6 research outputs found

    Dendrochronologycal analysis of the radial growth of norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in its natural and secondary stands in Slovenia

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    Po podatkih iz letnih poročil Zavoda za gozdove Slovenije se delež smreke v naših gozdovih v zadnjem času manjša. Razlog za to so vse pogostejše ujme, domnevno pa tudi klimatske spremembe. Glede na to, da je smreka pomembna gospodarska vrsta, ki je pri nas na robu svojega naravnega areala, smo želeli preveriti njen trend ter razmisliti o njeni perspektivi v prihodnje. Z dendrokronološkimi metodami smo analizirali debelinsko priraščanje smreke na osmih lokacijah v Sloveniji. Med njimi je bilo pet naravnih smrekovih združb, v ostale je bila smreka umetno vnešena v preteklosti oziroma je bil povečan njen naravni delež. Na vsaki ploskvi smo odvzeli vzorce vsaj 20 dreves. V dendrokronološkem laboratoriju smo jih primerno obdelali in analizirali s pomočjo sistema ATRICS ter različnih računalniških programov. Ugotovili smo, da med naravnimi in antropogenimi rastišči ni značilnih razlik v priraščanju. V nekaterih primerih pa smo opazili vplive klimatskih sprememb, ki se odražajo kot povečan vpliv temperature in padavin na rast, kar nakazuje na pojav suše in otoplitve. Analiza značilnih let je pokazala, da so le-ta bolj izrazita v zadnjih 30 letih, kar kaže na pogostejše ekstremne dogodke.According to the yearly reports of Slovenia Forest Service, the percentage of Norway spruce in Slovenian forests is declining. This is because of the greater frequency of natural disasters and, presumably, climate change. Spruce is even more sensitive in Slovenia as it is at the edge of its natural areal. Since spruce is an important economic species, it is vital to research its future trends. We conducted a dendrochronological analysis of the spruce\u27s radial increment at eight different plots throughout Slovenia. The plots selected were diverse: some were natural spruce standsin some the spruce was intoduced anthropologicaly in the past for economic reasons, or its natural share in stands was increased. We took samples of at least 20 trees per plot and examined them in the dendrochronological laboratory using Advanced Tree-Ring Image Capturing System (ATRICS) and different software. We compared the growth in natural spruce stands with the secondary (anthropogenic) ones and found no statistical differences in growth patterns between those two groups. However, we found some evidence for climate change, affecting growth on some of the selected sites. Analysis of pointer years suggests that extreme events are more common in the last 30 years

    Dendrochronologycal analysis of the radial growth of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) In its natural and secondary stands in Slovenia

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    Z dendrokronološkimi metodami smo analizirali debelinsko priraščanje smreke na osmih lokacijah v Sloveniji. Med njimi je bilo pet naravnih smrekovih združb, v druge je bila smreka umetno vnesena v preteklosti, oziroma je bil povečan njen naravni delež. Na vsaki ploskvi smo s prirastoslovnim svedrom odvzeli izvrtke najmanj 20 dreves. V dendrokronološkem laboratoriju smo jih posušili in zbrusili do visokega sijaja, nato pa skenirali s pomočjo sistema ATRICS ter izmerili širine branik v programih CooRecorder in CDendro. Ugotovili smo, da med naravnimi in antropogenimi rastišči ni značilnih razlik v debelinskem priraščanju. Na lokacijah Sorško polje, Ravnik in Mašun smo opazili spremembe v debelinskem priraščanju, ki kažejo, da se vpliv temperature zraka (toplejša poletja) in padavin (pogostejši pojav suše) na rast povečuje. Analiza značilnih let je pokazala, da so le-ta v zadnjih 30 letih pogostejša in da se pojavljajo na več lokacijah hkrati, predvsem pa se je povečalo število negativnih značilnih let, t.j. nadpovprečno toplih in suhih let.A dendrochronological analysis of the spruce\u27s radial increment at eight different plots was conducted throughout Slovenia. The plots selected were diverse: five of them were natural spruce standsin others, the spruce was introduced anthropogenically in the past for economic reasons, or its natural share in stands was increased. We took samples of at least 20 trees per plot and examined them in the dendrochronological laboratory using Advanced Tree-Ring Image Capturing System (ATRICS) and specialized dendrochronological software. We compared the growth in natural spruce stands with the secondary (anthropogenic) ones and found no statistical differences in growth patterns between these two groups. However, we found some evidence for climate change effect on radial increment at locations Sorško polje, Ravnik and Mašun, which indicates that air temperature and precipitation now have stronger effect on spruce growth than in the past. Analysis of pointer years suggests that extreme events (exceptionally warm and dry years) are more common and widespread in the last 30 years

