24 research outputs found

    "Kartki z podróży" and the poetics of the reportage

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    W artykule podjęto problematykę związku "Kartek z podróży" Józefa Ignacego Kraszewskiego z poetyką reportażu. Punktem wyjścia analizy jest założenie, że utwór ten stanowi przykład dzieła głęboko synkretycznego, w którym przenikają się elementy poetyki: dziennika podróży, reportażu, przewodnika, vademecum, szkicu fizjologicznego oraz ekfrazy. Początkowe fragmenty artykułu dotyczą poetyki reportażu oraz okoliczności powstania „Kartek z podróży”. Kluczowa część pracy poświęcona została analizie związku utworu Kraszewskiego z tradycją reportażu. W tym celu został podjęty problem obecności wyznaczników poetyki XIX-wiecznego reportażu (ze względu na: funkcje, stosunek do czytelnika oraz ukształtowanie językowe), wskazanych przez Jolantę Sztachelską, w analizowanym tekście. Podczas analizy posłużono się konsekwentnie kategorią dominanty genologicznej, postrzegając utwór Kraszewskiego przez pryzmat formowania się gatunku reportażowego. Podstawę interpretacji stanowi tekst "Kartek z podróży", natomiast kontekstem dla rozważań nad poglądami pisarza dotyczącymi korespondencji zagranicznej.The aim of the article is to tackle the issue of the relationship between Józef Ignacy Kraszewski’s "Kartki z podróży" and the poetics of the reportage. The departing point of the analysis is the assumption that the text in question is an example of a heavily syncretic work of literature and combines the genre features of a travel memoir, a reportage, a travel guide, a vade mecum, a physiological sketch, and an ekphrasis. The opening of the article deals with the poetics of reportage and the circumstances under which "Kartki z podróży" came into existence. The most crucial part of the article is dedicated to the analysis of the connection between Kraszewski’s work and the reportage tradition. To achieve this, the problem of the presence of the defi ning features of the 19th-century reportage poetics (taking into account their function, relation to the reader, and linguistic shape, as indicated by Jolanta Sztachelska 1997) in the given text is elaborated upon. The analysis consistently employs the theoretical category of the genre’s dominant mode and views Kraszewski’s work through the prism of the process of the reportage genre development. The whole interpretation is based on the text of "Kartki z podróży", and the context in which the writer’s views on his foreign correspondence are investigated are those fragments of the book "Gawędy o sztuce i literaturze" in which the author expresses his opinions on the literature theory

    An E scher-like architect

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    It’s a beautiful game that enables us to create paradoxes, to reconstruct deformed images and to deform properly constructed ones. I t’s beautiful play in which imagination is the way of seeing reality and a form follows a vision, jumping by order of a randomly thrown dice

    The effect of the rehabilitation program on balance, gait, physical performance and trunk rotation in Parkinson's disease

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    BACKGROUND: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive, neurodegenerative disease which leads to postural and gait disorders, limitation in mobility, activities of daily living and disability. AIMS: The aim of the study is to assess the effects of the rehabilitation program on balance, gait, motor performance and trunk rotations in PD patients. METHODS: Sixty-four patients with 1.5–3.0 stage PD in the Hoehn and Yahr scale were randomly allocated to rehabilitation and control groups. Sixty-one patients completed the study. Patients were assessed three times, at month intervals. Between the first and second assessments, the rehabilitation group participated in a rehabilitation training program focused on mobility, balance and gait exercises, consisting of 28 sessions. Balance was assessed with tandem stance and the Pastor test (shoulder tug). Gait was assessed with a 10 m walk at preferred speed and 360° turn. Motor performance was evaluated by means of the Physical Performance Test (PPT) and timed motor activities. The trunk rotations were measured in the lumbar and thoraco-lumbar spine with a tape measure. RESULTS: The rehabilitation group significantly improved (p < 0.05) in balance and gait outcomes, PPT score, timed activities and trunk rotations both in comparison to the control group and baseline results. The positive effects of the exercise program maintained for at least 1 month. CONCLUSION: The 4-week rehabilitation training program focused on mobility, balance and gait exercises improved balance, gait, physical performance and trunk rotations in patients with PD

    Skuteczność terapii wśrodowisku wirtualnym wpierwszych 12 miesiącach po udarze mózgu

