203 research outputs found

    Patented Brand Drugs are Essential Facilities and Regulatory Compacts

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    The COVID-19 health pandemic highlighted the need for more readily affordable patented drugs. Brand drug companies argue that they need to recuperate their research and development (“R&D”), marketing and advertising expenses. The incentive to innovate also needs to be preserved. Drug companies are entitled to a profit and a return on their investment, just as afforded to utility monopolies. Intellectual property and human rights clash relative to access to patented drugs. We provide several proposed approaches to resolve this dilemma and conclude with an argument that patented drugs should be considered a public utility. A model based on the public utility approach has a great deal of merit as a model for setting prices for essential drugs and treatments. The price, however, setting should not be the province of back-room discussions between drug companies and insurers. Prices should be negotiated in public with full transparency just as electricity rates. Investor-owned utilities are profitable essential facilities that are of great benefit to consumers and provide reasonable and regular return on investment for their owners. This can happen for manufacturers of essential drugs as well

    Developing a Measure of Social, Ethical, and Legal Content for Intelligent Cognitive Assistants

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    We address the issue of consumer privacy against the backdrop of the national priority of maintaining global leadership in artificial intelligence, the ongoing research in Artificial Cognitive Assistants, and the explosive growth in the development and application of Voice Activated Personal Assistants (VAPAs) such as Alexa and Siri, spurred on by the needs and opportunities arising out of the COVID-19 global pandemic. We first review the growth and associated legal issues of the of VAPAs in private homes, banks, healthcare, and education. We then summarize the policy guidelines for the development of VAPAs. Then, we classify these into five major categories with associated traits. We follow by developing a relative importance weight for each of the traits and categories; and suggest the establishment of a rating system related to the legal, ethical, functional, and social content policy guidelines established by these organizations. We suggest the establishment of an agency that will use the proposed rating system to inform customers of the implications of adopting a particular VAPA in their sphere

    Implications of the downstream handling of captured CO2

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    Carbon dioxide capture, utilization, and sequestration (CCUS) is a collection of approaches needed to supplement other efforts to achieve net zero carbon emissions. The specific combination of CO2 sources and sinks (a “usage pathway”) determines the environmental impact, economic viability, overall role in climate change mitigation and continued availability of carbon-based products. Optimal deployment requires a clear understanding of the nature of carbon sources and the durability and economic value of downstream processes and materials. Rigorous life cycle and techno-economic assessments (LCA and TEA) are critical. This paper presents a CO2 sources and sinks matrix as the high-level basis for assessing a usage pathway's climate relevance and economics

    Methanol Worked Examples for the TEA and LCA Guidelines for CO2 Utilization

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    This document contains worked examples of how to apply the accompanying “Guideline for Techno-Economic Assessment of CO2 Utilization” and “Guideline for Life Cycle Assessment of CO2 Utilization”. The Guidelines can be downloaded via http://hdl.handle.net/2027.42/145436. These worked examples are not intended to be a definitive TEA or LCA report on the process described, but are provided as supporting material to show how the TEA and LCA methodologies described in the guidelines can be specifically applied to tackle the issues surrounding CO2 utilization. This document describes techno-economic assessment and life cycle assessment for methanol production. As methanol production via hydrogenation and PEM electrolysis of water to produce hydrogen are both at high technology readiness levels (TRL7+); a CO2 capture technology currently at a lower TRL (membrane separation at TRL3 or 4) was selected to demonstrate the differences that can be observed in the interpretation phase when working on TEA and LCA studies of processes with lower TRLs. It is acknowledged that there are many unknown variables with membrane capture, and it is not within the remit of this work to draw conclusions on their application. However, it is known that organizations wish to conduct TEA and LCA studies across a range of TRLs and therefore we hope to demonstrate here how this could affect the results. This document is one of several application examples that accompany the parent document “Techno-Economic Assessment & Life-Cycle Assessment Guidelines for CO2 Utilization”.Development of standardized CO2 Life Cycle and Techno-economic Assessment Guidelines was commissioned by CO2 Sciences, Inc., with the support of 3M, EIT Climate-KIC, CO2 Value Europe, Emissions Reduction Alberta, Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment, R. K. Mellon Foundation, Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation, National Institute of Clean and Low Carbon Energy, Praxair, Inc., XPRIZE and generous individuals who are committed to action to address climate change.https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/145723/5/Global CO2 Initiative Complete Methanol Study 2018.pd

    The effects of frequent nocturnal home hemodialysis: the Frequent Hemodialysis Network Nocturnal Trial

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    Prior small studies have shown multiple benefits of frequent nocturnal hemodialysis compared to conventional three times per week treatments. To study this further, we randomized 87 patients to three times per week conventional hemodialysis or to nocturnal hemodialysis six times per week, all with single-use high-flux dialyzers. The 45 patients in the frequent nocturnal arm had a 1.82-fold higher mean weekly stdKt/Vurea, a 1.74-fold higher average number of treatments per week, and a 2.45-fold higher average weekly treatment time than the 42 patients in the conventional arm. We did not find a significant effect of nocturnal hemodialysis for either of the two coprimary outcomes (death or left ventricular mass (measured by MRI) with a hazard ratio of 0.68, or of death or RAND Physical Health Composite with a hazard ratio of 0.91). Possible explanations for the left ventricular mass result include limited sample size and patient characteristics. Secondary outcomes included cognitive performance, self-reported depression, laboratory markers of nutrition, mineral metabolism and anemia, blood pressure and rates of hospitalization, and vascular access interventions. Patients in the nocturnal arm had improved control of hyperphosphatemia and hypertension, but no significant benefit among the other main secondary outcomes. There was a trend for increased vascular access events in the nocturnal arm. Thus, we were unable to demonstrate a definitive benefit of more frequent nocturnal hemodialysis for either coprimary outcome

    Role of carbon cycle observations and knowledge in carbon management

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    Author Posting. © Annual Reviews, 2003. This article is posted here by permission of Annual Reviews for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Annual Review of Environment and Resources 28 (2003): 521-558, doi:10.1146/annurev.energy.28.011503.163443.Agriculture and industrial development have led to inadvertent changes in the natural carbon cycle. As a consequence, concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases have increased in the atmosphere and may lead to changes in climate. The current challenge facing society is to develop options for future management of the carbon cycle. A variety of approaches has been suggested: direct reduction of emissions, deliberate manipulation of the natural carbon cycle to enhance sequestration, and capture and isolation of carbon from fossil fuel use. Policy development to date has laid out some of the general principles to which carbon management should adhere. These are summarized as: how much carbon is stored, by what means, and for how long. To successfully manage carbon for climate purposes requires increased understanding of carbon cycle dynamics and improvement in the scientific capabilities available for measurement as well as for policy needs. The specific needs for scientific information to underpin carbon cycle management decisions are not yet broadly known. A stronger dialogue between decision makers and scientists must be developed to foster improved application of scientific knowledge to decisions. This review focuses on the current knowledge of the carbon cycle, carbon measurement capabilities (with an emphasis on the continental scale) and the relevance of carbon cycle science to carbon sequestration goals.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is supported by the National Science Foundation
