190 research outputs found

    Ultrahigh Bandwidth Spin Noise Spectroscopy: Detection of Large g-Factor Fluctuations in Highly n-Doped GaAs

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    We advance all optical spin noise spectroscopy (SNS) in semiconductors to detection bandwidths of several hundred gigahertz by employing an ingenious scheme of pulse trains from ultrafast laser oscillators as an optical probe. The ultrafast SNS technique avoids the need for optical pumping and enables nearly perturbation free measurements of extremely short spin dephasing times. We employ the technique to highly n-doped bulk GaAs where magnetic field dependent measurements show unexpected large g-factor fluctuations. Calculations suggest that such large g-factor fluctuations do not necessarily result from extrinsic sample variations but are intrinsically present in every doped semiconductor due to the stochastic nature of the dopant distribution.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Mid-infrared spectroscopy with a broadly tunable thin-film lithium niobate optical parametric oscillator

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    Mid-infrared spectroscopy, an important and widespread technique for sensing molecules, has encountered barriers stemming from sources either limited in tuning range or excessively bulky for practical field use. We present a compact, efficient, and broadly tunable optical parametric oscillator (OPO) device surmounting these challenges. Leveraging a dispersion-engineered singly-resonant OPO implemented in thin-film lithium niobate-on-sapphire, we achieve broad and controlled tuning over an octave, from 1.5 to 3.3 microns by combining laser and temperature tuning. The device generates > 25 mW of mid-infrared light at 3.2 microns, offering a power conversion efficiency of 15% (45% quantum efficiency). We demonstrate the tuning and performance of the device by successfully measuring the spectra of methane and ammonia, verifying our approach's relevance for gas sensing. Our device signifies an important advance in nonlinear photonics miniaturization and brings practical field applications of high-speed and broadband mid-infrared spectroscopy closer to reality.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure

    Integrated Quantum Optical Phase Sensor

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    The quantum noise of light fundamentally limits optical phase sensors. A semiclassical picture attributes this noise to the random arrival time of photons from a coherent light source such as a laser. An engineered source of squeezed states suppresses this noise and allows sensitivity beyond the standard quantum limit (SQL) for phase detection. Advanced gravitational wave detectors like LIGO have already incorporated such sources, and nascent efforts in realizing quantum biological measurements have provided glimpses into new capabilities emerging in quantum measurement. We need ways to engineer and use quantum light within deployable quantum sensors that operate outside the confines of a lab environment. Here we present a photonic integrated circuit fabricated in thin-film lithium niobate that provides a path to meet these requirements. We use the second-order nonlinearity to produce a squeezed state at the same frequency as the pump light and realize circuit control and sensing with electro-optics. Using a 26.2 milliwatts of optical power, we measure (2.7 ±\pm 0.2 )%\% squeezing and apply it to increase the signal-to-noise ratio of phase measurement. We anticipate that on-chip photonic systems like this, which operate with low power and integrate all of the needed functionality on a single die, will open new opportunities for quantum optical sensing.Comment: 14 pages, 3+3 figure

    Integrated frequency-modulated optical parametric oscillator

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    Optical frequency combs have revolutionized precision measurement, time-keeping, and molecular spectroscopy. A substantial effort has developed around "microcombs": integrating comb-generating technologies into compact, reliable photonic platforms. Current approaches for generating these microcombs involve either the electro-optic (EO) or Kerr mechanisms. Despite rapid progress, maintaining high efficiency and wide bandwidth remains challenging. Here, we introduce a new class of microcomb -- an integrated optical frequency comb generator that combines electro-optics and parametric amplification to yield a frequency-modulated optical parametric oscillator (FM-OPO). In stark contrast to EO and Kerr combs, the FM-OPO microcomb does not form pulses but maintains operational simplicity and highly efficient pump power utilization with an output resembling a frequency-modulated laser. We outline the working principles of FM-OPO and demonstrate them by fabricating the complete optical system in thin-film lithium niobate (LNOI). We measure pump to comb internal conversion efficiency exceeding 93% (34% out-coupled) over a nearly flat-top spectral distribution spanning approximately 1,000 modes (approximately 6 THz). Compared to an EO comb, the cavity dispersion rather than loss determines the FM-OPO bandwidth, enabling broadband combs with a smaller RF modulation power. The FM-OPO microcomb, with its robust operational dynamics, high efficiency, and large bandwidth, contributes a new approach to the field of microcombs and promises to herald an era of miniaturized precision measurement, and spectroscopy tools to accelerate advancements in metrology, spectroscopy, telecommunications, sensing, and computing.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures main text; another 19 pages and 9 figures in methods and supplementar

    Single-Mode Squeezed Light Generation and Tomography with an Integrated Optical Parametric Oscillator

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    Quantum optical technologies promise advances in sensing, computing, and communication. A key resource is squeezed light, where quantum noise is redistributed between optical quadratures. We introduce a monolithic, chip-scale platform that exploits the χ(2)\chi^{(2)} nonlinearity of a thin-film lithium niobate (TFLN) resonator device to efficiently generate squeezed states of light. Our system integrates all essential components -- except for the laser and two detectors -- on a single chip with an area of one square centimeter, significantly reducing the size, operational complexity, and power consumption associated with conventional setups. Our work addresses challenges that have limited previous integrated nonlinear photonic implementations that rely on either χ(3)\chi^{(3)} nonlinear resonators or on integrated waveguide χ(2)\chi^{(2)} parametric amplifiers. Using the balanced homodyne measurement subsystem that we implemented on the same chip, we measure a squeezing of 0.55 dB and an anti-squeezing of 1.55 dB. We use 20 mW of input power to generate the parametric oscillator pump field by employing second harmonic generation on the same chip. Our work represents a substantial step toward compact and efficient quantum optical systems posed to leverage the rapid advances in integrated nonlinear and quantum photonics.Comment: 21 pages; 4 figures in main body, 8 supplementary figure

