74 research outputs found


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    It is known that the long-standing political and economic environment in our country has stopped the development of tourism and that the quality and diverse resource base of the Republic of Serbia is not sufficiently utilized. The offer of Serbian tourism products, spontaneously developed for the needs of domestic tourism, is not able to respond to the contemporary trends of the international tourist market, because there have been major changes in the market according to which the Republic of Serbia has not adapted its tourist offer. This has directed the subject of research in this paper to determine the achieved level of tourism development in the Republic of Serbia. Based on the new demands of modern tourists and global trends in tourism, the Republic of Serbia has the opportunity to capitalize its current position, to form a tourist offer and to achieve significant growth in the tourism sector and thereby provide a place on the world tourist map

    Beli luk kao alternativa za antibiotike u ishrani prasadi u odgoju

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    The effects of the use of antibiotics and garlic powder in the nutrition of weaning piglets were compared. The trial included 120 weaned piglets of the same genotype (Large White) distributed in three feeding treatments. In the first study period (day 27-56), a feed mixture with 20% protein was used, while in the second period (day 57-84), a mixture with 18% protein. The control group was fed with mixtures containing antibiotics in the amount of 0.2%, while the two experimental groups were fed with mixtures containing fermented garlic powder (FGP) in the concentration of 0.05% and 0.2%. The obtained results showed that the use of FGP, instead of antibiotics, resulted in better gain in second trial group, and also better feed conversion ratio, in both trial groups by 3.84% and 6.93% respectively, during the entire research period.Ispitivani su uticaji korišćenja antibiotika i fermentisanog belog luka u ishrani prasadi u odgoju. Ogled je sproveden na 120 prasadi, genotipa Veliki jorkšir, podeljenih u dve grupe tokom celog perioda istraživanja. U prvom periodu istraživanja korišćena je smeša hraniva sa 20% proteina, dok je u drugom korišćena smeša sa 18% proteina. Prva kontrolna grupa je hranjena smešama sa antibiotikom u količini od 0,2%, dok su ogledne grupe hranjena smešama sa belim lukom u koncetraciji od 0,05% i 0.2%. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da korišćenjem belog luka, umesto antibiotika, dolazi do poboljšanja prirasta u drugoj oglednoj grupi, kao i konverzije hrane u obe ogledne grupa za 3.84%;6.93% u toku celog perioda istraživanja

    Uslovi gajenja i zdravstveno stanje teladi na malim seoskim farmama

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    Good rearing conditions are the key factor for health and welfare of calves. Diarrhea, respiratory and navel infections are commonly referred to as the most common health problems in calves. The aim of this study was an observation of rearing conditions and the occurrence of the most common health problems in calves on small rural farms in Danube Region of Serbia. Data were colected from 30 farms by surveying the farmers. The questionary consisted of 75 questions pertaining to the following: general information on the farm, and on calving, nutrition, weaning, housing, hygiene of space for cows and calves, on calf diseases and diseases prevention measures. According to the answers, the average number of all categories of cattle at the fams is 18 heads. Calves are separated from their mothers immediately after birth at 67% farms. They receive colostrum up to two hours after birth at 47% of the farms and immediately after birth at 20% of the farms. Average age of calves at weaning is 13 weeks. Calves begin to use hay usually between the 1 st and 2 nd week of life, and a concentrated feed in 2 nd week. They are held in different types of pens. Farmers specified diarrhea and respiratory diseases as the most common health problems in calves. Rearing conditions at the farms often do not meet the recommendations and the breeders do not implement all of the necessary preventive measures. Corrections in this regard could contribute to better health of calves.Dobri uslovi gajenja su ključni faktor za očuvanje zdravlja i dobrobit teladi. Kao najčešći zdravstveni problemi teladi obično se navode prolivi, infekcije disajnih puteva i infekcije pupka. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je sagledavanje uslova gajenja i učestalost pojave najčešćih zdravstvenih problema kod teladi na malim seoskim farmama u Podunavskom regionu Srbije. Podaci su prikupljeni sa 30 farmi anketiranjem farmera. Anketa se sastojala od 75 pitanja koja su se odnosila na: opšte informacije o farmi, teljenje, ishranu teladi, odbijanje, smeštaj, higijenu prostora za smeštaj plotkinja i teladi, bolesti koje se javljaju kod teladi i mere preventive bolesti. Prema odgovorima, prosečan broj goveda svih kategorija na farmama je 18. Telad se na 67% farmi odmah po rođenju odvaja od majki. Dobijaju kolostrum 2 sata po rođenju na 47% farmi, a na 20% farmi odmah po rođenju. Prosečna starost teladi pri odbijanju je 13 nedelja. Telad počinje da koristi seno obično između 1. i 2. nedelje života, a koncentrat u 2. nedelji. Telad se drže u različitim tipovima bokseva. Farmeri su naveli proliv i respiratorne bolesti kao najčešće zdravstvene probleme kod teladi. Uslovi gajenja na farmama često nisu u skladu sa preporukama i odgajivači ne sprovode sve neophodne preventivne mere za sprečavanje pojave bolesti. Korekcije u ovom pogledu bi mogle doprineti boljem zdravstvenom stanju teladi