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    Background and purpose Reinforced feedback in virtual environment (RFVE) therapy is emerging as an innovative method in rehabilitation, which may be advantageous in the treatment of the affected arm after stroke. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of assisted motor training in a virtual environment for the treatment of the upper extremity (UE) after stroke compared to traditional neuromotor rehabilitation (TNR), studying also if differences exist related to the type of stroke (haemorrhagic or ischaemic). Material and methods Eighty patients affected by a stroke (48 ischaemic and 32 haemorrhagic) that occurred at least 1 year before were enrolled. The clinical assessment comprising the Fugl-Meyer UE (F-M UE), modified Ashworth (Bohannon &amp; Smith) and Functional Independence Measure scale (FIM) was administered before and after the treatment. Results A statistically significant difference between RFVE and TNR groups (Mann-Whitney U-test) was observed in the clinical outcomes of F-M UE and FIM (both p &lt; 0.001), but not Ashworth (p = 0.053). The outcomes of F-M UE and FIM improved in the RFVE haemorrhagic group and in the TNR haemorrhagic group with a significant difference between groups (both p &lt; 0.001), but not for Ashworth (p = 0.651). Comparing the RFVE ischaemic group to the TNR ischaemic group, statistically significant differences emerged in F-M UE (p &lt; 0.001), FIM (p &lt; 0.001), and Ashworth (p = 0.036). Conclusions The RFVE therapy in combination with TNR showed better improvements compared to the TNR treatment only. The RFVE therapy combined with the TNR treatment was more effective than the TNR double training, in both post-ischaemic and post-haemorrhagic groups. We observed improvements in both groups of patients: post-haemorrhagic and post-ischaemic stroke after RFVE training.Wstęp i cel pracy Terapia w środowisku wirtualnym (reinforced feedback in virtual environment – RFVE) staje się nowatorską metodą w rehabilitacji, której zastosowanie może mieć korzystny wpływ w leczeniu porażonej kończyny górnej u chorych po udarze mózgu. Celem pracy było zbadanie wpływu terapii RFVE w leczeniu kończyny górnej po udarze mózgu w stosunku do tradycyjnej rehabilitacji neurologicznej (TRN) oraz określenie występowania różnic zależnych od rodzaju udaru mózgu (krwotoczny, niedokrwienny). Materiał i metody Badaniom poddano 80 chorych (48 pacjentów po udarze niedokrwiennym i 32 pacjentów po krwotocznym udarze mózgu) z niedowładem połowiczym w okresie do roku po przebytym udarze mózgu. Funkcje kończyny górnej oceniano na początku i po zakończeniu badania. Ocena kliniczna obejmowała skalę Fugl-Meyer dla kończyn górnych (F-M UE), zmodyfikowaną skalę Ashworth (Bohannon &amp; Smith) i skalę Functional Independence Measure (FIM). Wyniki Zaobserwowano istotne różnice między grupami RFVE i TNR (test U Manna-Whitneya) w ocenie w skalach F-M UE i FIM (p &lt; 0,001 dla obu różnic), nie stwierdzono natomiast różnicy w skali Ashworth (p = 0,053). Wyniki w skali F-M UE i FIM poprawiły się w grupie chorych z udarem krwotocznym po terapii RFVE i TNR z istotną różnicą pomiędzy grupami (p &lt; 0,001 dla obu różnic), nie stwierdzono natomiast różnicy w skali Ashworth (p = 0,651). Istotne różnice odnotowano również, porównując grupę chorych z udarem niedokrwiennym po terapii RFVE oraz po terapii TNR w skalach F-M UE (p &lt; 0,001), FIM (p = 0,001) i Ashworth (p = 0,036). Wnioski Zastosowanie RFVE połączonej z TNR prowadzi do większej poprawy niż leczenie wyłącznie za pomocą TNR. Terapia w środowisku wirtualnym połączona z TNR była skuteczniejsza niż TNR prowadzona dwa razy intensywniej niż zwykle, zarówno u chorych po udarze niedokrwiennym, jak i krwotocznym. Poprawa po RFVE dotyczyła nie tylko chorych po udarze niedokrwiennym, lecz także krwotocznym


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    Background: Professional burnout results from prolonged exposure to chronic, job-related stressors. According to Christina Maslach, professional burnout is a syndrome of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment. Literature includes a number of reports on burnout syndrome within health service, but hardly ever do they make any references to physiotherapists. The purpose of this study is assessment of the level of professional burnout in a group of physiotherapists and investigating relationships between the indices of burnout syndrome and selected demographic as well as organizational variables. Material and Methods: The study group consisted of 151 physiotherapists with at least 3 years of experience, employed in various health service outposts in Krakow, Poland. The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) was used to measure emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment. A questionnaire for the description of socio-demographic and work characteristics was used as well. Results: Job burnout among the physiotherapists was manifested by an increased emotional exhaustion and decreased sense of personal achievement. Emotional exhaustion was significantly higher among physical therapists working with adults and employed in hospitals, depersonalization was higher among men, hospital workers and employees with seniority from 15 to 19 years, personal accomplishment was decreased among men and less-educated therapists. Conclusions: The study confirmed that indicators of burnout in physiotherapists are significantly associated with selected demographic and organizational variables. It is necessary to undertake a more exhaustive study of burnout in this group of employees, and implement elements of prevention. Med Pr 2014;65(4):453–46

