12 research outputs found

    Radiation transport modelling for the interpretation of oblique ECE measurements

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    The electron cyclotron emission (ECE) diagnostic provides routinely electron temperature (Te) measurements. At ASDEX Upgrade an electron cyclotron forward model, solving the radiation transport equation for given Te and electron density profile, is used in the framework of integrated data analysis. With this method Te profiles can be obtained from ECE measurements even for plasmas with low optical depth. However, due to the assumption of straight lines of sight and an absorption coefficient in the quasi-perpendicular approximation this forward model is not suitable for the interpretation of measurements by ECE diagnostics with an oblique line of sight. Since radiation transport modelling is required for the interpretation of oblique ECE diagnostics we present in this paper an extended forward model that supports oblique lines of sight. To account for the refraction of the line of sight, ray tracing in the cold plasma approximation was added to the model. Furthermore, an absorption coefficient valid for arbitrary propagation was implemented. Using the revised model it is shown that for the oblique ECE Imaging diagnostic at ASDEX Upgrade there can be a significant difference between the cold resonance position and the point from which most of the observed radiation originates

    Experiments on actuator management and integrated control at ASDEX Upgrade

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    \u3cp\u3eThe established field of integrated multivariable control promises improved performance and stability for strongly coupled processes, given a control-oriented model of the system. Fusion plasmas are strongly coupled, but there is currently no model which accurately reflects the nature of these complex interactions. Therefore, experiments were performed specifically to investigate coupling between controlled parameters, as a step towards designing integrated controllers in the future. The parameters chosen were core density, divertor neutral pressure and divertor temperature. For control of the plasma pressure and Neoclassical Tearing Modes, where a simple model of the coupling is known, it will be shown that linking the two controllers gives reliably good plasma performance. An additional complication with integrated control is that limited actuator resources are often oversubscribed when trying to control multiple parameters simultaneously. In order to achieve the optimum result, some form of actuator management is a pre-requisite for integrated control. An algorithm has been developed to automatically allocate Electron Cyclotron Resonant Heating gyrotrons to targets, by evaluating a cost function in real-time. Results will be shown to demonstrate the flexibility of this routine to changes in plasma state, gyrotron availability and the goals of the physics experiment.\u3c/p\u3

    Inline ECE measurements for NTM control on ASDEX upgrade

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    \u3cp\u3eThe successful use of a tokamak for generating fusion power requires an active control of magnetic instabilities, such as neoclassical tearing modes (NTMs). Commonly, the NTM location is determined using electron cyclotron emission (ECE) and this is used to apply electron cyclotron heating (ECH) on the NTM location. In this paper, an inline ECE set-up at ASDEX Upgrade is presented in which ECE is measured and ECH is applied via the same path. First results are presented and a means to interpret the measurement data is given. Amplitude and phase with respect to a reference magnetic signal are calculated. Based on the amplitude and phase, the time of mode crossing is determined and shown to compare well with real-time estimates of the mode crossing time. The ECH launcher and flux surface geometries at ASDEX Upgrade, which are optimized for current drive by a beam path that is tangential to the flux surface near deposition, make it difficult to identify the mode crossing without inline ECE launcher movement. Therefore, NTM control based on inline ECE requires launcher movement to determine and maintain a reliable estimate of the NTM location.\u3c/p\u3

    Combined electron cyclotron emission and heating for the suppression of magnetic islands in fusion plasmas

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    \u3cp\u3eIn a tokamak, magnetic islands need to be suppressed. Suppression is possible with electron cyclotron heating (ECH), which can be positioned using electron cyclotron emission (ECE) temperature measurements. A set-up to detect ECE in the line of sight of ECH has been built for the TEXTOR tokamak and the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. In TEXTOR, a dielectric filter was used to separate low power ECE from high power ECH and successful aiming of ECH and suppression of a magnetic island could be demonstrated. At ASDEX Upgrade, a fast directional switch (FADIS) was used to separate ECE from ECH. Measurements of magnetic islands at ASDEX Upgrade are presented. The applicability of these measurements for magnetic island detection is discussed.\u3c/p\u3