    Mesnatost testiranih nazimica u tri uzastopne godine

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    In the present study, the aim was to determine the impact of the following factors: age, farm, and gilt genotype, as well as the regression impact of body weight at the end of the performance test on the following tested properties: age at the end of the test/final age (FA), lifetime daily gain (LDG), the backfat thickness measured in two places (according to the Main Breeding program for Central Serbia), the depth of the long back muscle (BM) and the estimated lean meat content/meatiness (M). The study included two farms of pigs (farm 1 and farm 2), for three consecutive years (year 1, year 2 and year 3). The number of tested heads per year was 974 (year 1), 1311 (year 2) and 757 (year 3). The tested gilts were of Swedish Landrace, Large White and Duroc breeds. The gilts originated from 97 sires, while the number of daughters per sires ranged from 10 to 100. The results show that the Duroc animals were the oldest (245 days), which had the highest values for both measures of backfat thickness, but the lowest values for meatiness. In the third study year, the lowest average values were determined for the properties of the LDG, BM and M. The female animals from the farm 1 showed less growth/gain and had lower values for the estimated meatiness. As a result of the study, it was established that all included factors had a very high statistically significant influence on the variation of the tested properties (P lt 0.001), only the genotype of gilts showed ahigh statistically significant effect on the BM property (P lt 0.01).U ovom istraživanju cilj je bio da se utvrdi kakav uticaj su imali sledeći faktori: godina, farma, i genotip nazimica kao i regresijski uticaj telesne mase na kraju performans testa na sledeće ispitivane osobine: uzrast na kraju testa (UKT), životni dnevni prirast (LDG), debljina slanine merena na dva mesta (u skladu sa Glavnim odgajivačkim pogramom), dubina dugog leđnog mišića (BM) i procenjena mesnatost (M). Istraživanjem su obuhvaćene dve farme svinja (farma 1 i farma 2), kroz tri uzastopne godine (godina 1, godina 2 i godina 3). Broj testiranih grla po godinama iznosio je: 974 (godina 1), 1311 (godina 2) i 757 (godina 3). Testirane nazimice su pripadale sledećim čistim rasama švedski landras, veliki jorkšir i Duroc. Nazimice potiču od 97 očeva, dok je broj kćeri po očevima iznosio od 10 do 100. Rezultati pokazuju da su najstarija grla rase Duroc (245 dana), koja imaju i najveće vrednosti za obe mere debljine slanine, ali najmanje vrednosti za mesnatost. U trećoj godini ispitivanja najmanje prosečne vrednosti su utvrđene za osobine LDG, BM i M. Ženska grla sa farme 1 su slabije prirastala i imala manje vrednosti za procenjenu mesnatost. Kao rezultat ispitivanja utvrđeno je da su svi uključeni faktori veoma visoko statistički značajno uticali na variranje ispitivanih osobina (P lt 0.001), jedino genotip nazimica pokazuje visok statistički značajan uticaj na osobinu BM (P lt 0.01)

    Twenty-five-year study of Nosema spp. in honey bees (Apis mellifera) in Serbia

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    A total of 7386 samples of adult honey bees from different areas of Serbia (fifteen regions and 79 municipalities) were selected for light microscopy analysis for Nosema species during 1992-2017. A selection of honey bee samples from colonies positive for microsporidian spores during 2009-2011, 2015 and 2017 were then subjected to molecular diagnosis by multiplex PCR using specific primers for a region of the 16S rRNA gene of Nosema species. The prevalence of microsporidian spore-positive bee colonies ranged between 14.4% in 2013 and 65.4% in 1992. PCR results show that Nosema ceranae is not the only Nosema species to infect honey bees in Serbia. Mixed N. apis/N. ceranae infections were detected in the two honey bee samples examined by mPCR during 2017. The beekeeping management of disease prevention, such as replacement of combs and queens and hygienic handling of colonies are useful in the prevention of Nosema infection

    Effect of variable frequency electromagnetic field on deposit formation in installations with geothermal water in Sijarinjska spa (Serbia)

