast cancer. One patient with an atypical medullary breast carcinoma diagnosis, pT2 pN1 bipMx, Grade 3 Stage IIB, negative for receptors, Ki 67: 47%, cERB-2 negative; the other with an intraductal breast carcinoma, pT1c pN0 pMx, Grade 2 Stage I, negative for receptors, Ki 67: 85%, cERB-2 negative, p53 negative, Bcl-2 negative. The first patient underwent right radical mastectomy sec. Madden and axillary lymphoadenectomy in October 2001, started six cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy on the right side of the chest and on axillary and supraclavicular lymph nodes area. After 2 years an ecotomography revealed small hypoechogenic nodules in the left breast. In December the patient underwent left radical mastectomy with positioning of an expander device. The histological exam revealed a not much differentiated intraductal carcinoma, pT1a N0 Mx, Stage I. After the surgical therapy, she follows another adjuvant chemotherapy. The second patient underwent left quadrantectomy with axillary limphoadenectomy in November 2004. Like the first-will follow several cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy. DISCUSSION: Breast cancer in women under 40 years of age differ from breast cancer in older women in numerous clinical, pathological and biological features. The studies demonstrate that breast cancer arising in women under 40 years have a more aggressive profile than those of older patients. In both our patients family history of breast cancer was reported. That suggests a possible genetic susceptibility of these patients through BRCA1 and BRCA2 germ-line mutations. Breast conservative surgery with chemio-radiotherapy is the most commonly used treatment breast cancer, expecially in consideration of the aggressiveness of the lesions

    Musique et pouvoirs

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    Selon une croyance quasi universelle, certaines musiques sont investies de pouvoirs, d'oĂč leur efficacitĂ© dans des rites permettant Ă  l'individu ou Ă  la collectivitĂ© de communiquer avec le monde invisible. D'autres musiques sont porteuses de messages subliminaux et d'effets, dans la mesure oĂč leurs formes sont adaptĂ©es Ă  leur finalitĂ©. Ainsi, l'usage de la musique Ă  des fins politiques est frĂ©quent, en tant que signe du pouvoir ou que de vĂ©hicule de sa propagation. Cette relation peut d'ailleurs revĂȘtir une autre dimension : celle de l'influence du politique sur le musical. Pouvoirs de la musique, pouvoirs par la musique, pouvoirs sur la musique : tels sont les axes d'une relation toujours complexe et ambigĂŒe que les contributions Ă  ce cahier se proposent d'aborder

    Dark Matter Science in the Era of LSST

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    Astrophysical observations currently provide the only robust, empirical measurements of dark matter. In the coming decade, astrophysical observations will guide other experimental efforts, while simultaneously probing unique regions of dark matter parameter space. This white paper summarizes astrophysical observations that can constrain the fundamental physics of dark matter in the era of LSST. We describe how astrophysical observations will inform our understanding of the fundamental properties of dark matter, such as particle mass, self-interaction strength, non-gravitational interactions with the Standard Model, and compact object abundances. Additionally, we highlight theoretical work and experimental/observational facilities that will complement LSST to strengthen our understanding of the fundamental characteristics of dark matter