13 research outputs found

    Model for Profiler Agent during unexpected educational circumstances

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    [EN] Nowadays distance education helps when no other traditional possibility is allowed. But is it a good alternative to replace entirely the traditional education? Could it provide at least the same level of quality or it brings problems that we are not prepared for? The paper presents an observation of a problem with keeping students focused on their education – constant dropping of engagement and unintentional loss of attention during situation of distance learning. Appling measures to keep students’ attraction led to the need of some aspects’ automation – a model for a new intelligent assistant, software agent, was developed, along with the current ones in the existing system. This assistant will create profiles of students, helping with personalized tracking of each student’s progress in specific subject, recommending topics to improve knowledge and fill knowledge gaps. It will “live” in the extension of an existing system and cooperate with other agents to accomplish its goals, proactively assisting in students’ learning aspects, as well as teachers’ efforts to prepare better and more suitable educational materials.The research is partly supported by the project FP21-FMI-002 “Intelligent innovative ICT in research in mathematics, informatics and pedagogy in education" of the Scientific Fund of the University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”.Cholakov, G.; Stoyanova-Doycheva, A. (2021). Model for Profiler Agent during unexpected educational circumstances. En 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 975-982. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd21.2021.12841OCS97598

    Виртуално-физическо пространство "Българско културно-историческо наследство"

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    В статията е представено виртуално-физическо пространство за съхраняване и представяне на дигитализирани български културно-исторически обекти. Пространството е реализирано с помощта на интегрирана технология, включваща средства от изкуствения интелект, усилени със съвременни технологии като IoT (Internet of Things) и CPSS (Cyber-Physical-Social System). Дискутират се предимствата на пространството в сравнение с обичайните подходи за разработването на такъв вид системи. Дигитализираните в съответствие със стандарта CCO (Cataloging Cultural Objects) обекти се съхраняват в разпределени бази знания, имплементирани основно като онтологии. Пространството предоставя на потребителите персонален туристически гид, който е в състояние да разбира и изпълнява техните желания и предпочитания.The article presents a virtual physical space for storage and presentation of digitized Bulgarian cultural, historical and similar sites. The space is realized with the help of integrated technology, including means of artificial intelligence, enhanced with modern technologies such as IoT (Internet of Things) and CPSS (Cyber-Physical-Social System). The advantages of space compared to the usual approaches for developing this type of systems are discussed. The objects digitized in accordance with the CCO standard (Cataloging Cultural Objects) are stored in a distributed knowledge base, implemented mainly as ontologies. The space provides users with a personal travel guide who is able to understand and fulfill their wishes and preferences

    Дигитализация на българската жилищна архитектура в и около периода на Възраждането – типологични групи и къщи

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    Статията представя българската възрожденска архитектура в контекста на информатиката, и по-специално на изкуствения интелект. Онтологичното инженерство се занимава със семантично моделиране на реални концепции и връзките между тях под въздействието на семантични аксиоми и машинно четими съждения. Онтологиите, описани в статията, са разработени, за да бъдат включени в хранилище с множество онтологии за българско културно-историческо наследство.The article presents the Bulgarian Revival architecture in the context of Informatics, and in particular of the Artificial Intelligence. Ontological engineering is dealing with the semantic modeling of real-world concepts and the relations between them under the influence of semantic axioms and machine-readable judgments. Ontologies that are described in the article were developed to be included in the repository with multiple ontologies for Bulgarian cultural and historical heritage

    Интелигентен туристически екскурзовод – генериране на амбиент-ориентирани маршрути и дигитално класифициране на елементи от културното и историческо наследство на България

