16 research outputs found

    Global Precipitation Measurement: GPM Microwave Imager (GMI) Algorithm Development Approach

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    This slide presentation reviews the approach to the development of the Global Precipitation Measurement algorithm. This presentation includes information about the responsibilities for the development of the algorithm, and the calibration. Also included is information about the orbit, and the sun angle. The test of the algorithm code will be done with synthetic data generated from the Precipitation Processing System (PPS)

    Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission: NASA Precipitation Processing System (PPS)

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    NASA is contributing the precipitation measurement data system PPS to support the GPM mission. PPS will distribute all GPM data products including NASA s GMI data products freely and quickly. PPS is implementing no system mechanisms for restricting access to GPM data. PPS is implementing no system mechanisms for charging for GPM data products. PPS will provide a number of geographical and parameter subsetting features available to its users. The first implementation of PPS (called PPS--) will assume processing of TRMM data effective 1 June 2008. TRMM realtime data will be available via PPS- to all users requesting acces

    NASA Earth Remote Sensing Programs: An Overview with Special Emphasis on the NASA/JAXA Led Global Precipitation Measurement Mission

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    This slide presentation gives an overview of NASA's operations monitoring the earth from space. It includes information on NASA's administrative divisions and key operating earth science missions with specific information on the Landsat satellites, Seastar spacecraft, and the TRMM satellite

    TRMM Gridded Text Products

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    NASA's Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) has many products that contain instantaneous or gridded rain rates often among many other parameters. However, these products because of their completeness can often seem intimidating to users just desiring surface rain rates. For example one of the gridded monthly products contains well over 200 parameters. It is clear that if only rain rates are desired, this many parameters might prove intimidating. In addition, for many good reasons these products are archived and currently distributed in HDF format. This also can be an inhibiting factor in using TRMM rain rates. To provide a simple format and isolate just the rain rates from the many other parameters, the TRMM product created a series of gridded products in ASCII text format. This paper describes the various text rain rate products produced. It provides detailed information about parameters and how they are calculated. It also gives detailed format information. These products are used in a number of applications with the TRMM processing system. The products are produced from the swath instantaneous rain rates and contain information from the three major TRMM instruments: radar, radiometer, and combined. They are simple to use, human readable, and small for downloading

    GPM Plans for Radiometer Intercalibration

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    The international Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission led by NASA and JAXA is planned as a multi-radiometer constellation mission. A key mission component is the ability to intercalibrate the Tb from the partner constellation radiometers and create inter-calibrated, mission consistent Tc. One of the enabling strategies for this approach is the launching of a joint NASA/JAXA core satellite which contains a JAXA/NICT provided dual precipitation radar and a NASA provided Microwave Imaging passive radiometer. The observations from these instruments on the core satellite provide the opportunity to develop a transfer reference standard that can then be applied across the partner provided constellation radiometers that enables the creation of mission consistent brightness temperatures. The other aspect of the strategy is the development of a community consensus intercalibration algorithm that will be applied to the Tb observations from partner radiometers and create the best calibrated Tc. Also described is the development of the framework in which the inter-calibration is included in the final algorithm. A part of the latter effort has been the development of a generic, logical structure which can be applied across radiometer types and which guarantees the user community that key information for using Tc properly is recorded. Ke

    Remote Sensing of Precipitation from Space

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    This slide presentation reviews the use of remote sensing of precipitation from satellite observations. The purpose of the presentation is to introduce the three prime instrument types for measuring precipitation from space, give an overview of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission, provides examples of how measurements from space can be used, and provides simple, high level scenarios for how remote sensed precipitation data can be used by planners and managers

    Impact on TRMM Products of Conversion to Linux

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    In June 2008, TRMM data processing will be assumed by the Precipitation Processing System (PPS). This change will also mean a change in the hardware production environment from an SGI 32 bit IRIX processing environment to a Linux (Beowulf) 64 bit processing environment. This change of platform and operating system addressing (32 to 64) has some influence on data values in the TRMM data products. This paper will describe the transition architecture and scheduling. It will also provide an analysis of what the nature of the product differences will be. It will demonstrate that the differences are not scientifically significant and are generally not visible. However, they are not always identical with those which the SGI would produce

    GPM V05 Gridded Text Products

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    This presentation will summarize the changes in the products for the GPM V05 reprocessing cycle. It will concentrate on discussing the gridded text product from the core satellite retrievals. However, all aspects of the GPROF GMI changes in this product are equally appropriate to the other two gridded text products. The GPM mission reprocessed its products in May of 2017 as part of a continuing improvement of precipitation retrievals. This lead to important improvement in the retrievals and therefore also necessitated reprocessing the gridded test products. The V05 GPROF changes not only improved the retrievals but substantially alerted the format and this compelled changes to the gridded text products. Especially important in this regard is the GPROF2017 (used in V05) change from reporting the fraction of the total precipitation rate that occurring as convection or in liquid phase. Instead, GPROF2017, and therefore V05 gridded text products, report the rate of convective precipitation in mm/hr. The GPROF2017 algorithm now reports the frozen precipitation rate in mm/hr rather than the fraction of total precipitation that is liquid. Because of the aim of the gridded text product is to remain simple the radar and combined results will also change in V05 to reflect this change in the GMI retrieval. The presentation provides an analysis of these changes as well as presenting a comparison with the swath products from which the hourly text grids were derived

    Global Precipitation Measurement: Evolution of Algorithms from TRMM to GPM

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    Topics include level 1C processing of Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Microwave Images (GMI) and intercalibration, radar-enhanced radiometer GPROF radiometer retrieval algorithm (radiometer-RE), combined radar-radiometer algorithms, and merged algorithm product