    Rust fungi (Puccianiales) in University botanical gardens Ljubljana

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    V Botaničnem vrtu Univerze v Ljubljani smo nabirali vzorce rastlin, ki so kazale znake okužb z rjami (Pucciniales). Okužene vzorce smo v laboratoriju Gozdarskega inštituta Slovenije preučiliz mikroskopom. S pomočjo literature smo identificirali 14 vrst rij: Coleosporium inulaena gostitelju Inula magnifica, Cronartium flaccidum na gostitelju Vincetoxicum medium, Phragmidium potentillae na gostitelju Potentilla alba, Phragmidium mucronatum na gostitelju Rosa virginiana, Puccinia crepidis na gostitelju Crepis foetida, Puccinia urticae-pilose na gostitelju Carex pilosa, Gymnosporangium sabinae na gostitelju Pyrus nivalis, Uromyces striatus na gostitelju Medicago pironae, Puccinia iridis na gostitelju Iris sibirica, Puccinia lapsanae na gostitelju Lapsana communis, Puccinia convolvuli na gostitelju Calystegia sepium, Puccinia behenis na gostitelju Silene spp., Leucotelium cerasi na gostiteljih Prunus tenella in Eranthis hyemalis ter Pucciniastrum agrimonae na gostitelju Agrimonia procera. Vzorce smo herbarizirali, podatke o najdbah pa vnesli v podatkovno zbirko gliv Boletus informaticus. Najdene vrste smo primerjali s tistimi, ki jih je na našem ozemlju v svoji knjigi Mycologia Carniolica opisal Wilhelm Voss. Izkazalo se je, da smo skoraj polovico rij, ki smo jih našli, v Sloveniji zabeležili na novo. Podatek ne preseneča, saj je bilo do sedaj na slovenskem takih popisov malo. Vse najdene rje pa so bile že zabeležene tudi v Avstriji in Švici.We have gathered samples of plants that were showing signs of infection with rust fungi (Pucciniales) in University Botanical Gardens Ljubljana. We have then analyzed these samples with microscope in Slovenian Forestry Institute\u27s laboratory. We have identified 14 species of rust fungi using literature: Coleosporium inulae on host plant Inula magnifica, Cronartium flaccidum on host plant Vincetoxicum medium, Phragmidium potentillae on host plant Potentilla alba, Phragmidium mucronatum on host plant Rosa virginiana, Puccinia crepidis on host plant Crepis foetida, Puccinia urticae-pilose on host plant Carex pilosa, Gymnosporangium sabinae on host plant Pyrus nivalis, Uromyces striatus on host plant Medicago pironae, Puccinia iridis on host plant Iris sibirica, Puccinia lapsanae on host plant Lapsana communis, Puccinia convolvuli on host plant Calystegia sepium, Puccinia behenis on host plant Silene spp., Leucotelium cerasi on host plants Prunus tenella and Eranthis hyemalis and Pucciniastrum agrimonae on host plant Agrimonia procera. We have made a herbarium and imported the data in the fungi database Boletus informaticus. We have compared identified species with the findings of Wilhelm Voss, who wrote the book Mycologia Carniolica, which contains all the fungi he found in the Slovenian territory. The results show that almost half of the fungi we identified were not yet found in Slovenia by W. Voss, likely due to lack of researches. However, all of them were found in Austria and Switzerland

    Celovita prenova visokošolskega izobraževanja geodezije – novi študijski programi : Harmonization Of Education Programmes On Geodesy – New Study Programmes

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    SI: V skladu s prenovo visokošolskih študijskih programov po načelih bolonjske reforme smo v letih 2007 in 2008 na Fakulteti za gradbeništvo in geodezijo Univerze v Ljubljani pripravili nove študijske programe s področja geodezije. Dosedanje študije nadomešča pet novih študijskih programov na treh stopnjah, kot predvideva bolonjska deklaracija: na prvi stopnji univerzitetni študijski program Geodezija in geoinformatika ter visokošolski strokovni študijski program Tehnično upravljanje nepremičnin, na drugi stopnji magistrska študijska programa Geodezija in geoinformatika ter interdisciplinarno usmerjen študijski program Prostorsko načrtovanje, na tretji stopnji pa fakultetni doktorski program Grajeno okolje z geodezijo ter načrtovanjem in urejanjem prostora kot dvema izmed skupaj treh znanstvenih področij doktorskega študija. EN: In the framework of higher education programmes renovation according to the principles of Bologna process new study programmes in the fields of surveying and geodesy have been prepared at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, in 2007 and 2008. Current study programmes have been replaced with five new programmes at three higher education levels as proposed by Bologna Declaration: at 1st Level University Bachelor degree study programme Geodesy and Geoinformatics and Professional Bachelor degree program Technical Real Estate Management; at 2nd Level Master degree programme Geodesy and Geoinformatics and interdisciplinary programme Spatial Planning, and at 3rd Level Doctoral study programme Built Environment with three study orientations, among which two orientations are Geodesy, and Spatial Planning and Land management

    Surfactin molecules with a cone-like structure promote the formation of membrane domains with negative spontaneous curvature and induce membrane invaginations

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    Surfactin uniquely influences lipid bilayer structure by initially inducing membrane invaginations before solubilization. In this study, we exposed DOPC giant vesicles to various surfactin concentrations at different temperatures and observed surfactin-induced membrane invaginations by using differential interference contrast and confocal laser fluorescence microscopy. These invaginations were stable at room temperature but not at higher temperatures. Surfactin molecules induce membrane nanodomains with negative spontaneous curvature and membrane invaginations despite their intrinsic conical shape and intrinsic positive curvature. Considering the experimentally observed capacity of surfactin to fluidize lipid acyl chains and induce partial dehydration of lipid headgroups, we propose that the resulting surfactin-lipid complexes exhibit a net negative spontaneous curvature. We further conducted 3D numerical Monte Carlo (MC) simulations to investigate the behaviour of vesicles containing negative curvature nanodomains within their membrane at varying temperatures. MC simulations demonstrated strong agreement with experimental results, revealing that invaginations are preferentially formed at low temperatures, while being less pronounced at elevated temperatures. Our findings go beyond the expectations of the Israelachvili molecular shape and packing concepts analysis. These concepts do not take into account the influence of specific interactions between neighboring molecules on the inherent shapes of molecules and their arrangement within curved membrane nanodomains. Our work contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of the complex factors governing vesicle morphology and membrane organization and provides insight into the role of detergent-lipid interactions in modulating vesicle morphology