    The effects of physiotherapy with PNF concept on gait and balance of patients with Huntington's disease – pilot study

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    Background and purpose Huntington's disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative, progressive disorder of the central nervous system which causes significant gait and balance disturbances. This is a pilot study which aims to determine the effects of a physiotherapy programme with use of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) on gait and balance in HD patients. Material and methods 30 HD patients aged 21–60 with genetically confirmed diagnosis participated in the study. Participants followed a 3-week-long PNF-based physiotherapy programme. Gait and balance were evaluated twice in each participant: first at baseline and then after the course of physiotherapy. The following methods were used for gait disturbances: Tinetti Gait Assessment Tool, Up and Go Test, Timed Walking Tests for 10m and 20m (TWT10m, TWT20m). Balance was assessed with use of Berg Balance Scale, Pastor Test and Functional Reach Test. Results There was a significant improvement in all measures of balance and gait. Conclusion PNF-based physiotherapy is effective and safe in HD patients

    Causes and consequences of falls in Parkinson disease patients in a prospective study

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    Background and purpose: Falls are common events in Parkinson disease (PD) but only a few prospective studies have focused on causes and consequences of falls in PD patients. The aim of the study was prospective analysis of direct causes and consequences of falls in PD patients in comparison to the control group. Material and methods: One hundred PD patients and 55 age-matched controls were enrolled in the study. The diagnostic workup in all patients included neurological examination, Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale, magnetic resonance imaging, electroencephalography, ultrasonography, otolaryngological, ophthalmological and autonomic function examination. During 12 months of follow-up, falls were registered in both groups, direct causes were classified according to the St. Louis and Olanow classification, and consequences were established. Results: Falls occurred in 54% of PD patients and in 18% of control subjects. Analysis of direct causes of falls revealed that sudden falls were the most common (31%), followed by episodes of freezing and festination (19.6%), neurological and sensory disturbances (mostly vertigo) (12%), environmental factors (12%), postural instability (11%), orthostatic hypotension (4%), and severe dyskinesia (3.6%); 6.19% of falls were unclassified; 22% of patients had the same etiology of subsequent falls. In PD patients, intrinsic factors were dominant, whereas in the control group intrinsic and extrinsic factors occurred with the same frequency. Every third fall intensified fear of walking. 34% of falls caused injuries; among them bruises of body parts other than the head were most frequent. Conclusions: Intrinsic factors are the most common causes of falls in PD. Every third fall intensifies fear of walking and causes injuries

