100 research outputs found

    Digital simulation of chronopotentiometric and steady-state voltammetric curves at microelectrodes in the presence of a low concentration of supporting electrolyte

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    A simulation scheme for the calculation of theoretical chronopotentiograms at microelectrodes in solutions containing low amounts of supporting electrolyte is presented. The scheme allows computation of the changes in the concentration profiles of the substrates, products and the supporting electrolyte ions with time. The electrode potentials that are established after reaching the steady-state, together with the appropriate current intensities, can be used for constructing the steady-state voltammograms. The simulation of the mixed diffusional and migrational transport is based on the Crank-Nicolson method with an exponentially expanding time and space grids. The scheme does not impose any limitations on diffusion coefficients and it can be applied both to simple electrode reactions (one reactant-one product) and more complicated reactions under the assumption that the double-layer thickness is small in comparison to the diffusion layer. Five simple types of electrode reactions and an example of a more complicated scheme were considered. The results obtained demonstrate that the dependence of the steady-state limiting current on the support ratio (csupp.el./csubst) depends not only on the charge of the reactant and the product, but also on the diffusion coefficient ratio of the substrate and product. If the difference between diffusion coefficients is large, the predictions based on simpler theories available in literature can become invalid

    Voltammetric investigation of the complexation equilibria in the presence of a low level of supporting electrolyte Part 1: Steady-state current-potential curves for inert complexes

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    The use of microelectrodes for voltammetric investigations of the complexation equilibria at very low concentrations of supporting electrolyte allows the risk of competitive complexation or contamination to be avoided, makes the activities of the species involved closer to their concentrations (which facilitates comparisons with the spectroscopic results) and finally, allows the concentrations of the species to be varied over a broader range. This paper presents the calculations of the steady-state currents for a wide range of complexes that are inert on the experimental time scale, and reports the influence of the concentration of the electroinactive ionic species on the limiting currents. Also, for a number of cases the variation of halfwave potential with the ligand concentration, resulting from changes in the ohmic drop, is given. It is assumed that only one species (the complex or the uncomplexed form) is electroactive; if this is the complex, it may or may not change the number of ligands. The theoretical results were obtained either employing the Myland-Oldham theory extended in this paper or by digital simulation. The results of calculations show that the magnitude of the changes in the steady-state limiting current on complexation depends on the type of complexation equilibrium, the type of the change in the reactant charge number in the electrode process, and the complex formation constant. In a number of situations migrational effects are negligibly small and no special treatment is necessary, despite the lack of supporting electrolyte. In other cases, where migration is significant, the relations between the measured steady-state limiting current and the complex formation constant ß are given in the form of fitted equations that can be used to obtain ß from appropriate experimental data

    D-cycloserine to enhance extinction of cue-elicited craving for alcohol: A translational approach

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    Cue-elicited craving for alcohol is well established but extinction-based treatment to extinguish this response has generated only modest positive outcomes in clinical trials. Basic and clinical research suggests that D-cycloserine (DCS) enhances extinction to fear cues under certain conditions. However, it remains unclear whether DCS would also accelerate extinction of cue-elicited craving for alcohol. The goal of the current study was to examine whether, compared with placebo (PBO), DCS enhanced extinction of cue-elicited craving among treatment-seeking individuals with alcohol use disorders (AUDs). Participants were administered DCS (50 mg) or PBO 1 h before an alcohol extinction paradigm in a simulated bar environment on two occasions. The extinction procedures occurred 1 week apart and were fully integrated into outpatient treatment. Subjective craving for alcohol was the primary variable of interest. Follow-up cue reactivity sessions were conducted 1 week and 3 weeks later to ascertain persisting DCS effects. Drinking outcomes and tolerability were also examined. DCS was associated with augmented reductions in alcohol craving to alcohol cues during the first extinction session and these effects persisted through all subsequent sessions, suggesting facilitation of extinction. Participants in the DCS condition reported significant short-term reductions in drinking, although these did not persist to follow-up, and found the medication highly tolerable. These findings provide evidence that DCS enhances extinction of cue-elicited craving for alcohol in individuals with AUDs in the context of outpatient treatment. The potential clinical utility of DCS is discussed, including methodological considerations and context-dependent learning.R21 AA017696 - NIAAA NIH HHS; K23 AA016936 - NIAAA NIH HHS; R21 AA017696-01A1 - NIAAA NIH HHS; T32 DA007317 - NIDA NIH HHS; T32 AR007317 - NIAMS NIH HHShttp:// versio