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    Едни от сферите на приложение на дигиталните мобилни асистенти са интелигентният транспорт и туристическите екскурзоводи. Такива персонализирани системи имат за цел да улеснят все по-трудния избор за най-подходяща транспортна опция, с оглед на личните предпочитания и навици, текуща локация и наличните опции в реално време. За реализиране на интелигентен туристически екскурзовод е необходимо разработване на персонализирани модели, които включват не само статична информация за маршрути и дестинации, но и да се взeмат предвид личните предпочитания на потребителя, както и динамично да се реагира на непланирани промени и обстоятелства в реалния свят. В сферата на интелигентните системи такива променливи физически характеристики във времето и пространството (така наречените амбиентни характеристики) имат все по-съществена роля и все по-голяма тежест в степента на полезност за крайния потребител. Този туристически екскурзовод е неизменен спътник, който помага на потребителя да се потопи в богатата история и културното наследство на България. Съвременните технологии в областта на изкуствения интелект дават възможност на туриста задълбочено да се запознае с традициите и народните обичаи, получавайки детайлна информация за обкръжаващите го обекти като народни носии, архитектурни паметници и други.One of the areas of application of digital mobile assistants is intelligent transport and tourist guides. Such personalised systems aim to facilitate the increasingly difficult choice of the most appropriate transport option regarding personal preferences and habits, current location and available options in real time. To implement a smart travel guide, it is necessary to develop personalised models that include not only static information about routes and destinations, but also to take into account the personal preferences of the user and dynamically respond to unplanned real world circumstances. In the field of intelligent systems, such variable physical characteristics in time and space (so-called ambient characteristics) have a significant role in the degree of usefulness for the end user. The personal assistant is an integral part of the user experience that helps tourists immerse themselves in the rich history and cultural heritage of Bulgaria. Modern technologies in the field of artificial intelligence allow the tourist to get acquainted with the traditions and folk customs, receiving detailed information about the surrounding objects such as folk costumes, architectural monuments and others.Авторите изказват благодарност към научен проект ФП21-ФМИ-002 „Интелигентни иновационни ИКТ в научните изследвания в областта на математиката, информатиката и педагогиката на обучението“ към Фонд Научни изследвания на ПУ „Паисий Хилендарски“, за частичното финансиране на настоящата работа

    An Approach to Data Representation and Processing of Knowledge from the Bulgarian Folklore

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    In the context of global and high-tech development, cultural fields are often overlooked during these transitions. Therefore, it is essential to pay close attention to their inclusion. Cultural-historical heritage, which has undergone centuries of changes, deserves to be introduced into the technological world and made as accessible as possible to society, without territorial or border restrictions. Digitizing a part of this heritage, including folklore, can make it high-tech while preserving its character, peculiarity, and identity. This article examines the digitalization of Bulgarian cultural and historical heritage. It explores existing international standards for presenting cultural heritage and proposes a formalism for an adequate presentation of knowledge in the field of Bulgarian folklore. This article presents the first version of a model for the formal description of objects from Bulgarian folklore. We provide examples of the formal presentation of objects from Bulgarian folklore and their corresponding computer implementation

    Using IT to Enhance the Educational Achievement of Students

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    This article presents the use of information technology (IT) in the education of students in Software Engineering and in English at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at Plovdiv University. The teaching process incorporates traditional methods with applications based on the E-learning standards QTI and SCORM. The use of IT has been applied to the education of full-time and part-time Bachelor degree students from the 1st to the 4th year of studies. Based on the statistics from the teaching some conclusions have been drawn regarding the students’ performance and possible ways of enhancing their educational achievement

    Using data analysis to predict the students’ trend of choosing preferred data storage

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    [EN] Predicting trends is crucial for any business. No exception for education as well. Usually, this is a complex task that needs good planning and hard working to get to results. But sometimes luckily, a result from a study could be recognized as something that could reveal a potential trend, though it was not its primary goal, but spending some time digging deeper into data would pay off. This paper presents results from a study of the students’ trend for choosing favorite database type to learn and use, which was found during analyzing data from the software agents that work for our e-learning portal DeLC, serving as helpers for students and lecturers. These agents are there for very different purpose, but from the data they collect many interesting facts and behavioral patterns of our students could be revealed.The research is supported by the project КП-06Н36/2 “Competition for financial support of basic research projects – 2019” of the National Scientific Fund of the Ministry of Education and Science in Bulgaria.Cholakov, G.; Stoyanova-Doycheva, A. (2022). Using data analysis to predict the students’ trend of choosing preferred data storage. En 8th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'22). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 177-182. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd22.2022.1419517718

