202 research outputs found

    TIMP: An R package for modeling multi-way spectroscopic measurements

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    TIMP is an R package for modeling multiway spectroscopic measurements. The package allows for the simultaneous analysis of datasets collected under different experimental conditions in terms of a wide variety of parametric models. Models arising in spectroscopy data analysis often have some parameters that are intrinstically nonlinear, and some parameters that are conditionally linear on estimates of the nonlinear parameters. TIMP fits such separable nonlinear models using partitioned variable projection, a variant of the variable projection algorithm that is described here for the first time. The of the partitioned variable projection algorithm allows fitting many models for spectroscopy datasets using much less memory as compared to under the standard variable projection algorithm that is implemented in nonlinear optimization routines (e.g., the plinear option of the R function nls), as is shown here. An overview of modeling with TIMP is also given that includes several case studies in the application of the package

    Weighted fit of optical spectra

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    The role of the individual Lhca’s in Photosystem I excitation energy trapping

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    In this work, we have investigated the role of the individual antenna complexes and of the low-energy forms in excitation energy transfer and trapping in Photosystem I of higher plants. To this aim, a series of Photosystem I (sub)complexes with different antenna size/composition/absorption have been studied by picosecond fluorescence spectroscopy. The data show that Lhca3 and Lhca4, which harbor the most red forms, have similar emission spectra (λmax = 715–720 nm) and transfer excitation energy to the core with a relative slow rate of ~25/ns. Differently, the energy transfer from Lhca1 and Lhca2, the ‘‘blue’’ antenna complexes, occurs about four times faster. In contrast to what is often assumed, it is shown that energy transfer from the Lhca1/4 and the Lhca2/3 dimer to the core occurs on a faster timescale than energy equilibration within these dimers. Furthermore, it is shown that all four monomers contribute almost equally to the transfer to the core and that the red forms slow down the overall trapping rate by about two times. Combining all the data allows the construction of a comprehensive picture of the excitation-energy transfer routes and rates in Photosystem I.

    FluxSimulator: An R package to simulate isotopomer distributions in metabolic networks

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    The representation of biochemical knowledge in terms of fluxes (transformation rates) in a metabolic network is often a crucial step in the development of new drugs and efficient bioreactors. Mass spectroscopy (MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMRS) in combination with 13C labeled substrates are experimental techniques resulting in data that may be used to quantify fluxes in the metabolic network underlying a process. The massive amount of data generated by spectroscopic experiments increasingly requires software which models the dynamics of the underlying biological system. In this work we present an approach to handle isotopomer distributions in metabolic networks using an object-oriented programming approach, implemented using S4 classes in R. The developed package is called FluxSimulator and provides a user friendly interface to specify the topological information of the metabolic network as well as carbon atom transitions in plain text files. The package automatically derives the mathematical representation of the formulated network, and assembles a set of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) describing the change of each isotopomer pool over time. These ODEs are subsequently solved numerically. In a case study FluxSimulator was applied to an example network. Our results indicate that the package is able to reproduce exact changes in isotopomer compositions of the metabolite pools over time at given flux rates

    Glotaran: A Java-Based Graphical User Interface for the R Package TIMP

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    In this work the software application called Glotaran is introduced as a Java-based graphical user interface to the R package TIMP, a problem solving environment for fitting superposition models to multi-dimensional data. TIMP uses a command-line user interface for the interaction with data, the specification of models and viewing of analysis results. Instead, Glotaran provides a graphical user interface which features interactive and dynamic data inspection, easier -- assisted by the user interface -- model specification and interactive viewing of results. The interactivity component is especially helpful when working with large, multi-dimensional datasets as often result from time-resolved spectroscopy measurements, allowing the user to easily pre-select and manipulate data before analysis and to quickly zoom in to regions of interest in the analysis results. Glotaran has been developed on top of the NetBeans rich client platform and communicates with R through the Java-to-R interface Rserve. The background and the functionality of the application are described here. In addition, the design, development and implementation process of Glotaran is documented in a generic way

    Ultrafast polarized fluorescence measurements on monomeric and self-associated melittin

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    The anisotropic and magic-angle fluorescence decay of the single tryptophan (Trp) residue of melittin, a bee venom peptide, was investigated by time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy using a streak camera setup. The peptide was dissolved either in distilled water or in Hepes/NaOH buffer containing low (10 mM) or high (2 M) concentrations of NaCl, the latter resulting in tetramerized melittin. For melittin in distilled water and low NaCl concentration, two anisotropy decay times were found in the order of similar to50 and similar to800 picoseconds, reflecting, local and overall peptide dynamics, respectively, and for tetramerized melittin, two anisotropy decay times of similar to200 and similar to5500 picoseconds were found. Decay-associated spectra of the isotropic fluorescence decay show three time components in the range of similar to20 picoseconds, similar to500 picoseconds, and similar to3500 picoseconds, respectively. The relative amplitudes of the latter two change upon the self-association of melittin. This change can be explained by the existence of different rotamers of Trp in melittin, of which one is more favored in the melittin tetramer than in the melittin monomer

    Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM) data analysis with TIMP

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    Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM) allows fluorescence lifetime images of biological objects to be collected at 250 nm spatial resolution and at (sub-)nanosecond temporal resolution. Often ncomp kinetic processes underlie the observed fluorescence at all locations, but the intensity of the fluorescence associated with each process varies per-location, i.e., per-pixel imaged. Then the statistical challenge is global analysis of the image: use of the fluorescence decay in time at all locations to estimate the ncomp lifetimes associated with the kinetic processes, as well as the amplitude of each kinetic process at each location. Given that typical FLIM images represent on the order of 102 timepoints and 103 locations, meeting this challenge is computationally intensive. Here the utility of the TIMP package for R to solve parameter estimation problems arising in FLIM image analysis is demonstrated. Case studies on simulated and real data evidence the applicability of the partitioned variable projection algorithm implemented in TIMP to the problem domain, and showcase options included in the package for the visual validation of models for FLIM data
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