1,180 research outputs found

    New Duality Relations for Classical Ground States

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    We derive new duality relations that link the energy of configurations associated with a class of soft pair potentials to the corresponding energy of the dual (Fourier-transformed) potential. We apply them by showing how information about the classical ground states of short-ranged potentials can be used to draw new conclusions about the nature of the ground states of long-ranged potentials and vice versa. They also lead to bounds on the T=0 system energies in density intervals of phase coexistence, the identification of a one-dimensional system that exhibits an infinite number of ``phase transitions," and a conjecture regarding the ground states of purely repulsive monotonic potentials.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. Slightly revised version that corrects typos. This article will be appearing in Physical Review Letters in a slightly shortened for

    Toward the Jamming Threshold of Sphere Packings: Tunneled Crystals

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    We have discovered a new family of three-dimensional crystal sphere packings that are strictly jammed (i.e., mechanically stable) and yet possess an anomalously low density. This family constitutes an uncountably infinite number of crystal packings that are subpackings of the densest crystal packings and are characterized by a high concentration of self-avoiding "tunnels" (chains of vacancies) that permeate the structures. The fundamental geometric characteristics of these tunneled crystals command interest in their own right and are described here in some detail. These include the lattice vectors (that specify the packing configurations), coordination structure, Voronoi cells, and density fluctuations. The tunneled crystals are not only candidate structures for achieving the jamming threshold (lowest-density rigid packing), but may have substantially broader significance for condensed matter physics and materials science.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Potential energy landscape-based extended van der Waals equation

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    The inherent structures ({\it IS}) are the local minima of the potential energy surface or landscape, U(r)U({\bf r}), of an {\it N} atom system. Stillinger has given an exact {\it IS} formulation of thermodynamics. Here the implications for the equation of state are investigated. It is shown that the van der Waals ({\it vdW}) equation, with density-dependent aa and bb coefficients, holds on the high-temperature plateau of the averaged {\it IS} energy. However, an additional ``landscape'' contribution to the pressure is found at lower TT. The resulting extended {\it vdW} equation, unlike the original, is capable of yielding a water-like density anomaly, flat isotherms in the coexistence region {\it vs} {\it vdW} loops, and several other desirable features. The plateau energy, the width of the distribution of {\it IS}, and the ``top of the landscape'' temperature are simulated over a broad reduced density range, 2.0ρ0.202.0 \ge \rho \ge 0.20, in the Lennard-Jones fluid. Fits to the data yield an explicit equation of state, which is argued to be useful at high density; it nevertheless reproduces the known values of aa and bb at the critical point

    Evaluation of configurational entropy of a model liquid from computer simulations

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    Computer simulations have been employed in recent years to evaluate the configurational entropy changes in model glass-forming liquids. We consider two methods, both of which involve the calculation of the `intra-basin' entropy as a means for obtaining the configurational entropy. The first method involves the evaluation of the intra-basin entropy from the vibrational frequencies of inherent structures, by making a harmonic approximation of the local potential energy topography. The second method employs simulations that confine the liquid within a localized region of configuration space by the imposition of constraints; apart from the choice of the constraints, no further assumptions are made. We compare the configurational entropies estimated for a model liquid (binary mixture of particles interacting {\it via} the Lennard-Jones potential) for a range of temperatures, at fixed density.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, Proceedings of "Unifying Concepts in Glass Physics" Trieste 1999 (to appear in J. Phys. Cond. Mat.

    Nonequilibrium static growing length scales in supercooled liquids on approaching the glass transition

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    The small wavenumber kk behavior of the structure factor S(k)S(k) of overcompressed amorphous hard-sphere configurations was previously studied for a wide range of densities up to the maximally random jammed state, which can be viewed as a prototypical glassy state [A. Hopkins, F. H. Stillinger and S. Torquato, Phys. Rev. E, 86, 021505 (2012)]. It was found that a precursor to the glassy jammed state was evident long before the jamming density was reached as measured by a growing nonequilibrium length scale extracted from the volume integral of the direct correlation function c(r)c(r), which becomes long-ranged as the critical jammed state is reached. The present study extends that work by investigating via computer simulations two different atomic models: the single-component Z2 Dzugutov potential in three dimensions and the binary-mixture Kob-Andersen potential in two dimensions. Consistent with the aforementioned hard-sphere study, we demonstrate that for both models a signature of the glass transition is apparent well before the transition temperature is reached as measured by the length scale determined from from the volume integral of the direct correlation function in the single-component case and a generalized direct correlation function in the binary-mixture case. The latter quantity is obtained from a generalized Orstein-Zernike integral equation for a certain decoration of the atomic point configuration. We also show that these growing length scales, which are a consequence of the long-range nature of the direct correlation functions, are intrinsically nonequilibrium in nature as determined by an index XX that is a measure of deviation from thermal equilibrium. It is also demonstrated that this nonequilibrium index, which increases upon supercooling, is correlated with a characteristic relaxation time scale.Comment: 26 pages, 14 figure

