2,165 research outputs found

    Public Archaeology in the National Park Service: A Brief Overview and Case Study

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    Archaeologists are integral in National Park Service (NPS) culture. Some archaeologists “wear the hat” and the authoritative uniform symbolizing the park service, yet non–park service archaeologists can work at the parks with research permits under the Archaeological Resource Protection Act of 1979 (ARPA permits [Neumann et al. 2010]) or with a cultural resource contract award. Both endeavors provide information to help individual parks meet their management and interpretative goals. An added benefit for these archaeologists is working at some of the country's most beautiful, always intriguing, and often endangered archaeological sites. NPS cultural resources range from southwestern pueblos to Revolutionary battlefields, urban historic sites, and coastal lighthouses. Most national parks contain spaces and places with varied, large, and vocal constituencies, including archaeologists. To promote, regulate, conserve, preserve, and certify public enjoyment—these ideas reverberate a century after the park service's founding and are detailed in its national strategies (Everhart 1983; NPS 2011). A brief review of NPS history and of some of its leaders illustrates how archaeologists influenced this often-romanticized public organization. An example of how interdisciplinary archaeological research works at a national park follows that discussion

    Multidisciplinary Landscape Research at Tannenbaum Historic Park, Guilford County, North Carolina

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    Interdisciplinary research demonstrates that the extant Hoskins log cabin (31GF413**), at Tannenbaum Historic Park in Greensboro, North Carolina, is located on or near an eighteenth-century house site. The Park is part of the Guilford Courthouse Battlefield National Historic Landmark and is believed to be the location where General Cornwallis formed the first British line of attack which proceeded into the current Guilford Courthouse National Military Park. Archaeology and Geography faculty and students from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro used a landscape perspective, geographic information systems, and historical archaeology to explore the occupation of this farm from the American Revolution to the present

    Migrating to Cloud-Native Architectures Using Microservices: An Experience Report

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    Migration to the cloud has been a popular topic in industry and academia in recent years. Despite many benefits that the cloud presents, such as high availability and scalability, most of the on-premise application architectures are not ready to fully exploit the benefits of this environment, and adapting them to this environment is a non-trivial task. Microservices have appeared recently as novel architectural styles that are native to the cloud. These cloud-native architectures can facilitate migrating on-premise architectures to fully benefit from the cloud environments because non-functional attributes, like scalability, are inherent in this style. The existing approaches on cloud migration does not mostly consider cloud-native architectures as their first-class citizens. As a result, the final product may not meet its primary drivers for migration. In this paper, we intend to report our experience and lessons learned in an ongoing project on migrating a monolithic on-premise software architecture to microservices. We concluded that microservices is not a one-fit-all solution as it introduces new complexities to the system, and many factors, such as distribution complexities, should be considered before adopting this style. However, if adopted in a context that needs high flexibility in terms of scalability and availability, it can deliver its promised benefits

    Moderating effect of hope and grit on the relationship between sexual assault and functional impairment

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    Approximately one-fifth of female college undergraduates experience a sexual assault (DeCou, Kaplan, Spencer, & Lynch, 2019). This percentage increases to 33% when looking at a lifetime prevalence of sexual assault in women (DeCou et al., 2019). Previous research has shown that after experiencing a sexual assault, there are a variety of negative mental health outcomes that can occur, including depression, PTSD, and functional impairment (Tomasula, Littleton, Anderson, & Riley-Tillman, 2012). To our knowledge, no studies have been conducted to examine factors that have the potential to reduce functional impairment after experiencing a sexual assault.The purpose of this present study was to examine the relationship between perceived sexual assault severity, functional impairment, hope, and grit. Participants (n=82) were primarily Caucasian females participating in research through Oklahoma State University’s SONA system. Participants were required to have a history of unwanted sexual experiences to be included in the study. Upon providing informed consent to partake in the study, participants completed questionnaires measuring hope, grit, functional impairment, psychological well-being, and various aspects of their assault—the particular item of interest being perceive assault severity. Results provided evidence to support previous findings that perceived sexual assault severity is positively related to functional impairment. Results further indicated that higher levels of hope and grit are negatively associated with functional impairment. Utilizing a bias corrected bootstrapping procedure, it was found that hope moderates the effect of perceived assault severity on impairment, whereas grit does not. These findings suggest that even with higher perceived sexual assault severity, high levels of hope can reduce the levels of impairment experienced afterwards. Therefore, these findings have potential implications for the improvements of therapy in which hope is a focal point of improvement within the individual to reduce the negative outcomes associated with sexual assault

    Inventory Control System

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    This report explains the paper inventory control system designed and developed for Venetian Marble and Granite. The system implements new methods in generating work orders, new labels for the marble pieces, new clipboard stations for tracking, new storage rack numbering, and Microsoft Access as the foundation to the entire system. The group highly recommends that Venetian integrates the paper inventory control system into their company as soon as possible in order to reap its benefits