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    In this paper we have examined the effect of variable frequency electromagnetic field generated with a homemade device on deposit formation in installations with geothermal water from Sijarinjska Spa. The frequency alteration of the electromagnetic field in time was made by means of the sinusoidal and saw-tooth function. In laboratory conditions, with the flow of geothermal water at 0.015 l/s and temperature of 60 °C for 6 hours through a zig-zag glass pipe, a multiple decrease of total deposit has been achieved. By applying the saw-tooth and sinusoidal function, the decrease in contents of calcium and deposit has been achieved by 8 and 6 times, respectively. A device was also used on geothermal water installation in Sijarinjska Spa (Serbia), with the water flow through a 1'' diameter non-magnetic prochrome pipe at 0.15 l/s and temperature of 75 °C in a ten-day period. A significant decrease in total deposit and calcium in the deposit has also been achieved

    Effect of breed of performance tested boars on ejaculate traits

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    The main objective of the study was to determine the influence of breed on the traits of boar ejaculate: ejaculate volume (VOL, ml), sperm concentration (CON, x106 sperm/ml), total sperm count in ejaculate (TNS, x109 spermatozoa), sperm motility in native ejaculate (MON, %), sperm motility after dilution (MOD, %) and number of doses produced (NPD). The aim was also to evaluate the correlation of the boar performance test traits: average life daily gain (g), backfat thickness measured in two locations (mm), depth of longissimus dorsi muscle (mm) and carcass meat content (%) with ejaculate traits. Total of 931 ejaculates of 36 boars during reproductive exploitation were analysed (16 Landrace boars and 20 Large White boars). The effect was assessed using the procedure of the general linear model of the statistical package SAS 9.1.3 (SAS Inst. Inc., 2002- 2003). The model for analysis included the influence of breed, season and the linear regression influence of body weight at the end of the performance test. The correlation of the traits was determined by applying the Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Most of the examined ejaculate traits (VOL, CON, MOD and NPD) varied under the influence of boar breed (p<0.01; p<0.001). Weight at the end of the test (p<0.05; p<0.01; p<0.001) affected all examined traits, except CON and TNS. A weak association was found between production performance and ejaculate traits

    Hormoni u sirovom i maloprodajnom mleku krava i potencijalni rizik po zdravlje potrošača

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    The study aimed to determine the concentration of energy-related hormones in cow’s milk and to consider them from a public health perspective. Fourteen Holstein cows were subjected to milk and blood sampling on the following days in lactation (DIL): 10, 30, 60, 90, 150, 180, 210, 250 and 280 to determine milk hormones, fat and protein content and blood biochemical parameters. For the same purpose, bulk-tank milk was sampled and samples of retail m ilk with 1.5% (CM1.5) and 3.2% (CM3.2) fat was purchased. Milk insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) values were signifi cantly lower at 90, 150, 180, 210 and 250 and signifi cantly higher at 10, 30 and 60 DIL than lactation average (LA). Milk insulin concentrations were signifi cantly lower at 30, 60 and 90 and higher at 210, 250 and 280 DIL than LA. Free thyroxine (fT4) level in the milk was higher at 250 DIL, while milk free triiodothyronine (fT3) concentrations were lower at 30, 60, 90 and 280 DIL, and signifi cantly higher at 10 and 180 DIL than respective LA. Milk cortisol levels were lower at 60 and 280 DIL than LA. All measured milk hormones were signifi cantly lower in CM1.5 compared to CM3.2, bulk-tank milk and LA. An exception was the LA of IGF-1, which was signifi cantly lower than the IGF1 content in CM1.5. Blood biochemical parameters fl uctuated evenly during lactation and were within the reference range. Hormone concentrations in cow’s milk fl uctuate during lactation, giving milk an important role in the context of public health.Istraživanje je imalo za cilj određivanje koncentracije hormona u mleku krava u različitim fazama laktacije, mleku iz laktofriza i maloprodajnom mleku. Uzorci mleka i krvi prikupljeni su 10., 30., 60., 90., 150., 180., 210., 250. i 280 dana laktacije od četrnaest krava holštajn rase radi određivanja koncentracije hormona, masti i proteina u mleku i biohemijskih parametara krvi. U iste svrhe uzorkovano je mleko iz laktofriza i nabavljeno je komercijalno mleko sa 1,5% (CM1,5) i 3,2% (CM3,2) mlečne masti. Koncentracije insulinu-sličnog faktora rasta-1 (IGF-1) u mleku bile su značajno niže 90., 150., 180., 210. i 250. dana i značajno više 10., 30. i 60. dana laktacije poredeći sa laktacionim prosekom (LP). Insulin je imao značajno niže koncentracije u mleku 30., 60. i 90. dana i značajno više koncentracije 210., 250. i 280. dana laktacije poredeći sa LP. Koncentracija slobodnog tiroksina (fT4) je bila viša 250. dana, dok je nivo slobodnog trijodotironina (fT3) bio značajno niži 30., 60., 90. i 280. dana i značajno viši 10. i 180. dana u poređenju sa odgovarajućim LP. Nivo kortizola u mleku je bio niži 60. i 280. dana laktacije poredeći sa LP. Svi hormoni su imali značajno niže koncentracije u CM1,5 nego u CM3,2, mleku iz laktofriza i LP. Izuzetak je LP za IGF-1, koji je bio značajno niži nego nivo IGF-1 u CM1,5. Biohemijski parametri krvi su blago fl uktuirali tokom laktacije, ali su ostali u referentnom opsegu. Koncentracije hormona u kravljem mleku fl uktuiraju tokom laktacije, što daje značaj mleku u kontekstu javnog zdravlja