    Exact Criterion for Determining Clustering vs. Reentrant Melting Behavior for Bounded Interaction Potentials

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    We examine in full generality the phase behavior of systems whose constituent particles interact by means of potentials which do not diverge at the origin, are free of attractive parts and decay fast enough to zero as the interparticle separation r goes to infinity. By employing a mean field-density functional theory which is shown to become exact at high temperatures and/or densities, we establish a criterion which determines whether a given system will freeze at all temperatures or it will display reentrant melting and an upper freezing temperature.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PRL on March 29, 2000 New version: 10 pages, 9 figures, forwarded to PRE on October 16, 200

    Inherent-Structure Dynamics and Diffusion in Liquids

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    The self-diffusion constant D is expressed in terms of transitions among the local minima of the potential (inherent structure, IS) and their correlations. The formulae are evaluated and tested against simulation in the supercooled, unit-density Lennard-Jones liquid. The approximation of uncorrelated IS-transition (IST) vectors, D_{0}, greatly exceeds D in the upper temperature range, but merges with simulation at reduced T ~ 0.50. Since uncorrelated IST are associated with a hopping mechanism, the condition D ~ D_{0} provides a new way to identify the crossover to hopping. The results suggest that theories of diffusion in deeply supercooled liquids may be based on weakly correlated IST.Comment: submitted to PR

    Hydrophobic interactions: an overview

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    We present an overview of the recent progress that has been made in understanding the origin of hydrophobic interactions. We discuss the different character of the solvation behavior of apolar solutes at small and large length scales. We emphasize that the crossover in the solvation behavior arises from a collective effect, which means that implicit solvent models should be used with care. We then discuss a recently developed explicit solvent model, in which the solvent is not described at the atomic level, but rather at the level of a density field. The model is based upon a lattice-gas model, which describes density fluctuations in the solvent at large length scales, and a Gaussian model, which describes density fluctuations at smaller length scales. By integrating out the small length scale field, a Hamiltonian is obtained, which is a function of the binary, large-length scale field only. This makes it possible to simulate much larger systems than hitherto possible as demonstrated by the application of the model to the collapse of an ideal hydrophobic polymer. The results show that the collapse is dominated by the dynamics of the solvent, in particular the formation of a vapor bubble of critical size. Implications of these findings to the understanding of pressure denaturation of proteins are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Densest local packing diversity. II. Application to three dimensions

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    The densest local packings of N three-dimensional identical nonoverlapping spheres within a radius Rmin(N) of a fixed central sphere of the same size are obtained for selected values of N up to N = 1054. In the predecessor to this paper [A.B. Hopkins, F.H. Stillinger and S. Torquato, Phys. Rev. E 81 041305 (2010)], we described our method for finding the putative densest packings of N spheres in d-dimensional Euclidean space Rd and presented those packings in R2 for values of N up to N = 348. We analyze the properties and characteristics of the densest local packings in R3 and employ knowledge of the Rmin(N), using methods applicable in any d, to construct both a realizability condition for pair correlation functions of sphere packings and an upper bound on the maximal density of infinite sphere packings. In R3, we find wide variability in the densest local packings, including a multitude of packing symmetries such as perfect tetrahedral and imperfect icosahedral symmetry. We compare the densest local packings of N spheres near a central sphere to minimal-energy configurations of N+1 points interacting with short-range repulsive and long-range attractive pair potentials, e.g., 12-6 Lennard-Jones, and find that they are in general completely different, a result that has possible implications for nucleation theory. We also compare the densest local packings to finite subsets of stacking variants of the densest infinite packings in R3 (the Barlow packings) and find that the densest local packings are almost always most similar, as measured by a similarity metric, to the subsets of Barlow packings with the smallest number of coordination shells measured about a single central sphere, e.g., a subset of the FCC Barlow packing. We additionally observe that the densest local packings are dominated by the spheres arranged with centers at precisely distance Rmin(N) from the fixed sphere's center.Comment: 45 pages, 18 figures, 2 table

    The Potential Energy Landscape and Mechanisms of Diffusion in Liquids

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    The mechanism of diffusion in supercooled liquids is investigated from the potential energy landscape point of view, with emphasis on the crossover from high- to low-T dynamics. Molecular dynamics simulations with a time dependent mapping to the associated local mininum or inherent structure (IS) are performed on unit-density Lennard-Jones (LJ). New dynamical quantities introduced include r2_{is}(t), the mean-square displacement (MSD) within a basin of attraction of an IS, R2(t), the MSD of the IS itself, and g_{loc}(t) the mean waiting time in a cooperative region. At intermediate T, r2_{is}(t) posesses an interval of linear t-dependence allowing calculation of an intrabasin diffusion constant D_{is}. Near T_{c} diffusion is intrabasin dominated with D = D_{is}. Below T_{c} the local waiting time tau_{loc} exceeds the time, tau_{pl}, needed for the system to explore the basin, indicating the action of barriers. The distinction between motion among the IS below T_{c} and saddle, or border dynamics above T_{c} is discussed.Comment: submitted to pr