7 research outputs found

    Population based glaucoma screening

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    Population based glaucoma screening

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    Population based glaucoma screening

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    Glaucoma is a common eye disease that causes glaucomatous optic neuropathy with subsequent visual field loss, and can eventually lead to irreversible blindness. Early stages do not cause any symptoms, and visual field loss often goes unnoticed initially. Patients become aware of their eye disease only after extensive damage has occurred. Therefore, screening seems a logical approach to reduce the glaucoma burden. At present, a glaucoma screening programme does not exist in the Netherlands, but opportunistic case finding by ophthalmologists, optometrists, and opticians has become common practice. Despite case finding, about half of all glaucoma cases are currently undetected and thus do not receive any treatment or monitoring. Population based glaucoma screening could help identify these individuals. However, cost-effectiveness studies regarding glaucoma screening indicate that economic viability is dubious. In this thesis, several factors are identified that have a further negative impact on the cost-effectiveness of glaucoma screening. These factors are: lengthbias, suboptimal by-patient test specificity, and large clinical workload from false positives. This leads to the conclusion that at present population based glaucoma screening is not feasible in the Netherlands. One of the studies of this thesis shows that the major part of Dutch inhabitants over age 40 visits an optician regularly, and that opticians are willing to participate in glaucoma screening. Optician based screening is therefore a promising alternative to population based screening, and will be subject of further research projects.

    Epidemiology and Clinical Management of Fusarium keratitis in the Netherlands, 2005-2016

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    Introduction: Recognizing fungal keratitis based on the clinical presentation is challenging. Topical therapy may be initiated with antibacterial agents and corticosteroids, thus delaying the fungal diagnosis. As a consequence, the fungal infection may progress ultimately leading to more severe infection and blindness. We noticed an increase of fungal keratitis cases in the Netherlands, especially caused by Fusarium species, which prompted us to conduct a retrospective cohort study, aiming to describe the epidemiology, clinical management, and outcome. Materials and Methods: As fungi are commonly sent to the Dutch mycology reference laboratory for identification and in vitro susceptibility testing, the fungal culture collection was searched for Fusarium isolates from corneal scrapings, corneal swabs, and from contact lens (CL) fluid, between 2005 and 2016. All Fusarium isolates had been identified up to species level through sequencing of the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region of the rDNA and TEF1 gene. Antifungal susceptibility testing was performed according to the EUCAST microbroth dilution reference method. Antifungal agents tested included amphotericin B, voriconazole, and natamycin. In addition, susceptibility to the antisepticum chlorhexidine was tested. Ophthalmologists were approached to provide demographic and clinical data of patients identified through a positive culture. Results: Between 2005 and 2016, 89 cases of Fusarium keratitis from 16 different hospitals were identified. The number of cases of Fusarium keratitis showed a significant increase over time (R-2 = 0.9199), with one case in the first 5 years (2005-2009) and multiple cases from 2010 and onwards. The male to female ratio was 1:3 (p = 0.014). Voriconazole was the most frequently used antifungal agent, but treatment strategies differed greatly between cases including five patients that were treated with chlorhexidine 0.02% monotherapy. Keratitis management was not successful in 27 (30%) patients, with 20 (22%) patients requiring corneal transplantation and seven (8%) requiring enucleation or evisceration. The mean visual acuity (VA) was moderately impaired with a logMAR of 0.8 (95% CI 0.6-1, Snellen equivalent 0.16) at the time of Fusarium culture. Final average VA was within the range of normal vision [logMAR 0.2 (95% CI 0.1-0.3), Snellen equivalent 0.63]. CL wear was reported in 92.9% of patients with Fusarium keratitis. The time between start of symptoms and diagnosis of fungal keratitis was significantly longer in patients with poor outcome as opposed to those with (partially) restored vision; 22 vs. 15 days, respectively (mean, p = 0.024). Enucleation/evisceration occurred in patients with delayed fungal diagnosis of more than 14 days after initial presentation of symptoms. The most frequently isolated species was F. oxysporum (24.7%) followed by F. solani sensu stricto (18%) and F. petroliphilum (9%). The lowest MICs were obtained with amphotericin B followed by natamycin, voriconazole, and chlorhexidine. Conclusion: Although Fusarium keratitis remains a rare complication of CL wear, we found a significant increase of cases in the Netherlands. The course of infection may be severe and fungal diagnosis was often delayed. Antifungal treatment strategies varied widely and the treatment failure rate was high, requiring transplantation or even enucleation. Our study underscores the need for systematic surveillance of fungal keratitis and a consensus management protocol

    A machine learning approach to explore predictors of graft detachment following posterior lamellar keratoplasty: a nationwide registry study

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    Machine learning can be used to explore the complex multifactorial patterns underlying postsurgical graft detachment after endothelial corneal transplantation surgery and to evaluate the marginal effect of various practice pattern modulations. We included all posterior lamellar keratoplasty procedures recorded in the Dutch Cornea Transplant Registry from 2015 through 2018 and collected the center-specific practice patterns using a questionnaire. All available data regarding the donor, recipient, surgery, and practice pattern, were coded into 91 factors that might be associated with the occurrence of a graft detachment. In this research, we used three machine learning methods; a regularized logistic regression (lasso), classification tree analysis (CTA), and random forest classification (RFC), to select the most predictive subset of variables for graft detachment. A total of 3647 transplants were included in our analysis and the overall prevalence of graft detachment was 9.9%. In an independent test set the area under the curve for the lasso, CTA, and RFC was 0.70, 0.65, and 0.72, respectively. Identified risk factors included: a Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty procedure, prior graft failure, and the use of sulfur hexafluoride gas. Factors with a reduced risk included: performing combined procedures, using pre-cut donor tissue, and a pre-operative laser iridotomy. These results can help surgeons to review their practice patterns and generate hypotheses for empirical research regarding the origins of graft detachments