6 research outputs found
Preliminary identification of residential environment assessment indicators for sustainable modelling of urban areas
Increasing population density in urban areas is closely followed by a number of negative aspects, which can significantly affect the quality of housing, as well as its sustainability. The aim of this paper is to identify the most important indicators influencing the quality of residential environment, and to give information for sustainable decision-making and modelling of urban areas. To know the significance of certain indicators presents a very important element in planning and decision making process. This gives the decision-maker an insight into elements
to which a proper attention should be given during urban area management. Using a web-based questionnaire, as well as personal questioning, the data for three cities: Brno (Czech Republic), Rijeka (Croatia), and Podgorica (Montenegro) were collected, analyzed, and compared. Results of the performed statistical analysis show that
differences among the examined cities exist, and that among indicators, several can be considered very similar, while others differ significantly. The indicators were categorized in three groups (key, important, and marginal) according to their given importance. The conducted research gives a preliminary insight into the population\u27s perception of the importance of indicators, which is established as a necessary element of the sustainable decision-making process in urban area management
Frequency of determination of parenchymal organs disturbances during ultrasound examination of reproductive tract
Ultrazvučna Real time 2D diјagnostika, kao dostupna i neinvazivna metoda, sa
uspehom se koristi u medicini, veterini i biologiјi, za diјagnostiku kako fizioloških tako i patoloških
stanja. Kod malih životinja, ultrazvuk se često koristi u diјagnostici graviditeta, broјa, veličine i
vitalnosti fetusa, kao i za postavljanje diјagnoze patoloških stanja koјa se odviјaјu u genitalnom
traktu, a kod muških јoš i za pregled statusa testisa i prostate. Napredna primena ultrazvučne
diјagnostike јe dovela do toga da se u današnje vreme slobodno mogu povezati broјna patološka
stanja reproduktivnog trakta kako ženskih, tako i muških životinja, koјa direktno utiču na
zdravstveno stanje ostalih unutrašnjih organa. Cilj ovog rada јe diјagnostika primarnih poremećaјa
genitalnog trakta putem ultrazvučne diјagnostike, kao i dokazivanje njihove povezanosti sa
promenama na parenhimatoznim organima. Ultrazvučni pregled izvršen јe na ukupno 12 pasa, šest
mužјaka i šest ženki. Јaјnici, materice i abdominalni organi su pregledani sondama u opsegu od 5
do 8 MHz. Za pregled prostate i testisa јe korišćena sonda od 7,5 MHz. Paciјenti su bili položeni u
ležeći položaј. Od pregledanih šest mužјaka, tri su imala promene na prostati, dok јe јedan pas imao
tumor testisa. Kod ovih pasa su takođe primećeni cistitis i hiperplaziјa prostate. Od šest pregledanih
ženki, јedna јe imala cističnu hiperplaziјu endometriјuma, tri su imale piometru, dok јe kod јedne
diјagnostikovana folikularna cista јaјnika. Pored ovih patoloških stanja, utvrđene su promene na јetri
i pankreasu. Ultrazvučnom diјagnostikom se pored primarnih promena na genitalnom traktu kako
mužјaka tako i ženki, mogu vizuelizovati i posledične promene na parenhimatoznim organima.Ultrasound Real time 2D diagnostics, being an available and non-invasive method, is
successfully used in human medicine, veterinary medicine and biology to diagnose both
physiological and pathological conditions. In the case of small animals, the ultrasound is often used
to diagnose gravidity, number, size and vitality of fetuses as well as to diagnose pathological
conditions present in the genital tract, and is also used to examine testicles and prostate of male
animals. Today's advanced use of the ultrasound diagnostics provides us with an opportunity to
detect numerous pathological conditions of reproductive tract of both female and male animals, and
those conditions directly affect health status of other internal organs. The aim of this study is to
diagnose primary genital tract disorders using the ultrasound diagnostics, as well as proving its
connection to the changes in parenchymal organs. The ultrasound examination was performed on
the total of 12 dogs, 6 male and 6 female dogs. Ovaries, uterus and the organs in the abdominal area
were examined using a transducer ranging from 5 to 8 MHz. A transducer of 7.5 MHz was used to
examine prostates and testicles. The patients were in dorsal position. Three out of six examined male
dogs exhibited changes on their prostates, and the remaining one had a tumor on the testicles. Cystitis
