25 research outputs found
Ostaci pesticida u organskim proizvodima
Food from organic production systems in recent years gain increasingly significant
place in the market. Awareness of the benefits of the food products that were created
with no application of agrochemicals is becoming increasingly prominent. The presence
of chemical agents can not be totally excluded, even when applying all the principles of
organic production because residues present in the soil, applied long before the
mandatory conversion time of five years, may affect the quality of organic products.
The aim of this study was to determine the presence of 50 pesticide in vegetables from
organic production. The vegetable samples were taken from green markets. Pesticide
residues, higher than the detection limit and less than the maximum allowable
concentration (MAC) are present in 52%, 23% and 2% respectively for organochlorine,
carbamate and organophosphate insecticides, while carbamates were not detected in any
sample. MAC is exceeded in one sample of kohlrabi, eggplant, parsley, potatoes,
peppers, beets and cabbage, for the content of HCH and metabolites, aldrin and
metabolites, endrine, heptachlor and metabolites, phosalone and azinphos-methyl.Poljoprivredni proizvodi iz organskog sistema proizvodnje poslednjih godina
imaju sve značajnije mesto na tržištu. Svest ljudi o prednostima ishrane proizvodima koji
su nastali uz minimalnu primenu agrohemikalija, postaje sve izraženija. Prisustvo
hemijskih sredstava se ne može potpuno isključiti, čak i kada se primenjuju svi principi
organske proizvodnje, jer rezidue prisutne u zemljištu aplicirane mnogo pre početka
obaveznog vremena konverzije mogu da utiču na kvalitet organskih proizvoda. Cilj ovog
istraživanja je utvrđivanje prisustva ostataka perzistentnih i drugih pesticida u povrću iz
organske proizvodnje. U uzorcima povrća: blitve, brokolija, bundeve, celera, cvekle,
karfiola, kelerabe, krastavca, krompira, kupusa, paprike, patlidžana, peršuna, šargarepe i
tikvica, uzetim na novosadskim zelenim pijacama, ispitan je sadržaj ostataka 50 pesticida i
njihovih metabolita. Ostaci pesticida, viši od limita detekcije primenjene metode, a manji
od maksimalno dozvoljene koncentracije (MDK) su prisutni u 52 %, 23 % i 2 % uzoraka,
respektivno za organohlorne, karbamatne i organofosforne insekticide, dok karbamati nisu
detektovani ni u jednom uzorku. MDK vrednost je premašena u po jednom uzorku
kelerabe, patlidžana, peršuna, krompira, paprike, cvekle i kupusa u pogledu sadržaja HCH
i metabolita, aldrina i metabolita, endrina, heptahlora i metabolita, fosalona i azinfosmetila
Toxic Effects of Metallopharmaceuticals
Discovery of the metallopharmaceutical cisplatin and its use in antitumour therapy has initiated the rational design and screening of metal-based anticancer agents as potential chemotherapeutics. In addition to the achievements of cisplatin and its therapeutic analogues, there are significant drawbacks to its use: resistance and toxicity. Over the past four decades, numerous transition metal complexes have been synthesized and investigated in vitro and in vivo. The most studied metals among these complexes are platinum and ruthenium. The key features of these investigations is to find novel metal complexes that could potentially exert less toxicity and equal or higher antitumour potency and to overcome other pharmacological deficiencies. Ru complexes have a different mode of action than cisplatin does, some of which are under clinical trials for treating metastatic or cisplatin-resistant tumours. This review consists of the current knowledge, published and unpublished, related to the toxicity of metallopharmaceuticals, and special attention is given to platinum [Pt(II) and Pt(IV)] and ruthenium [Ru(II) and Ru(III)] complexes
Toxic effects of metallopharmaceuticals
© 2017, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science. All rights reserved. Discovery of the metallopharmaceutical cisplatin and its use in antitumour therapy has initiated the rational design and screening of metal-based anticancer agents as potential chemotherapeutics. In addition to the achievements of cisplatin and its therapeutic analogues, there are significant drawbacks to its use: resistance and toxicity. Over the past four decades, numerous transition metal complexes have been synthesized and investigated in vitro and in vivo. The most studied metals among these complexes are platinum and ruthenium. The key features of these investigations is to find novel metal complexes that could potentially exert less toxicity and equal or higher antitumour potency and to overcome other pharmacological deficiencies. Ru complexes have a different mode of action than cisplatin does, some of which are under clinical trials for treating metastatic or cisplatin-resistant tumours. This review consists of the current knowledge, published and unpublished, related to the toxicity of metallopharmaceuticals, and special attention is given to platinum [Pt(II) and Pt(IV)] and ruthenium [Ru(II) and Ru(III)] complexes
Emergency or Delayed Surgical Treatment of Unstable Supracondylar Humeral Fractures in Children?
