10 research outputs found
Effect of thinning date and genotype on some phenological and quality characteristics of sugar beet seed
We analyzed the effect of thinning date and genotype on some phenological and quality characteristics of sugar beet seed produced by the over wintering method in two calendar years. Experiments were conducted in sugar beet seed plots located in the agro-ecological region of southern BaÄka. The earlier genotype C had a higher correlation coefficient between the number of seeds per inflorescence branch and seed germination than the later genotype S. The two genotypes had similar correlation coefficients between the length of inflorescence branch and the number of seeds. Compared with thinning in the spring, the fall thinning had significant effects on the length of the inflorescence branch, number of seeds per inflorescence branch and seed viability
Uticaj rokova i norme zalivanja na masu semena Å”eÄerne repe razliÄitih frakcija
The known effects of 1000-seed weight on quality traits in sugar beet seeds have led us to investigate the effects of irrigation dates and rates on 1000-seed weight of this crop. Statistically significant differences were observed for both the irrigation and the amount of water applied. 1000-seed weight increased from the first to the third irrigation date. The third irrigation date, 45 days after the flower stalks began to form, produced the largest 1000-seed weight. The largest 1000-seed weight was also observed in the treatment with 45-55 mm of water, and the difference between that and the treatment with 25-30 mm water was statistically significant.Poznati uticaj mase 1.000 semena na ostale kvalitetne osobine semena Å”eÄerne repe, dao nam je zadatak da se istraži uticaj rokova i norme zalivanja na masu 1.000 semena Å”eÄerne repe. StatistiÄki opravdane razlike ostvarene su kod rokova zalivanja i koliÄine vode. Masa 1.000 semena rasla je od prvog do treÄeg roka zalivanja. TreÄi rok zalivanja posle 45 dana od poÄetka formiranja cvetnog stabla ostvario je najveÄu masu 1.000 semena Å”eÄerne repe. NajveÄa masa 1.000 semena bila je od 45 mm do 55 mm vode sa opravdanim razlikama u odnosu na 25 mm do 30 mm vode
Genetska divergentnost i kombinacione sposobnosti opraÅ”ivaÄa Å”eÄerne repe za glavna svojstva korena
Information about genetic diversity and combining abilities of sugar beet parental components are of a great importance for hybrid creation. The aim of this research was to evaluate genetic diversity among sugar beet pollinators from different breeding programs and their combining abilities for main root traits of sugar beet, root weight, sugar content and sugar yield. As plant material were used eight pollinators originating from three different USDA-ARS breeding programs and four from Institute of field and vegetable crops Novi Sad. The analysis of variance and Duncan's multiple range test revealed significant differences (p = 0.05) among pollinators for all investigated traits. Pollinator CR10 differs from all others in terms of quantitative traits and in terms of combining ability. Despite small root weight CR10 had significantly positive GCA for that trait and showed that genotypes with small root should not be automatically discarded. Pollinators from Institute of field and vegetable crops used in this research had negative GCA for root weight and should be used only as hosts for introduction of new germplasm in future breeding program.Informacije o genetskoj divergentnosti i kombinacionim sposobnostima roditeljskih komponenti Å”eÄerne repe su od izuzetnog znaÄaja za proizvodnju hibrida. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio ocena genetske divergentnosti opraÅ”ivaca Å”eÄerne repe iz razliÄitih oplemenjivaÄkih programa kao i kombinacionih sposobnosti za glavne osobine korena: masu korena, sadržaj Å”eÄera i prinos Å”eÄera. Osam opraÅ”ivaÄa vodi poreklo iz tri razliÄita oplemenjivaÄka programa AmeriÄkog ministarstva poljoprivrede (USDA-ARS), a Äetiri iz Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad. Analiza varijanse i Dankanov viÅ”estruki test intervala su pokazali znaÄajne razlike (p = 0.05) izmeÄu opraÅ”ivaÄa za sva ispitivana svojstva. OpraÅ”ivaÄ CR10 se izdvaja od svih ostalih kako u pogledu kvantitativnih vrednosti ispitivanih svojstava tako i u pogledu kombinacionih sposobnosti. Uprkos maloj masi korena CR10 je imao znaÄajno pozitivnu vrednost opÅ”tih kombinacionih sposobnosti za ispitivano svojstvo i pokazao da iz oplemenjivackog programa ne treba automatski odbacivati genotipove sa malom masom korena. Svi ispitivani opraÅ”ivaÄi Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u ovom istraživanju su imali negativne vrednosti opÅ”tih kombinacionih sposobnosti za masu korena i trebalo bi ih koristiti kao domaÄine za uvoÄenje nove germplazme
Održavanje i poboljÅ”anje autosterilnih opraÅ”ivaÄa Å”eÄerne repe metodom kulture tkiva i rekurentnom selekcijom
In vitro preservation makes it possible to maintain genotypes in an unchanged condition for a large number of years. With self-sterile genotypes, this method enables the use of recurrent selection for identifying genotypes with better combining abilities than the population average. By recombining selected superior genotypes, it is possible to obtain a new population with improved quantitative traits and combining abilities. The objective of the present paper was to develop a new population of the pollinator cultivar Lara from the progenies of superior genotypes kept in in vitro conditions. The monogerm hybrid cultivar Lara was developed through crosses using a monogerm male-sterile family with a narrow genetic base characterized by good combining abilities, tolerance to Cercospora and the possession of the Holly gene conferring resistance to rhizomania. The pollinator is a diploid multigerm population having tolerance to Cercospora and Rizor genes for tolerance to rhizomania. Used in our study were phenotypically superior pollinator genotypes contained in individual plants within the population. The newly developed homogenous clonal population was kept in a gene bank. A high propagation rate was obtained by stimulating axillary buds from the vegetative tissue of the inflorescence. Based on the hybrids' production characteristics, superior pollinator genotypes were propagated vegetatively and a new population of the pollinator Lara was developed.U in vitro uslovima moguÄe je dugi niz godina saÄuvati genotipove u neizmenjenom stanju. Ova metoda kod autosterilnih genotipova omoguÄuje pri menu rekurentne selekcije u identifikaciji genotipova sa boljim kombinacionim sposobnostima od proseka populacije. Rekombinacijom odabranih superiornih genotipova dobijena je nova populacija sa poboljÅ”anim kombinacionim sposobnostima. Monogermna hibridna sorta Lara nastala je ukrÅ”tanjem monogermne muÅ”ko sterilne familije uske genetiÄke osnove, dobrih kombinacionih sposobnosti, tolerantna na cerkosporu i sa Holly genom otpornosti prema rizomaniji. OpraÅ”ivaÄ je diploidna multi germ na populacija tolerantna prema cerkospori i poseduje Rizor gene tolerantnosti prema rizomaniji. U radu su koriÅ”Äeni fenotipski superiorni genotipovi opraÅ”ivaÄa. Novostvorena homogena klonska populacija Äuvana je u banci genotipova. Visok procenat stope umnažanja dobijen je stimulacijom aksilarnih pupoljaka iz vegetativnog tkiva cvasti. Na bazi proizvodnih karakteristika hibrida superiorni genotipovi opraÅ”ivaÄa su razmnoženi vegetativno i od njih je stvorena poboljÅ”ana populacija opraÅ”ivaÄa Lare
Analiza komponenti prinosa semena uljanih vrsta iz porodice Brassicaceae
