953 research outputs found


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    A figure in the New Testament who is quite well known among Christians but notedin only one book that is in the book of John is Nicodemus. He was a Pharisee and amember of the Sanhedrin, the highest judicial institution for the Jewish people. Hisadmiration for the teachings of Jesus made him want to meet and talk with Him. Buthis status, position and education were very different in contrast to Jesus who had noformal education. The meeting could undermine his credibility as a respected,honorable assembly. That is why Nicodemus met Jesus at night after all the residentsentered their homes, after the situation was quiet outside so that no one would see themeeting. Because of this event, a view and opinion emerged which stated thatNicodemus was afraid to declare himself to be a disciple of Jesus openly and onlydeclared himself to be a disciple of Jesus after his death at Golgotha. It seems thatpeople often ignore Nicodemus' courage when expressing his faith in the SanhedrinAssembly's courtroom

    Aperture efficiency of chemically etched horns at 93 GHz

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    The aperture efficiency of monolithic two-dimensional horn imaging arrays has been optimized at 93 GHz. The imaging arrays consist of several silicon wafers into which arrays of pyramidal horns are etched chemically. Dipole antennas and detectors are suspended on thin silicon oxynitride membranes on one of the central silicon wafers about halfway down the horns. The devices are 7×7 arrays with a 1 λ opening and a 71° flare angle. Antenna impedances have been measured on a low-frequency model. A variety of millimeter-wave dipole antennas and bolometers have been designed and tested. A large-area bismuth thin-film power meter is used to obtain accurate absolute power. The measured aperture efficiency improved from 44% to 72%. The highest system coupling efficiency with a lens was 36% including lens absorption and reflection losses

    Micromechanical tuning elements in a 620-GHz monolithic integrated circuit

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    While monolithic integrated-circuit technology promises a practical means for realizing reliable reproducible planar millimeter and submillimeter-wave circuits, conventional planar circuits do not allow for critical post-fabrication optimization of performance. A 620-GHz quasi-optical monolithic detector circuit is used here to demonstrate the performance of two integrated micromechanical planar tuning elements. This is the first reported demonstration of integrated micromechanical tuning at submillimeter wavelengths. The tuning elements, called sliding planar backshorts (SPBs), are used to adjust the electrical length of planar transmission-line tuning stubs to vary the power delivered between a substrate-lens coupled planar antenna and a thin-film bismuth detector over a range of nearly 15 dB. The circuit performance agrees with theoretical calculations and microwave measurements of a -0.06-dB reflection coefficient made for a scale model of the integrated tuners. The demonstrated tuning range for the SPB tuners indicates that they can be valuable for characterizing components in developmental circuits and for optimizing the in-use performance of various millimeter and submillimeter-wave integrated circuits


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    The author examines the "influence of Shepherd's attitude toward the level ofspiritual growth of members" in Immanuel Church, Batujajar, Bandung, and thecontext of this verse in the congregation itself. This study was specifically addressedto Immanuel Church, Batujajar. Bandung. The research has 4 indicators, namely: (1)"The meaning of the shepherd's Role", (2) "The Shepherd's attitude can affect thespirituality of the Congregation",(3)"The shepherding attitude to thecongregation",and (4) "The attitude of the shepherd according to 1Peter 4:11".Researchers have a base with four indicators to be discussed: Meaning of theshepherd's role. The second indicator of the shepherd's attitude can affect thespirituality of the congregation. The third indicator of the shepherding attitudetowards the congregation, and the fourth indicator is about the shepherd's attitudeaccording to 1Peter 4:11, which is theoretical research and field research. Theoutcome of theoretical research is the meaning of shepherd's role. The shepherd'sattitude can affect congregational spirituality. The shepherding attitude towards thecongregation. The attitude of the shepherd according to 1 Peter 4:11. The results offield research conducted through questionnaires distributed to the 21 members of theSeventh-day Adventist Church congregation, Batujajar, Bandung, where thequestionnaire contained 36 questions, resulted in a data that could be It wasconcluded that the respondents had an excellent and good view on the one to fourindicators. The method by which the author used to accomplish this scientific work isby the method of collecting data through: Bibles, books, magazines, meditations,interviews, Internet, and other articles in connection with the writing of this scientificwork


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    The author examines "The role of pastors and parents in educating children and adolescents in improving education in the church" in the Padasuka congregation, Cimahi, Bandung, and the application of this verse context in the church itself.This research was specifically addressed to the Padasuka congregation, Cimahi. Bandung. The research has 4 indicators, namely: (1) "The role of the pastor in educating children and adolescents in the church", (2) "Actions taken by parents in educating children and adolescents in the church", (3) "The concept of educating children and Youth in the Bible ", and (4)" Getting education that is in the Church".The researcher has a basis with four indicators to be discussed, namely: The role of the pastor in educating children and adolescents in the church. The second indicator is about actions taken by parents in educating children and adolescents in the church. The third indicator concerning the concept of educating children and adolescents in the Bible, and the fourth indicator is about obtaining education in the ChurchThis research is divided into two parts, namely theoretical research and field research. The results of theoretical research are the role of pastors in educating children and adolescents in the church. Actions taken by parents in educating children and adolescents in the church. The concept of educating Children and Youth in the Bible. Get education in theChurch.The results of field research conducted through questionnaires were distributed to 35 members of the Padasuka Seventh-day Adventist Church, Cimahi, Bandung, where the questionnaire contained 45 questions, resulting in a data that could be concluded that the respondents had very good views on the one to four.The method that I use to complete this scientific work is by the method of collecting data through: the Bible, books, magazines, dictates, reflections, interviews, the internet, and other articles relating to the writing of this scientific paper