    Therapeutic effect of nucleoside analogs on experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in dark agouti rats

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    Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is a commonly used animal model of the human neurological disorder multiple sclerosis. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of combined treatment with two nucleoside analogs, ribavirin and tiazofurin, on development of EAE actively induced in highly susceptible dark agouti rats. The obtained results showed that ribavirin and tiazofurin applied either separately or in combination from the onset of the firstsymptoms of EAE after its induction (therapeutic treatment) significantly suppressed EAE’s clinical symptoms. However, the most pronounced effect was gained with combined treatment, probably as a result of synergistic/additive action

    Pig production and new technologies for evaluation of meatiness

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    У овом раду приказана је важност свињарства у сточарској производњи у Р. Србији и свету обзиром на висок удео свињског меса у укупној производњи меса. Економичност производње свиња односно товљеника се огледа кроз три најбитнија показатеља годишња производња товљеника по крмачи, утрошак хране по килограму прираста и меснатост товљеника. Наведени показатељи економичности првенствено зависе од генетског потенцијала родитеља, фактора околине и менаџмента. Највећи произвођач свиња и свињског меса је Кина. У 2020. години у Кини је било 43,27% свиња од укупног броја свиња у свету. У истој години у САД-у се гајило 8,11% а у Бразилу 4,32% свиња од укупног броја у свету. Остале наведене државе имају знатно мањи број грла. Највећи пад бројног стања од 1999. године до 2020. године је у Бугарској (65%), Чешкој (61,35%), Мађарској (48%), Србији (32%) и Белорусији (22%). Србија је учествовала са 0.31% у укупном броју свиња у свету у 2020. години. Највећи произвођач свињског меса у 2020. години је Кина са са 38,33% од укупне производње меса. По уделу уи светској проитзводњи меса следе САД-е (11,69%), Немачка (4,66%), Шпанија (4,56%) и Бразил (4,08%). У односу на светску производњу свињског меса удео Србије у 2020. години износи свега 0.28%. Од укупне производње свих врста меса у нашој земљи удео свињског меса износи 58,4 %. У Србији се процена меснатости спроводи помоћу ултразвучних уређаја in vivo и in vitro помоћу аутоматских уређаја за процену меснатости или ручним мерењем помоћу две тачке на линији клања.The importance of pig production in total livestock production in Republic of Serbia and the world is presented in this paper, especially given the high share of porcine in total meat production. The economic efficiency of pig production, i.e. fattening of pigs, is observed through three most important indicators of production: annual production of fattening pigs per sow, feed consumption per kilogram of growth and meatiness of fattening pigs. The mentioned economic indicators primarily depend on the genetic potential of the parents, environmental factors and management. The largest producer of pigs and pork is China. In 2020, 43.27% of total number of pigs in the world were farmed in China. In the same year, 8.11% and 4.32% of the total number of pigs were reared in the USA and in Brazil, respectively. The remaining countries have a significantly smaller number of animals. The biggest decline in numbers from 1999 to 2020 was recorded in Bulgaria (65%), the Czech Republic (61.35%), Hungary (48%), Serbia (32%) and Belarus (22%). Serbia participated with 0.31% in the total number of pigs in the world in 2020. The largest producer of pork in 2020 was China with 38.33% of the total meat production. The USA (11.69%), Germany (4.66%), Spain (4.56%) and Brazil (4.08%) followed in terms of their share in the world meat production. In relation to the world production of pork, Serbia's share in 2020 was only 0.28%. In regard to the total production of all types of meat in our country, the share of porcine meat is 58.4%. In Serbia, evaluation of meatiness is carried out using ultrasound devices in vivo and in vitro, using automatic devices for evaluating meatiness or by manual measurement using two points at the slaughter line