    Efficient Photonic Integration of Diamond Color Centers and Thin-Film Lithium Niobate

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    On-chip photonic quantum circuits with integrated quantum memories have the potential to radically progress hardware for quantum information processing. In particular, negatively charged group-IV color centers in diamond are promising candidates for quantum memories, as they combine long storage times with excellent optical emission properties and an optically-addressable spin state. However, as a material, diamond lacks many functionalities needed to realize scalable quantum systems. Thin-film lithium niobate (TFLN), in contrast, offers a number of useful photonic nonlinearities, including the electro-optic effect, piezoelectricity, and capabilities for periodically-poled quasi-phase matching. Here, we present highly efficient heterogeneous integration of diamond nanobeams containing negatively charged silicon-vacancy (SiV) centers with TFLN waveguides. We observe greater than 90\% transmission efficiency between the diamond nanobeam and TFLN waveguide on average across multiple measurements. By comparing saturation signal levels between confocal and integrated collection, we determine a 1010-fold increase in photon counts channeled into TFLN waveguides versus that into out-of-plane collection channels. Our results constitute a key step for creating scalable integrated quantum photonic circuits that leverage the advantages of both diamond and TFLN materials

    Estimates of array and pool-construction variance for planning efficient DNA-pooling genome wide association studies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Until recently, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been restricted to research groups with the budget necessary to genotype hundreds, if not thousands, of samples. Replacing individual genotyping with genotyping of DNA pools in Phase I of a GWAS has proven successful, and dramatically altered the financial feasibility of this approach. When conducting a pool-based GWAS, how well SNP allele frequency is estimated from a DNA pool will influence a study's power to detect associations. Here we address how to control the variance in allele frequency estimation when DNAs are pooled, and how to plan and conduct the most efficient well-powered pool-based GWAS.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>By examining the variation in allele frequency estimation on SNP arrays between and within DNA pools we determine how array variance [var(e<sub>array</sub>)] and pool-construction variance [var(e<sub>construction</sub>)] contribute to the total variance of allele frequency estimation. This information is useful in deciding whether replicate arrays or replicate pools are most useful in reducing variance. Our analysis is based on 27 DNA pools ranging in size from 74 to 446 individual samples, genotyped on a collective total of 128 Illumina beadarrays: 24 1M-Single, 32 1M-Duo, and 72 660-Quad.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>For all three Illumina SNP array types our estimates of var(e<sub>array</sub>) were similar, between 3-4 Ă— 10<sup>-4 </sup>for normalized data. Var(e<sub>construction</sub>) accounted for between 20-40% of pooling variance across 27 pools in normalized data.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We conclude that relative to var(e<sub>array</sub>), var(e<sub>construction</sub>) is of less importance in reducing the variance in allele frequency estimation from DNA pools; however, our data suggests that on average it may be more important than previously thought. We have prepared a simple online tool, PoolingPlanner (available at <url>http://www.kchew.ca/PoolingPlanner/</url>), which calculates the effective sample size (ESS) of a DNA pool given a range of replicate array values. ESS can be used in a power calculator to perform pool-adjusted calculations. This allows one to quickly calculate the loss of power associated with a pooling experiment to make an informed decision on whether a pool-based GWAS is worth pursuing.</p

    Genetic Admixture and Population Substructure in Guanacaste Costa Rica

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    The population of Costa Rica (CR) represents an admixture of major continental populations. An investigation of the CR population structure would provide an important foundation for mapping genetic variants underlying common diseases and traits. We conducted an analysis of 1,301 women from the Guanacaste region of CR using 27,904 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) genotyped on a custom Illumina InfiniumII iSelect chip. The program STRUCTURE was used to compare the CR Guanacaste sample with four continental reference samples, including HapMap Europeans (CEU), East Asians (JPT+CHB), West African Yoruba (YRI), as well as Native Americans (NA) from the Illumina iControl database. Our results show that the CR Guanacaste sample comprises a three-way admixture estimated to be 43% European, 38% Native American and 15% West African. An estimated 4% residual Asian ancestry may be within the error range. Results from principal components analysis reveal a correlation between genetic and geographic distance. The magnitude of linkage disequilibrium (LD) measured by the number of tagging SNPs required to cover the same region in the genome in the CR Guanacaste sample appeared to be weaker than that observed in CEU, JPT+CHB and NA reference samples but stronger than that of the HapMap YRI sample. Based on the clustering pattern observed in both STRUCTURE and principal components analysis, two subpopulations were identified that differ by approximately 20% in LD block size averaged over all LD blocks identified by Haploview. We also show in a simulated association study conducted within the two subpopulations, that the failure to account for population stratification (PS) could lead to a noticeable inflation in the false positive rate. However, we further demonstrate that existing PS adjustment approaches can reduce the inflation to an acceptable level for gene discovery
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