    Interpretasi Teologis: Injil Akan Diberitakan di Seluruh Dunia Sesudah Itu Barulah Tiba Kesudahan Dalam Matius 24:14 di Masa Pandemik Covid-19

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    This article provides a brief but comprehensive overview of the understanding of God's people about the phrase “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come” during theCovid 19 pandemic where the use of technology became a necessity. The research methodology used is a qualitative analysis method through a theoretical perspective, using narrative interpretation through bible, official documents, spiritual books, andtheological journals. The results of the analysis were first, in the midst of the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic, the use of technology via the internet network with its various applications accelerates and facilitates the spread of the gospel throughout the world. Second, the method used for evangelism is to use applications such as Zoom, Google Meet, Zoho Meeting, Cisco WebEx, Join Me, Google Hangouts Meet and other applications. By using these various applications, everyone, wherever they are, even in remote villages where the internet network is available, they could attend Bible study classes and listen to sermons from various pastors from any country, thereby arousing their interest in deepening their knowledge of Jesus.&nbsp


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    The fundamental reason for this research is to analyze the opinion of king Davidabout God Wrath Every time based on Psalm 7:12. In this case, to understandthe spiritual meaning contained in Psalm 7:12 from king David's statement aboutGod through his personal experience. Therefore, the author uses three indicatorsto find the understanding of God Wrath Every Time. Every indicator that writeruse is; (1) The Meaning of God Wrath Every Time, (2) The reason that GodWrath Every Time, (3) The purpose that God Wrath Every Time. Nex Stept, isto find out the level of understanding from the members of the IndonesiaPublishing House (IPH) congregation about God Wrath Every Time.The methodology of this research consists of field data collection techniques,place and time of research, research results and methods of data analysis andresults and discussion.The meaning of God Wrath Every Time is because sin always against His natureor will. This shows God's attitude that unchanging toward a human who againstHim by breaking His law.God's wrath every time aims for believers to be comforted that evil does notescape from the observation of God. In this case, God is not being indifferent,in which there is goodness, justice, mercy, preventing the destruction of sinnersby bringing the sinner to repentance. At the same time God shows the necessityof doing judgments to sinners even the punishment of the unconverted

    Monolithic millimeter-wave two-dimensional horn imaging arrays

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    A monolithic two-dimensional horn imaging array has been fabricated for millimeter wavelengths. In this configuration, a dipole is suspended in an etched pyramidal cavity on a 1-Όm silicon-oxynitride membrane. This approach leaves room for low-frequency connections and processing electronics. The theoretical pattern is calculated by approximating the horn structure by a cascade of rectangular-waveguide sections. The boundary conditions are matched at each of the waveguide sections and at the aperture of the horn. Patterns at 93 and 242 GHz agree well with theory. Horn aperture efficiencies of 44±4%, including mismatch and resistive losses, have been measured. A detailed breakdown of the losses is presented. The coupling efficiency to various f-number imaging systems is investigated, and a coupling efficiency of 24% for an f0.7 imaging system (including spillover, taper, mismatch and resistive losses) has been measured. Possible application areas include imaging arrays for remote sensing, plasma diagnostics, radiometry and superconducting tunnel-junction receivers for radio astronomy

    Two-dimensional horn imaging arrays (abstract)

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    A two-dimensional horn imaging array has been demonstrated at 242 and 93 GHz. In this configuration, a dipole is suspended in a pyramidal horn, fabricated by an anisotropic chemical etch technique, on a 1-”m silicon-oxynitride membrane. This approach leaves room for low-frequency lines and processing electronics. Pattern measurements on a 1.45-λ imaging array agree well with theory, show no sidelobes, and a 3-dB beamwidth of 35° and 46° for the E and H planes, respectively. Application areas include a superconducting tunnel-junction receiver for radio astronomy and imaging arrays for real-time electron density mapping in fusion plasmas. Support for this project was provided by DOE contract DE-FG03-86-ER-53225 (subcontracted from U.C.L.A.)

    The declining representativeness of the British party system, and why it matters

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    In a recent article, Michael Laver has explained ‘Why Vote-Seeking Parties May Make Voters Miserable’. His model shows that, while ideological convergence may boost congruence between governments and the median voter, it can reduce congruence between the party system and the electorate as a whole. Specifically, convergence can increase the mean distance between voters and their nearest party. In this article we show that this captures the reality of today’s British party system. Policy scale placements in British Election Studies from 1987 to 2010 confirm that the pronounced convergence during the past decade has left the Conservatives and Labour closer together than would be optimal in terms of minimising the policy distance between the average voter and the nearest major party. We go on to demonstrate that this comes at a cost. Respondents who perceive themselves as further away from one of the major parties in the system tend to score lower on satisfaction with democracy. In short, vote-seeking parties have left the British party system less representative of the ideological diversity in the electorate, and thus made at least some British voters miserable