    Feedback controlled, reactor relevant, high-density, high-confinement scenarios at ASDEX Upgrade

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    \u3cp\u3eOne main programme topic at the ASDEX Upgrade all-metal-wall tokamak is development of a high-density regime with central densities at reactor grade level while retaining high-confinement properties. This required development of appropriate control techniques capable of coping with the pellet tool, a powerful means of fuelling but one which presented challenges to the control system for handling of related perturbations. Real-time density profile control was demonstrated, raising the core density well above the Greenwald density while retaining the edge density in order to avoid confinement losses. Recently, a new model-based approach was implemented that allows direct control of the central density. Investigations focussed first on the N-seeding scenario owing to its proven potential to yield confinement enhancements. Combining pellets and N seeding was found to improve the divertor buffering further and enhance the operational range accessible. For core densities up to about the Greenwald density, a clear improvement with respect to the non-seeding reference was achieved; however, at higher densities this benefit is reduced. This behaviour is attributed to recurrence of an outward shift of the edge density profile, resulting in a reduced peeling-ballooning stability. This is similar to the shift seen during strong gas puffing, which is required to prevent impurity influx in ASDEX Upgrade. First tests indicate that highly-shaped plasma configurations like the ITER base-line scenario, respond very well to pellet injection, showing efficient fuelling with no measurable impact on the edge density profile.\u3c/p\u3

    Bulk ion heating with ICRF waves in tokamaks

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    Heating with ICRF waves is a well-established method on present-day tokamaks and one of the heating systems foreseen for ITER. However, further work is still needed to test and optimize its performance in fusion devices with metallic high-Z plasma facing components (PFCs) in preparation of ITER and DEMO operation. This is of particular importance for the bulk ion heating capabilities of ICRF waves. Efficient bulk ion heating with the standard ITER ICRF scheme, i.e. the second harmonic heating of tritium with or without 3He minority, was demonstrated in experiments carried out in deuterium-tritium plasmas on JET and TFTR and is confirmed by ICRF modelling. This paper focuses on recent experiments with 3He minority heating for bulk ion heating on the ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) tokamak with ITER-relevant all-tungsten PFCs. An increase of 80% in the central ion temperature Ti from 3 to 5.5 keV was achieved when 3 MW of ICRF power tuned to the central 3He ion cyclotron resonance was added to 4.5 MW of deuterium NBI. The radial gradient of the Ti profile reached locally values up to about 50 keV/m and the normalized logarithmic ion temperature gradients R/LTi of about 20, which are unusually large for AUG plasmas. The large changes in the Ti profiles were accompanied by significant changes in measured plasma toroidal rotation, plasma impurity profiles and MHD activity, which indicate concomitant changes in plasma properties with the application of ICRF waves. When the 3He concentration was increased above the optimum range for bulk ion heating, a weaker peaking of the ion temperature profile was observed, in line with theoretical expectations.This work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium and has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014-2018 under grant agreement No 633053. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission.Peer Reviewe

    Commissioning of inline ECE system within waveguide based ECRH transmission systems on ASDEX upgrade

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    \u3cp\u3eA CW capable inline electron cyclotron emission (ECE) separation system for feedback control, featuring oversized corrugated waveguides, is commissioned on ASDEX upgrade (AUG). The system is based on a combination of a polarization independent, non-resonant, Mach-Zehnder diplexer equipped with dielectric plate beam splitters [2, 3] employed as corrugated oversized waveguide filter, and a resonant Fast Directional Switch, FADIS [4, 5, 6, 7] as ECE/ECCD separation system. This paper presents an overview of the system, the low power characterisation tests and first high power commissioning on AUG.\u3c/p\u3