    Effects Of Implementing A Clinical Pharmacist Service In A Mixed Norwegian Icu

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    Цели: Неприемливо висок процент пациенти, приети в отделения по интензивно лечение (ОИЛ), развиват свързани с приема на лекарства проблеми (СЛП). СЛП могат да причинят увреждания и да увеличат разноските и продължителността на престоя. Доказано е, че въвеждането на клинично фармацевтично обслужване разкрива голям брой СЛП и ефективно допринася за разрешаването на същите в различни системи на здравеопазване. Обаче това не е проучено в перспектива в смесени третични норвежки ОИЛ.Методи: През 12-месечен период от м. октомври 2012 г. насетне един клиничен фармацевт се посвети на прегледи на лекарства 3 часа на ден (от понеделник до петък). СЛП бяха докладвани на срещата на ОИЛ и включваха консултация от страна на фармацевта за всеки отделен случай. Всички СЛП бяха категоризирани и клиничното въздействие бе документирано за по-нататъшен анализ. Бяха категоризирани свързаните с лекарства въпроси от страна на персонала и бе даден отговор на същите.Резултати: 363 от 549 приети в ОИЛ пациенти получиха рецензии за лекарствата. Бяха установени 641 СЛП у 194 от тези пациенти (средно по 1,8 СЛП на пациент, диапазон 0-25). Сред най-често установените СЛП бяха твърде високи дози, значими взаимодействия на лекарства и ненужни или неподходящи лекарства. 87% от консултациите, дадени от страна на фармацевта, бяха приети или взети предвид. Типичните въпроси от страна на медицинските сестри бяха свързани с приготвянето на лекарства, генерични еквиваленти и прием на лекарства. Въпросите от страна на лекарите най-често бяха свързани с дозировката на лекарствата, ефикасността и нежеланите ефекти.Изводи: Добавянето на специален клиничен фармацевт към екипа на ОИЛ подобрява качеството и безопасността на лекарствата в смесеното норвежко ОИЛ.Objectives: An unacceptably high proportion of patients admitted to intensive care units (ICUs) develop drug-related problems (DRPs). DRPs might cause harm and increase costs and length of stay. The implementation of a clinical pharmacist service has been shown to detect a high number of DRPs and contributes effectively to solving these across different healthcare systems. However, this has not been prospectively studied in a mixed tertiary Norwegian ICU.Methods: During a 12-month period from October 2012, a clinical pharmacist was dedicated to review medications 3 h daily (Monday to Friday). DRPs were reported at the ICU conference and included advice by the pharmacist for each case. All DRPs were categorized and the clinical impact was documented for later analysis. Drug-related questions from the staff were categorised and answered.Results: 363 of 549 patients admitted to the ICU received medication reviews. 641 DRPs were detected in 194 of these patients (mean 1.8 DRPs per patient, range 0-25). Too high a dose, significant drug interactions and unnecessary or inappropriate drugs were among the most frequently detected DRPs. 87% of advice given by the pharmacist was accepted or taken into consideration. Typical questions from the nursing staff were related to drug preparation, generic equivalents and drug administration. Questions from doctors were most frequently related to drug dosage, efficiency and adverse effects.Conclusions: The addition of a dedicated clinical pharmacist to the ICU team improves the quality and safety of medication in a mixed Norwegian ICU

    New exercise-integrated technology can monitor the dosage and quality of exercise performed against an elastic resistance band by adolescents with patellofemoral pain:an observational study

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    Question: Is the exercise-integrated Bandcizer™ system feasible for recording exercise dosage (time under tension (TUT) and repetitions) and pain scores among adolescents with patellofemoral pain? Do adolescents practise the exercises as prescribed (TUT and repetitions)? Do adolescents accurately report the exercises they do in an exercise diary? Design: Observational feasibility study. Participants: Twenty adolescents between 15 and 19 years of age with patellofemoral pain. Intervention: Participants were prescribed three exercise sessions per week (one with and two without supervision) for 6 weeks. The exercises included three hip and one knee exercise with an elastic resistance band. Participants were instructed to perform three sets with a predefined TUT (3 seconds concentric; 2 seconds isometric; 3 seconds eccentric; 2 seconds pause), equating to 80 seconds for 10 repetitions (one set). Outcome measures: The exercise-integrated system consisted of a sensor attached to the elastic resistance band that was connected to the Bandtrainer app on an electronic tablet device. Pain intensity was reported on a visual analogue scale on the app. Participants also completed a self-report exercise diary. Results: No major problems were reported with the system. Participants performed 2541 exercise sets during the 6 weeks; 5% were performed with the predefined TUT (ie, within 10 seconds of the 80-second target) and 90% were performed below the target TUT. On average, the participants received 15% of the instructed exercise dosage based on TUT. The exercise dosage reported in the exercise diaries was 2.3 times higher than the TUT data from the electronic system. Pain intensity was successfully collected in 100% of the exercise sets. Conclusion: The system was feasible for adolescents with patellofemoral pain. The system made it possible to capture detailed data about the TUT, repetitions and sets during home-based exercises together with pain intensity before and after each exercise. [Rathleff MS, Bandholm T, McGirr KA, Harring SI, Sørensen AS, Thorborg K (2016) New exercise-integrated technology can monitor the dosage and quality of exercise performed against an elastic resistance band by adolescents with patellofemoral pain: an observational study. Journal of Physiotherapy 62: 159–163