    Przyczyny i konsekwencje upadków w chorobie Parkinsona – badanie prospektywne

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    Background and purpose Falls are common events in Parkinson disease (PD) but only a few prospective studies have focused on causes and consequences of falls in PD patients. The aim of the study was prospective analysis of direct causes and consequences of falls in PD patients in comparison to the control group. Material and methods One hundred PD patients and 55 age-matched controls were enrolled in the study. The diagnostic workup in all patients included neurological examination, Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale, magnetic resonance imaging, electroencephalography, ultrasonography, otolaryngological, ophthalmological and autonomic function examination. During 12 months of follow-up, falls were registered in both groups, direct causes were classified according to the St. Louis and Olanow classification, and consequences were established. Results Falls occurred in 54% of PD patients and in 18% of control subjects. Analysis of direct causes of falls revealed that sudden falls were the most common (31%), followed by episodes of freezing and festination (19.6%), neurological and sensory disturbances (mostly vertigo) (12%), environmental factors (12%), postural instability (11%), orthostatic hypotension (4%), and severe dyskinesia (3.6%); 6.19% of falls were unclassified; 22% of patients had the same etiology of subsequent falls. In PD patients, intrinsic factors were dominant, whereas in the control group intrinsic and extrinsic factors occurred with the same frequency. Every third fall intensified fear of walking. 34% of falls caused injuries; among them bruises of body parts other than the head were most frequent. Conclusions Intrinsic factors are the most common causes of falls in PD. Every third fall intensifies fear of walking and causes injuries.Wstęp i cel pracy Upadki są częstymi objawami choroby Parkinsona (ChP). Dotychczas jednak tylko w kilku badaniach oceniano przyczyny i konsekwencje upadków w ChP. Celem badania była prospektywna analiza przyczyn bezpośrednich oraz konsekwencji upadków u pacjentów z ChP w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną. Materiał i metody Do badania zostało włączonych 100 chorych na ChP oraz 55 dobranych pod względem wieku osób z grupy kontrolnej. U wszystkich chorych przeprowadzono badanie neurologiczne, ocenę za pomocą Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale, badanie za pomocą rezonansu magnetycznego, elektroencefalografię i ultrasonografię, badanie otolaryngologiczne i okulistyczne oraz badanie czynności autonomicznych. Podczas 12-miesięcznej obserwacji upadki rejestrowano w obu badanych grupach. Przyczyny bezpośrednie upadków podzielono zgodnie z klasyfikacją St. Louis i Olanowa, określano także konsekwencje upadków. Wyniki Upadki wystąpiły u 54% chorych na ChP i 18% osób z grupy kontrolnej. Najczęstsze były upadki nagłe (31%), następnie epizody zamrożeń i dreptania (19,6%), zaburzenia neurologiczne i czuciowe (zawroty głowy) (12%), czynniki zewnętrzne (12%), niestabilność postawy (11%), niedociśnienie ortostatyczne (4%), nasilone dyskinezy (3,6%). Upadki niesklasyfikowane stanowiły 6,19%. U 22% chorych etiologia kolejnych upadków była jednakowa. U chorych na ChP dominowały czynniki wewnętrzne, a w grupie kontrolnej częstości czynników wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych były podobne. Co trzeci upadek nasilał lęk przed chodzeniem, 34% upadków powodowało obrażenia, najczęściej sduczenia. Wnioski Czynniki wewnętrzne są najczęstszymi przyczynami upadków w ChP. Co trzeci upadek nasila lęk przed chodzeniem oraz powoduje obrażenia

    A "shattered" subject? : somatic discourse and sensory experience in the autobiographical works of Seweryn Goszczyński : an introduction

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    Artykuł został poświęcony problematyce podmiotu w pismach autobiograficznych Seweryna Goszczyńskiego. Punktem wyjścia analizy jest założenie, że tożsamość podmiotu autorskiego nie jest warunkowana jedynie przez doświadczenia konwersji. Zasadnicza część tekstu została poświęcona znaczeniu dyskursu somatycznego i doświadczeń sensualnych w procesie konstruowania tożsamości. Artykuł stanowi jednocześnie próbę znalezienia odpowiedzi na pytanie o obecność w analizowanych pismach zjawiska somatyzacji doświadczenia. Rozważania zostały oparte na pracach z zakresu teorii literatury i filozofii. Podstawę analizy stanowią wybrane teksty autobiograficzne Goszczyńskiego: "Dziennik podróży do Tatrów", "Dziennik Sprawy Bożej", "Podróż mojego życia" oraz korespondencja. Kontekstem dla rozważań nad kategorią tożsamości są prace poświęcone towianizmowi i historii Koła Sprawy Bożej.The article is devoted to the problems of the subject in the autobiographical writings of Seweryn Goszczyński. The starting point of the analysis is the assumption that the author’s personality is not determined only by the experience of conversion. The main part of the text focuses on the importance of somatic discourse and sensory experience in the process of identity building. At the same time, the article is an attempt to find an answer to the question of the presence of the phenomenon of somatization of experience in the analyzed works. The considerations are based on the works on the theory of literature and philosophy. The basis of the analysis is selected from the autobiographical texts by Goszczyński: "Dziennik podróży do Tatrów" [Travel journal to Tatra Mountains], "Dziennik Sprawy Bożej" [The Journal of God’s Cause], "Podróż mojego życia" [The journey of my life], and correspondence. A context for identity category reflection are the works devoted to Towianism and history of "Koło Sprawy Bożej"

    On some formal and semantic aspects of Dziennik podróży do Tatrów by Seweryn Goszczyński

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    The article analyses a selection of formal and semantic aspects of Dziennik podróży do Tatrów by Seweryn Goszczyński. The first part of the work has been devoted to the context in which this literary work has been created, with a more detailed focus on the biography of the author. The main part of the article is an attempt to interpret Dziennik podróży do Tatrów in the context of the personal or intimate journal literary tradition, basing on an interpretation of the internal experience of the literary subject. Moreover, the work describes the problem of literary art which is a subject that is present in the analysed journal. The aim of the work is to present the changeable nature of the dominant of the author’s stance in the personal document genre