5 research outputs found

    Real-time RT-PCR for Venezuelan equine encephalitis complex, Madariaga and Eastern equine encephalitis viruses: application in human and mosquito public health surveillance in Panama

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    Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV), Madariaga virus (MADV), and Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus complex (VEEV) are New World alphaviruses transmitted by mosquitoes. They cause febrile and sometimes severe neurological disease in human and equine hosts. Detecting them during the acute phase is hindered by nonspecific symptoms and limited diagnostic tools. We designed and clinically assessed reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assays (rRT-PCRs) for VEEV complex, MADV, and EEEV using whole-genome sequences. Validation involved 15 retrospective serum samples from 2015-2017 outbreaks, 150 mosquito pools from 2015, and 118 prospective samples from 2021-2022 surveillance in Panama. The rRT-PCRs detected VEEV complex RNA in 10 samples (66.7%) from outbreaks, with one having both VEEV complex and MADV RNAs. VEEV complex RNA was found in 5 suspected dengue cases from disease surveillance. The rRT-PCR assays identified VEEV complex RNA in 3 Culex (Melanoconion) vomerifer pools, leading to VEEV isolates in 2. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the VEEV ID subtype in positive samples. Notably, 11.9% of dengue-like disease patients showed VEEV infections. Together, our rRT-PCR validation in human and mosquito samples suggests this method can be incorporated into mosquito and human encephalitic alphavirus surveillance programs in endemic regions

    Arboviruses as an unappreciated cause of non-malarial acute febrile illness in the Dschang Health District of western Cameroon

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    Acute febrile illness is a common problem managed by clinicians and health systems globally, particularly in the Tropics. In many regions, malaria is a leading and potentially deadly cause of fever; however, myriad alternative etiologies exist. Identifying the cause of fever allows optimal management, but this depends on many factors including thorough knowledge of circulating infections. Arboviruses such as dengue (DENV) cause fever and may be underdiagnosed in sub-Saharan Africa where malaria is a major focus. We examined cases of fever in western Cameroon that tested negative for malaria and found 13.5% (13/96) were due to DENV, with 75% (9/12) of these being DENV serotype 2 infections. Two complete DENV2 genomes were obtained and clustered closely to recent isolates from Senegal and Burkina Faso. The seroprevalence of DENV in this region was 24.8% (96/387). Neutralizing antibodies to DENV2 were detected in all (15/15) seropositive samples tested. Chikungunya (CHIKV) is an arthritogenic alphavirus that is transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, the same principal vector as DENV. The seroprevalence for CHIKV was 15.7% (67/427); however, CHIKV did not cause a single case of fever in the 96 subjects tested. Of note, being seropositive for one arbovirus was associated with being seropositive for the other (Χ2 = 16.8, p<0.001). Taken together, these data indicate that Aedes-transmitted arboviruses are endemic in western Cameroon and are likely a common but underappreciated cause of febrile illness. This work supports the need for additional study of arboviruses in sub-Saharan Africa and efforts to improve diagnostic capacity, surveillance systems, and arbovirus prevention strategies

    Serum biomarkers and anti-flavivirus antibodies at presentation as indicators of severe dengue.

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    BackgroundDengue is the most common vector-borne viral disease worldwide. Most cases are mild, but some evolve into severe dengue (SD), with high lethality. Therefore, it is important to identify biomarkers of severe disease to improve outcomes and judiciously utilize resources.Methods/principal findingsOne hundred forty-five confirmed dengue cases (median age, 42; range ConclusionsMultiple, readily available factors were associated with SD in this population. These findings will aid in the early detection of potentially severe dengue cases and inform the development of new prognostics for use in acute-phase and serial samples from dengue cases