and hyperplasia of prostate were also found upon the examination of these dogs. One out of six
examined female dogs, had cystic endometrial hyperplasia, three of them had pyometra, and one of
them was diagnosed with an follicular cyst. In addition to these pathological conditions, changes
were noticed in the liver and pancreas. Along with the detection of primary changes in the genital
tract of both male and female animals, the ultrasound diagnostics can be used to discover consequent
changes in parenchymal organs
Microwave synthesis of novel chenodeoxycholic acid esters and comparative study of chromatographic behavior and lipophilicity
In this study, eco-friendly microwave-assisted esterification reactions of chenodeoxycholic acid with medium-chain diols (1,2-ethanediol, 1,4-butanediol, 1,6-hexanediol, 1,8-octanediol, and 1,10-decanediol) or tetraethylene glycol were accomplished. The synthesized bile acid esters were obtained with high yields (up to 81 %) and purity in a short reaction time (15 min). It is shown that the microwave technique is a suitable method for the preparation of chenodeoxycholic acid esters. In order to obtain detailed insight into the lipophilic behavior of the studied chenodeoxycholic acid esters, a comparative study of chromatographic behavior and lipophilicity was performed. Also, the present study deals with the estimation of pH – logD profiles in order to get an overview of the changes in lipophilicity related to the pH value changes. The obtained results indicate that studied compounds have logD values in the range acceptable for potential drug candidates. Chromatographic lipophilicity of synthesized chenodeoxycholic acid esters successfully correlate with in silico lipophilicity descriptors
Chemometrics based on the mineral content as a tool for the assessment of the pollution of top soils
This is the first research of this type which includes the wider area of Kosovo taking into account the mineral wealth. The concentrations of 20 elements: Al, As, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Se, Si, V, and Zn were determined using ICP-OES. The ranges of concentrations of toxic elements are lead (Pb) 0.044-14.98 g/kg, arsenic (As) 0.007-0.33 g/kg, cadmium (Cd) 0.004-0.044 g/kg, and chromium (Cr) 0.053-0.245 g/kg. The spatial distribution of toxic elements was described using distribution maps. Principal component and cluster analyses were performed to reveal grouping of samples
Predicting percutaneous permeation for new succinimide derivatives by in vitro and in silico models
Percutaneous permeation of twenty-four newly synthesized succinimide derivatives was evaluated using parallel artificial membrane permeability assay (PAMPA) with 70% silicone oil and 30% isopropyl myristate. Different online tools were applied for in silico predicting of their skin permeability. According to the in silico estimation of the transdermal permeation, all compounds are expected to have relatively good ability to permeate the skin, at pH=6. However, for two compounds containing carboxylic groups, the concentration in the acceptor compartment was undetectable indicating limited permeation at pH=7.4. Statistically significant association was found between in silico predicted logKp values by the PreADMET and SwissADME online tools and the percutaneous permeability estimated from the experimental results using the artificial membranes (adj. r2 = 0.371, p = 0.00158 and adj. r2=0.232, p = 0.0135, respectively). The association between permeation through artificial membranes and the calculated logP data was also statistically significant. Principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) took into account in silico logKp and calculated logP data. The ranking of the lipophilicity and skin permeability parameters was conducted with sum of ranking differences (SRD) analysis which was validated. Based on the obtained results, it is predicted that lipophilicity is a pivotal physico-chemical parameter of the passive permeation of succinimide derivatives through hydrophobic barriers such as the skin. © 2022 Elsevier B.V
Chemometrics based on the mineral content as a tool for the assessment of the pollution of top soils
This is the first research of this type which includes the wider area of Kosovo taking into account the mineral wealth. The concentrations of 20 elements: Al, As, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Se, Si, V, and Zn were determined using ICP-OES. The ranges of concentrations of toxic elements are lead (Pb) 0.044-14.98 g/kg, arsenic (As) 0.007-0.33 g/kg, cadmium (Cd) 0.004-0.044 g/kg, and chromium (Cr) 0.053-0.245 g/kg. The spatial distribution of toxic elements was described using distribution maps. Principal component and cluster analyses were performed to reveal grouping of samples