    Housing metadata for the common physicist using a relational database

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    SAM was developed as a data handling system for Run II at Fermilab. SAM is a collection of services, each described by metadata. The metadata are modeled on a relational database, and implemented in ORACLE. SAM, originally deployed in production for the D0 Run II experiment, has now been also deployed at CDF and is being commissioned at MINOS. This illustrates that the metadata decomposition of its services has a broader applicability than just one experiment. A joint working group on metadata with representatives from ATLAS, BaBar, CDF, CMS, D0, and LHCB in cooperation with EGEE has examined this metadata decomposition in the light of general HEP user requirements. Greater understanding of the required services of a performant data handling system has emerged from Run II experience. This experience is being merged with the understanding being developed in the course of LHC experience with data challenges and user case discussions. We describe the SAM schema and the commonalities of function and service support between this schema and proposals for the LHC experiments. We describe the support structure required for SAM schema updates, the use of development, integration, and production instances. We are also looking at the LHC proposals for the evolution of schema using keyword-value pairs that are then transformed into a normalized, performant database schema

    Evaluating psychometric properties of the Emotional Eating Scale Adapted for Children and Adolescents (EES-C) in a clinical sample of children seeking treatment for obesity: a case for the unidimensional model.

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    BackgroundThe Emotional Eating Scale - Adapted for Children and Adolescents (EES-C) assesses children's urge to eat in response to experiences of negative affect. Prior psychometric studies have demonstrated the high reliability, concurrent validity, and test-retest reliability of theoretically defined subconstructs among non-clinical samples of children and adolescents who were primarily healthy weight; however, no psychometric studies exist investigating the EES-C among clinical samples of children with overweight/obesity (OW/OB). Furthermore, studies conducted in different contexts have suggested a discordant number of subconstructs of emotions related to eating. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity of the EES-C in a clinical sample of children seeking weight-loss treatment.MethodUsing a hierarchical bi-factor approach, we evaluated the validity of the EES-C to measure a single general construct, a set of two separate correlated subconstructs, or a hierarchical arrangement of two constructs, and determined reliability in a clinical sample of treatment-seeking children with OW/OB aged 8-12 years (N = 147, mean age = 10.4 years.; mean BMI z = 2.0; female = 66%; Hispanic = 32%, White and other = 68%).ResultsComparison of factor-extraction methods suggested a single primary construct underlying EES-C in this clinical sample. The bi-factor indices provided clear evidence that most of the reliable variance in the total score (90.8 for bi-factor model with three grouping factors and 95.2 for bi-factor model with five grouping factors) was attributed to the general construct. After adjusting for relationships with the primary construct, remaining correlations among sets of items did not suggest additional reliable constructs.ConclusionResults suggest that the primary interpretive emphasis of the EES-C among treatment-seeking children with overweight or obesity should be placed on a single general construct, not on the 3- or 5- subconstructs as was previously suggested

    Wykorzystanie przebiegu trajektorii fazowej do wykrywania zużycia pompy tłokowej

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    In this paper the possibility of phase trajectory use in detecting of axial piston pump damage was presented. The wear of main part of pump elements such as: rotor and swash plate have been studied. The phase trajectories were estimated from vibration signal measured on pumps body in third directions. In order to get quantitative specification of analyzed trajectory At/pi parameter was introduced. At the and the relation between At/pi parameter and the wear of the pumps parts have been set.W artykule przedstawiono możliwość zastosowania metody trajektorii fazowych w procesie oceny stanu zużycia pompy wyporowej, na przykładzie wypracowania wybranych elementów składowych pompy: tarczy wychylnej i zespołu wirnika. Wykorzystano do tego celu przebiegi trajektorii fazowych, które obliczono z pomierzonych na korpusie pompy sygnałów wibracji w przypadku wyposażenia jej w uszkodzone elementy składowe. Dokonując parametryzacji wyliczonych trajektorii otrzymano ich ilościowe miary w postaci bezwymiarowych współczynników At/pi, które powiązano z wypracowaniem zespołu pompy