9 research outputs found

    Impact Evaluation of Merger Decisions

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    Conserved Sequences at the Origin of Adenovirus DNA Replication

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    The origin of adenovirus DNA replication lies within an inverted sequence repetition at either end of the linear, double-stranded viral DNA. Initiation of DNA replication is primed by a deoxynucleoside that is covalently linked to a protein, which remains bound to the newly synthesized DNA. We demonstrate that virion-derived DNA-protein complexes from five human adenovirus serological subgroups (A to E) can act as a template for both the initiation and the elongation of DNA replication in vitro, using nuclear extracts from adenovirus type 2 (Ad2)-infected HeLa cells. The heterologous template DNA-protein complexes were not as active as the homologous Ad2 DNA, most probably due to inefficient initiation by Ad2 replication factors. In an attempt to identify common features which may permit this replication, we have also sequenced the inverted terminal repeated DNA from human adenovirus serotypes Ad4 (group E), Ad9 and Ad10 (group D), and Ad31 (group A), and we have compared these to previously determined sequences from Ad2 and Ad5 (group C), Ad7 (group B), and Ad12 and Ad18 (group A) DNA. In all cases, the sequence around the origin of DNA replication can be divided into two structural domains: a proximal A · T-rich region which is partially conserved among these serotypes, and a distal G · C-rich region which is less well conserved. The G · C-rich region contains sequences similar to sequences present in papovavirus replication origins. The two domains may reflect a dual mechanism for initiation of DNA replication: adenovirus-specific protein priming of replication, and subsequent utilization of this primer by host replication factors for completion of DNA synthesis

    Cellular Proteins Required for Adeno-Associated Virus DNA Replication in the Absence of Adenovirus Coinfection

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    We previously reported the development of an in vitro adeno-associated virus (AAV) DNA replication system. The system required one of the p5 Rep proteins encoded by AAV (either Rep78 or Rep68) and a crude adenovirus (Ad)-infected HeLa cell cytoplasmic extract to catalyze origin of replication-dependent AAV DNA replication. However, in addition to fully permissive DNA replication, which occurs in the presence of Ad, AAV is also capable of partially permissive DNA replication in the absence of the helper virus in cells that have been treated with genotoxic agents. Limited DNA replication also occurs in the absence of Ad during the process of establishing a latent infection. In an attempt to isolate uninfected extracts that would support AAV DNA replication, we discovered that HeLa cell extracts grown to high density can occasionally display as much in vitro replication activity as Ad-infected extracts. This finding confirmed previous genetic analyses which suggested that no Ad-encoded proteins were absolutely essential for AAV DNA replication and that the uninfected extracts should be useful for studying the differences between helper-dependent and helper-independent AAV DNA replication. Using specific chemical inhibitors and monoclonal antibodies, as well as the fractionation of uninfected HeLa extracts, we identified several of the cellular enzymes involved in AAV DNA replication. They were the single-stranded DNA binding protein, replication protein A (RFA), the 3′ primer binding complex, replication factor C (RFC), and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). Consistent with the current model for AAV DNA replication, which requires only leading-strand DNA synthesis, we found no requirement for DNA polymerase α-primase. AAV DNA replication could be reconstituted with purified Rep78, RPA, RFC, and PCNA and a phosphocellulose chromatography fraction (IIA) that contained DNA polymerase activity. As both RFC and PCNA are known to be accessory proteins for polymerase δ and ɛ, we attempted to reconstitute AAV DNA replication by substituting either purified polymerase δ or polymerase ɛ for fraction IIA. These attempts were unsuccessful and suggested that some novel cellular protein or modification was required for AAV DNA replication that had not been previously identified. Finally, we also further characterized the in vitro DNA replication assay and demonstrated by two-dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis that all of the intermediates commonly seen in vivo are generated in the in vitro system. The only difference was an accumulation of single-stranded DNA in vivo that was not seen in vitro. The 2D data also suggested that although both Rep78 and Rep68 can generate dimeric intermediates in vitro, Rep68 is more efficient in processing dimers to monomer duplex DNA. Regardless of the Rep that was used in vitro, we found evidence of an interaction between the elongation complex and the terminal repeats. Nicking at the terminal repeats of a replicating molecule appeared to be inhibited until after elongation was complete

    The knockout mouse project

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    Mouse knockout technology provides a powerful means of elucidating gene function in vivo, and a publicly available genome-wide collection of mouse knockouts would be significantly enabling for biomedical discovery. To date, published knockouts exist for only about 10% of mouse genes. Furthermore, many of these are limited in utility because they have not been made or phenotyped in standardized ways, and many are not freely available to researchers. It is time to harness new technologies and efficiencies of production to mount a high-throughput international effort to produce and phenotype knockouts for all mouse genes, and place these resources into the public domain