4 research outputs found

    Further Development of University Education in the Republic of Croatia Respecting the Needs of Defence Systems and Technologies

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    Dan je prikaz postignuća u organizaciji i provedbi visoke naobrazbe za potrebe obrambenih sustava u nekim visoko i srednje razvijenim zemljama Europe i u Kanadi. Prezentirana su temeljna načela koja se trebaju uvažavati prigodom uspostave sustava visoke naobrazbe za potrebe oružanih snaga i Ministarstva obrane Republike Hrvatske. Prezentirana su ostvarena postignuća na visokim učilištima u Republici Hrvatskoj na području obrazovanja za potrebe obrambenih sustava i tehnologija. Dan je prijedlog modela integracije civilne i vojne naobrazbe za potrebe visokog obrazovanja budućih časnika Oružanih snaga Republike Hrvatske.The paper gives an overview of achievements in organization and accomplishment of university education respecting the needs of defence systems in some of the highly- and medium-developed European states and Canada. Basic principles that should be conformed during the establishment of university education system respecting the needs of the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Croatia are presented. The achievements of the universities in the Republic of Croatia in the area of education for the needs of defence systems and technologies are also presented. The model of integrating civil and military education to take into account the needs for university education of the future officers of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia is proposed

    Proposal Of A Higher Education System For The Needs Of The Defence

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    Prezentiraju se glavne sastavnice sustava izobrazbe za potrebe obrane te njihova međusobna povezanost i komplementarnost. Ukazuje se na temeljna načela koja treba uvažavati prilikom oblikovanja visoke naobrazbe za potrebe obrane. Naglašava se kako se pogodnim oblikovanjem skupina izbornih usmjerenja ili skupina izbornih nastavnih predmeta prilagođenih potrebama vojne organizacije, vojne tehnike i tehnologije može uspostaviti nastavni plan i program visoke naobrazbe primjeren potrebama obrane. Navode se neki poticajni primjeri oblikovanja izbornih usmjerenja i izbornih nastavnih predmeta na nekim vodećim zapadnoeuropskim civilnim ili vojnim visokim učilištima koja provode visoku naobrazbu za potrebe njihovih oružanih snaga i ministarstava obrane. Prezentiraju se neka dosadašnja iskustva u Republici Hrvatskoj u provedbi visoke naobrazbe za potrebe obrane. Analiziraju se prednosti i nedostaci visokoškolskog obrazovanja za potrebe obrane utemeljenom s osloncem na postojeći civilni visokoškolski sustav i osnivanjem potpuno novog visokog učilišta za potrebe obrane. Polazeći od iskazanih prednosti i nedostataka iznosi se prijedlog modela integriranog civilno-vojnog dodiplomskog školovanja za potrebe obrane.The main elements of the education system for the needs of defence are presented as well as their interconnectivity and complementarity. The basic principles are presented that need to be considered when designing higher education for the needs of defence. It is emphasised that suitable development of groups of elective courses or groups of elective subjects adjusted to the needs of military organisation, military technology, can establish a higher education curriculum in compliance with the needs of the defence. Certain motivating examples are presented regarding design of elective courses and elective subjects at some leading West-European civil or military higher education institutions that offer higher education for the needs of their armed forces and the ministry of defence. Certain previous experiences in the Republic of Croatia are presented, regarding implementation of higher education for the needs of the defence. Advantages and disadvantages of the higher education for the needs of the defence are analysed, founded based on the existing civil higher education system, and established as a completely new higher education institution for the needs of the defence. Starting from the indicated advantages and disadvantages, a model of integrated civil-military undergraduate education for the needs of the defence is proposed

    The impact of a fixed kinematic radius of a tracked vehicle on the engine power required in a turn

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    V prispevku je analiziran vpliv velikosti računskega polmera obračanja na potrebno moč motorja pri obračanju in na obremenjenost drsnih elementov mahanizma obračanja goseničnega vozila, ki ima mehanizem obračanja z več izračunanimi polmeri obračanja. Definirani so parametri, ki opisujejo relativno spremembo potrebne moči motorja pri obračanju, relativno spremembo zavorne moči na drsnih elementih mehanizma obračanja in spremembo koeficienta koristnega delovanja mehanizma obračanja v odvisnosti od relativnega polmera obračanja. Podana so priporočila za izbiranje računskih polmerov obračanja pri projektiranju mahanizma obračanja goseničnega vozila.This paper analyzes the impact of a fixed kinematic turning radius on the engine power required in a turn and on the load of friction elements in the turning mechanism of a tracked vehicle equipped with turning mechanisms that have several fixed kinematic turning radii. Parameters describing the relative change of engine power in a turn the relative change of braking power on the friction elements of the turning mechanism, and the change of efficiency coefficient of the turning mechanism depending on the relative turning radius are defined. Recommendations regarding the choice of fixed kinematic turning radii, relating to the design of the turning mechanism of a tracked vehicle, are given