    Analiza zachowania agentów w wirtualnej przestrzeni edukacyjnej

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    Modern teaching methods include both traditionally established approaches to the classroom and an entirely virtual approach aimed at learning from anywhere in the world at any time. Society is constantly witnessing increasingly popular platforms such as Coursera, Udacity, Udemy, and even YouTube, which are regarded asaggregators of new knowledge.The problem that is not addressed, however, is to what extent learning is effective in the process not only of the particular course but also within several interrelated courses of study. This article will describe a conceptual model for analysing the behaviour of intelligent agents who acquire knowledge by usingvirtual tools to support the educational process, as well as ways to analyse the behaviour of the agents in question.Nowoczesne metody nauczania obejmują zarówno tradycyjnie ustalone podejście do klasy, jak i całkowicie wirtualne podejście mające na celu uczenie się z dowolnego miejsca na świecie w dowolnym momencie. Społeczeństwo stale obserwuje coraz bardziej popularne platformy, takie jak: Coursera, Udacity, Udemy, a nawet YouTube, które są agregatorami nowej wiedzy.  Problemem, który nie został rozwiązany, jest jednak to, w jakim stopniu uczenie się jest skuteczne w obrębie nie tylko danego kursu, ale także w ramach kilku powiązanych ze sobą kursów. W artykule opisano model koncepcyjny, służący do analizy zachowania inteligentnych agentów, którzy zdobywają wiedzę za pomocą narzędzi wirtualnych w celu wsparcia procesu edukacyjnego. Opisano także sposoby analizy zachowania danych agentów. W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję środowiska w analizie zachowań agentów UniPlayground, a także różne obszary wiedzy korzystające z tego środowiska

    Development of Ontologies in Different Domains for a Test Generation Environment

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    [EN] The purpose of the proposed article is to present the creation of ontologies for automatic generation of test questions from the Test Generation Environment, which was created as part of the Virtual Education Space. The ontologies presented in the article are in different fields and can be helpful to students in their exams or for self-study. The three ontologies are in the fields of botany, literature and history of Bulgaria, and architecture of Revival houses. The article presents examples of automatically generated questions for each of them.The research is supported by the project КП-06Н36/2 2019-2022 “Competition for financial support of basic research projects – 2019” of the National Scientific Fund of the Ministry of Education and Science in Bulgaria and the research is partly supported by the project FP21- FMI-002 “Intelligent innovative ICT in research in mathematics, informatics and pedagogy in education" of the Scientific Fund of the University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”.Stoyanova-Doycheva, A.; Madanska, S.; Grancharova, M.; Glushkova, T.; Cholakov, G. (2022). Development of Ontologies in Different Domains for a Test Generation Environment. En 8th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'22). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 925-933. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd22.2022.1420592593

    Architecture and Data Knowledge of the Regional Data Center for Intelligent Agriculture

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    The main task of the National Research Program “Smart crop production”, supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria and approved by the Council of Ministers, is the development of a regional data center to facilitate the work of farmers. The regional data center is part of the implementation of a smart crop production environment called ZEMEL which provides personal assistants supporting the work of farmers. The environment provides intelligent services for crop analysis and prevention and assists farmers in performing basic tasks related to crop production. The objective of the proposed article is to present the implementation of the architecture, infrastructure, and data architecture of a regional data center in the Plovdiv region. In order to clearly present the results of this work, which are the architectural and physical implementations of a regional data center and the storage of dynamic data and background knowledge, a methodology consisting of several steps is followed: the system infrastructure of the data center and the data architecture are discussed; one of the local pieces of infrastructure, implemented in the Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (IPGR) in the town of Sadovo in the Plovdiv region, is presented in detail, including the different types of sensors and their connection to the data center in wheat cultivation; the data repositories are discussed where dynamic data and background knowledge are stored. The paper pays special attention to background knowledge developed as ontologies for winter wheat cultivation. The results are summarized by drawing some conclusions and recommendations for the design of the local infrastructure of the center and the stored data to improve its performance