Brassicaceae family comprises over 300 genera with more than 3,000 species. Cultivated species have a high economic value as vegetable crops, oil crops and crops for the feedstock production. The investigation carried out encompassed two spring and two winter rapeseed (Brassica napus) cultivars, two kale (Brassica oleracea var. viridis) and two white mustard (Sinapis alba) cultivars. All varieties were sown in autumn and spring. Over-wintering was observed, as well as, the plant height, number of branches, 1000-seed weight, seed yield per plant and oil content. White mustard did not over-winter when sown in autumn. Species of the Brassica genus, spring varieties, had higher seed yields in autumn, compared with the spring sowing period. Differences were also noticed for the other traits. Correlations between seed yield components and the oil content, the path coefficient and the coefficient of determination were discussed in this paper.Gajene vrste iz porodice Brassicaceae imaju veliki ekonomski znaÄaj. U istraživanja su ukljuÄene dve sorte ozime uljane repice i dve sorte jare uljane repice (Brassica napus L.), dve sorte stoÄnog kelja (Brassica oleracea var. viridis) i dve sorte bele slaÄice (Sinapis alba L. subsp. alba syn. Brassica hirta). Ogled je postavljen u jesenjem i proleÄnom roku setve sa svim vrstama. PraÄeno je prezimljavanje i merena visina biljke, broj grana, masa 1000 semena, kao i prinos semena po biljci i sadržaj ulja u semenu. Bela slaÄica je izmrzla u jesenjem roku setve. Vrste iz roda Brassica, ozime forme nisu cvetale u proleÄnom roku, a jare forme su dale viÅ”i prinos u jesenjem, nego u proleÄnom roku setve. I za druga svojstva evidentirane su znaÄajne razlike. U radu su diskutovane korelacije komponenti prinosa i sadržaja ulja, odnosno posmatran je uticaj ovih komponenti na prinos kroz analizu koeficijent putanje (path coefficient analysis) i koeficijent determinacije
Uticaj Äubrenja azotom na sadržaj Å”eÄera i prinos korena Å”eÄerne repe
Klimatske promene i uvoÄenje novog sortimenta u proizvodnju zahtevaju usaglaÅ”avanje u koliÄini primenjenih mineralnih hraniva. U radu je ispitivan uticaj tri rastuÄe doze azotnog Äubriva na prinos i kvalitet korena Å”eÄerne repe. U 2015. godini usled suÅ”e rast doza azotnih Äubriva uslovio je smanjivanje prinosa korena i digestije u korenu Å”eÄerne repe. Kod tretmana sa 100 kgN/ha doÅ”lo je do smanjenja prinosa polarizacionog Å”eÄera, a pri dozi od 150 kg/ha doÅ”lo je do smanjenja prinosa korena. Sadržaj Å”eÄera je proporcionalno opadao sa porastom doze azotnog Äubriva
Prinos zrna NS hibrida kukuruza u proizvodnim rejonima Srbije
Commercial NS maize hybrids were evaluated in all the major maize-growing areas of Serbia in 2007 under common cultivation practices. The growing conditions in the country were unfavorable for maize, mostly because of a lack of water during vegetation. Even in such poor conditions, NS maize hybrids exhibited wide adaptability and a high yield potential. The hybrids Zenit, NS 640, Tisa and NS 7016 proved stable in regard to regression coefficient (around 1.0) and were very productive (high yields accross the locations). Early and medium early hybrids from FAO maturity groups 300 to 500 (such as NS 3014, NS 4015, and NS 540) are recommended for the droughty areas of western, eastern and southern Serbia. NS 6010 and NS 640 were among the most productive hybrids in the country. Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad has so far registered more than 200 maize hybrids. Thirteen of these were released in 2007, all yellow dent with the standard quality of grain. In the category of medium early hybrids (FAO maturity group 500), the new hybrids are NS 5022 and 5025, whereas in FAO maturity group 600 the newest additions are NS 6031, NS 6041, NS 6025, NS 6022, NS 6043, NS 6053 and NS 6060. Four late hybrids have been released as well, namely NS 7043, NS 7040, NS 8033 and NS 8043.Komercijalni NS hibridi kukuruza su u 2007. godini ispitivani u ogledima u proizvodnim uslovima u svim glavnim rejonima gajenja kukuruza u Srbiji. ProÅ”la godina nije bila povoljna godina za razvoj kukuruza. SuÅ”a je u pojedinim rejonima imala karakter elementarne nepogode. Äak i u tako nepovoljnoj godini NS hibridi kukuruza su pokazali visok proizvodni potencijal. U rejonima u kojima se suÅ”a javlja svake godine (severna BaÄka, severni i centralni Banat, istoÄna i južna Srbija) NS hibridi su pokazali Å”iroku adaptabilnost, a u najproduktivnijim rejonima (zapadna i južna BaÄka i donji Srem) u uslovima bez navodnjavanja ostvarili su i proÅ”le godine 15 i viÅ”e tona suvog zrna po hektaru. U proÅ”loj godini je priznato 13 novih NS hibrida kukuruza i to dva u FAO 500 grupi zrenja: NS 5022 i 5025, sedam u FAO 600 grupi zrenja: NS 6031, NS 6041, NS 6025, NS 6022, NS 6043, NS 6053 i NS 6060, dva u FAO 700: NS 7043 i NS 7040 i dva u FAO 800 grupi zrenja: NS 8033 i NS 8043