Supracondylar humeral fractures (SCHF) are the most common elbow fractures in children, representing 3% of all paediatric fractures. Treatment options for SCHF in children are based on the Gartland classification. Treatment of non-displaced fractures (type I) is non-operative. Plaster immobilization for 3 to 4 weeks is recommended, depending on the age of the child and fracture healing. Treatments of displaced supracondylar fractures (type II and III) of the humerus in children are still undefined in clinical practice. Because of divided opinions, the aim of this study was to evaluate whether delayed or immediate surgical treatment has an advantage in the treatment of supracondylar fractures in children. This is a prospective – retrospective clinical study. This study included 64 patients from 5 to 15 years old; 47 (73.4%) were boys and 17 (26.6%) were girls. The most common age range (59.4%) in this study was 5-8 years old. All patients were diagnosed with supracondylar fractures at the Institute for Orthopaedic Surgery “Banjica”. We analysed 17 parameters, which were obtained either from direct patient interviews or from their medical history. All patients were divided into two groups with matched characteristics. Group I consisted of 26 patients who had immediate operations. Group II consisted of 38 patients who had delayed operations
Emergency or delayed surgical treatment of unstable supracondylar humeral fractures in children?
© 2017, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science. All rights reserved. Supracondylar humeral fractures (SCHF) are the most common elbow fractures in children, representing 3% of all paediatric fractures. Treatment options for SCHF in children are based on the Gartland classification. Treatment of non-displaced fractures (type I) is non-operative. Plaster immobilization for 3 to 4 weeks is recommended, depending on the age of the child and fracture healing. Treatments of displaced supracondylar fractures (type II and III) of the humerus in children are still undefined in clinical practice. Because of divided opinions, the aim of this study was to evaluate whether delayed or immediate surgical treatment has an advantage in the treatment of supracondylar fractures in children. This is a prospective – retrospective clinical study. This study included 64 patients from 5 to 15 years old; 47 (73.4%) were boys and 17 (26.6%) were girls. The most common age range (59.4%) in this study was 5-8 years old. All patients were diagnosed with supracondylar fractures at the Institute for Orthopaedic Surgery “Banjica”. We analysed 17 parameters, which were obtained either from direct patient interviews or from their medical history. All patients were divided into two groups with matched characteristics. Group I consisted of 26 patients who had immediate operations. Group II consisted of 38 patients who had delayed operations. Based on the results of the analysed parameters, consisting primarily of functional results, the absence of subjective symptoms and myositis ossificans one year after surgery suggests that emergency surgical treatment of displaced supracondylar humeral fractures is optimal
The Effects of Cisplatin and Its PT(II) Analogue on Oxidative Stress of Isolated Rat Heart/ Efekti Cisplatine I PT(II) Analoga Cisplatine Na Oksidacioni Stres Izolovanog Srca Pacova
To date, numerous platinum (II) complexes have been successfully used in the treatment of different types of cancer. Therapeutic platinum complexes are different in terms of their structure, chemical reactivity, solubility, pharmacokinetics and toxicity. The aim of our research was the evaluation of cardiotoxicity of dichloro-(ethylendiamine) platinum (II) in a model of isolated rat heart using the Langedorff technique. Oxidative stress was assessed by determination of superoxide anion radical, hydrogen peroxide, Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances and nitric oxide levels from coronary venous effluent. All reagents were perfused at increasing concentrations from 10-8 to 10-4 M for 30 minutes. In this paper, we report that substances administered at higher doses did not induce dose-dependent effects on oxidative stress markers. The results of this research may be of great interest for future studies in this area. There are many novel platinum compounds that had previously demonstrated antitumour activity, and these types of experiments in our study can assist in the examination of their cardiotoxicity. These results could be helpful for understanding dose-dependent side effects of existing and novel platinum compound
The Influence of Different Types of Physical Activity on The Redox Status of Scuba Divers
