26 research outputs found

    Open Education and Learning Quality

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    This article discusses the relation between Open Education and Learning Quality with a special focus on Open Educational Resources.<br/

    History, Definitions, Typologies, Benefits and Usage Scenarios of OER

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    Il presente articolo fornisce una visione d’insieme delle Open Educational Resources (OER), le relative definizioni e potenzialità di applicazione. Nella prima parte, si illustreranno i diversi tipi di OER, incluse le definizioni e le tipologie, in prospettiva di un futuro tipo di OER che le integri e comprenda tutte. Nella seconda parte si evidenzieranno i benefici apportati all’educazione dalle OER come argomenti a favore della loro applicazione pratica e adattamento. Inoltre, l’articolo distinguerà tra le diverse prospettive di utilizzo per dimostrare come le OER possono essere adoperate nella pratica. Verranno presentate le esperienze di utilizzo delle OER nel campo dell’inclusione scolastica all’interno del progetto EBE-EUSMOSI. Verranno infine presentate le sfide e le opportunità future per un ampliamento dell’uso e dell’ impatto delle OER

    Towards a Quality Reference Framework for MOOCs

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    This paper aims to address the quality issues of open online education and learning with a focus on MOOCs. Specifically, our research goal is to develop a Quality Reference Framework (QRF) with quality indicators and tools in close collaboration with all interested stakeholders worldwide. Based on a rigorous literature review and analysis of existing quality approaches and quality indicators for MOOCs, the Global MOOC Quality Survey was designed targeting at three core interest groups: MOOC learners, MOOC designers and MOOC facilitators. A total of n=267 took part in the survey. The survey results were complemented with 45 semi-structured interviews with MOOC designers, facilitators and providers. This mixed method research was selected to provide a more coherent picture and analysis of the quality issues of MOOCs by investigating them from diverse and different perspectives. This paper presents first results from the survey and semi-structured interviews, the first QRF draft and the feedback gained from workshops at international conferences

    The Learning Quality and Design of Open Education:The OpenEd Framework

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    This article discusses the need to change education due to global changes to keep its status as a human right and public good and introduces Open Education as a theory to fulfil these requirements. First, a brief history and definition of Open Education are provided. It is argued that Open Education is improving learning quality through the facilitation of innovative learning designs and processes. Hence, sources of learning quality and dimensions of quality development are discussed. Arguably, nine dimensions of openness can be distinguished and defined for the learning quality and design of Open Education and the development of supporting instruments, services and tools. As an example for one of the nine dimensions (i.e., open standards), the reference process model of ISO/IEC 40180 (former ISO/IEC 19796-1) is modified for Open Education. The article defines and analyses Open Education following the three adapted quality dimensions and applying the macro, meso and micro levels. As a result, the OpenEd Framework is developed which combines and integrates the different quality perspectives mapped to the learning design and processes. This article illustrates the potential adaptations and benefits of the OpenEd Framework. The OpenEd Framework can be used in combination with other tools such as the EFI and IDEA(L) frameworks to address the complexity and to increase the impact of Open Education. To summarize, the OpenEd Framework can facilitate and foster the future improvement of the learning quality and design of Open Education

    Open Science and Radical Solutions for Diversity, Equity and Quality in Research: A Literature Review of Different Research Schools, Philosophies and Frameworks and Their Potential Impact on Science and Education

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    Open Science is a phenomenon that can be traced back to the Middle Ages. In the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century, Open Science is strongly growing due to the worldwide internet and related new technologies, tools and communication channels. Two core objectives (reliability and trust) and three main characteristics (transparency, openness and reproducibility) of Open Science can be identified but it is still too early for a broad definition of this growing movement. Its growth is happening in many disciplines and in diverse facets. This article presents an overview of how Open Science is introduced and established in all three science dimensions of research design, processes and publications. For the future, the benefits are analysed that Open Science is offering, as well as the challenges that it is facing. It can be concluded that it is desirable that all researchers collaborate in Open Science. Open Science can improve the different science disciplines, research practices and science in general. In that way, Open Science can contribute to overcome the post-truth age through increasing objective and subjective credibility of science and research. And in the long-term perspective, Open Science can improve the whole research, education, as well as our society

    Using, analysing and evaluating eye-tracking at different educational levels::Towards an evaluation framework for impact assessment

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    This article presents general components of an evaluation framework for impact assessment based on former research and analysis of research publications. We collected data from three online databases (Google scholar, EBSCO host and Web of Science) using several combinations of search terms. It turned out that there is currently no evaluation framework for impact assessment that covers instructional design, competence development and educational policies. Thus, our long-term objective is the establishment of such an evaluation framework for impact assessment and its continuous validation and improvement. It should be applicable and beneficial for learning designers, providers, researchers and further stakeholders. In addition, it should be adaptable for different educational levels, such as school and higher education as well as lifelong learning. In this article we present first ideas, measures and indicators for the selected research example of eyetracking at different educational levels. They will build a first basis and structure of our planned evaluation framework for impact assessment with an outlook of our future research plans