SpecifiÄnosti reakcije hibrida kukuruza u razliÄitim agroekoloÅ”kim uslovima
In this paper we investigated grain yield and yield stability of NS maize hybrids of different FAO maturity groups. Fifteen hybrids were grown in strip trials without replications at 29 locations in Serbia. Although weather conditions were not favorable for maize, especially in the dry areas, the average grain yield was fairly high (8.09 tha-1). High grain mean values and above-average stability of grain yield were found in the hybrids NS 6030, NS 6010, and NS 4015.NS hibridi kukuruza (15 hibrida) su u 2008. godini ispitivani u makrogledima na 29 lokacija u svim rejonima gajenja kukuruza u Srbiji. Prirodni uslovi za proizvodnju nisu bili naklonjeni proizvodnji kukuruza, naroÄito u tradicionalno suÅ”nim rejonima. Pored toga, hibridi NS 6030, NS 6010, NS 4015 su pokazali visok prinos i dobru stabilnost prinosa u svim rejonima gajenja kukuruza u Srbiji
Grain Yield of B73 x Mo17-Type Maize Hybrids from Different Periods of Breeding
Hybrid maize is produced using inbred lines that originate from genetically different (divergent) sources (heterotic groups). Inbred lines from at least two different sources that produce heterotic F1 progeny make up a heterotic pair. Thus far, a large number of heterotic pairs differing in their heterotic potential for grain yield and other traits have been identified. The BSSS x Lancaster heterotic pair is often used in the temperate zone to develop medium-late to late maize hybrids beloning to FAO maturity groups 500 to 700. The lines B73, Mo17 and derived lines are typical representatives of the BSSS x Lancaster heterotic pair. In order to determine the contribution of breeding to the increase of grain yield in B73 x Mo17 hybrids, lines had been introduced from America (the original versions of B73 and Mo17) or developed at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad between 1980 and 2000 and represent three different cycles of selection. B73- and Mo17-type inbreds were used to study the combining abilities for grain yield of the lines and hybrids and assess the contributions of the selection cycles to grain yield increases in the lines and hybrids. With both types of germplasm, s the lines from the third cycle of selection had the highest grain yields. Based on the coefficient of linear regression, the increase of yield in the hybrids from the third selection cycle compared with the first cycle was found to be over 124 kg cycle with B73, and 677 kg cycle with Mo17 inbreds
Effect of nitrogen mineral nutrition on yield and some technological traits of sugar beet root in 2017
Constant progress in plant breeding, the development of new hybrids and varieties, accompanied by climate change requires continuous review of growing technology. The most important part of plant production is fertilization, particularly with nitrogen. Nitrogen is required in great quantities for growing plants and it affects the yield of many crops. However this is very dynamic element and large nitrogen reserves cannot be stored in the soil. Considering the specificity of sugar beet production, where nitrogen, in addition to its impact on root yield, significantly affects the quality of the root, it is necessary to constantly review fertilization protocols. Effects of four levels of nitrogen fertilizers (40, 80, 120 and 160 kg N ha-1) on root yield and quality of commercial sugar beet hybrids were examined in the field trials during the growing season 2017. Nitrogen fertilizers were applied before the sowing. Field trial was organised by Randomised Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four replications