The effect of scuba diving on ROS production and oxidative stress compared to that of other recreational activities is still poorly understood. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of different types of physical activity on the redox status of scuba divers by testing the pro- and anti-oxidative parameters immediately before and after different types of physical load. The prevalence study included 10 professional police divers. All examinees were male, 32 ± 5.1 years of age, well-trained, and with a minimum of five to a maximum of 20 years of diving experience. The study was divided into three experimental protocols: 1) an exercise test (at atmospheric pressure), 2) an at sea dive (30 meters for 30 minutes), and 3) a dive into river current (10 meters for 30 minutes). Immediately before and after the load test of the divers at atmospheric pressure and immediately before and after the dive, blood samples were taken to determine the values of the following pro-oxidant markers: O2−, H2O2, NO2− and TBARS, as well as antioxidant enzymes (SOD and CAT). A comparison of the results before and after physical activity for all three protocols revealed a significant increase in values for NO2−, O2−, H2O2 and CAT after physical activity. It can be concluded that the values of all oxidative stress markers depend on the season of the year in which the research is conducted or on the frequency of dives and degree of physical exertion during this period of the year
Oxidative stress parameters after abdominal hysterectomy and their relationships with quality of recovery
© 2019, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science. All rights reserved. Study aimed to investigate relationship between oxidative stress markers and postoperative recovery in woman after abdominal hysterectomy, as well as to test the hypothesis that different analgesics differently influence redox status. The quality of recovery was evaluated with a QoR-40 questionnaire in fifty-one patients who underwent abominal hysterectomy, preoperatively and on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd postoperative days (POD1,2,3). Blood samples were collected at baseline (T0), 3 (T1), 24 (T2), 48 (T3) and 72 (T4) hours after surgery. Oxidative stress markers concentrations (TBARS, NO2-, H2O2, O2-) as well as antioxidative enzymes (SOD, CAT, and GSH) were analyzed. QoR-40 total score significantly declined on POD1 and POD2 and returned to baseline levels on POD3 (p0.05). Changes in TBARS levels from T0 to T3 were statistically significant between the study subgroups primarily due to increase of the concentrations in patients receiving paracetamol (p=0.031). Patients age, duration of surgery and cigarette smoking status showed significant influcences on and association with some oxidative stress response markers (TBARS, O2-, CAT) (p<0.05). Women who underwent hysterectomy had significant changes of H2O2 and TBARS activity however, those changes were not associated with changes of QoR-40 total scores during recovery
The influence of different types of physical activity on the redox status of scuba divers
© 2017, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science. All rights reserved. The effect of scuba diving on ROS production and oxidative stress compared to that of other recreational activities is still poorly understood. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of different types of physical activity on the redox status of scuba divers by testing the pro- and anti-oxidative parameters immediately before and after different types of physical load. The prevalence study included 10 professional police divers. All examinees were male, 32 ± 5.1 years of age, well-trained, and with a minimum of five to a maximum of 20 years of diving experience. The study was divided into three experimental protocols: 1) an exercise test (at atmospheric pressure), 2) an at sea dive (30 meters for 30 minutes), and 3) a dive into river current (10 meters for 30 minutes). Immediately before and after the load test of the divers at atmospheric pressure and immediately before and after the dive, blood samples were taken to determine the values of the following pro-oxidant markers: O2-, H2O2, NO2- and TBARS, as well as antioxidant enzymes (SOD and CAT). A comparison of the results before and after physical activity for all three protocols revealed a significant increase in values for NO2-, O2-, H2O2 and CAT after physical activity. It can be concluded that the values of all oxidative stress markers depend on the season of the year in which the research is conducted or on the frequency of dives and degree of physical exertion during this period of the year
The Effects of Chronic Administration of Cisplatin on Oxidative Stress in the Isolated Rat Heart
Taken into consideration that molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in cardiotoxicity are still not clear the aim of this study was to compare the production of oxidative stress parameters in the isolated rat heart between animals chronically treated with cisplatin and saline. The hearts of male Wistar albino rats (n = 24, 12 per group, age 8 weeks, body mass 250±50 g) were excised and perfused according to the Langendorff technique at gradually increased coronary perfusion pressures (40-120 cm H2O). We followed the production of superoxide anion radicals, hydrogen peroxide, and nitrites and also index of lipid peroxidation during the changes of coronary perfusion pressure (CPP) (from 40 to 120 cm H2O) in coronary venous effluent. Modifications CPP were performed in order to determined if oxidative stress is involved in coronary endothelium response in conditions of hypoxia (lower than 60 cm H2O) and hyperoxia (higher than 80 cm H2O)