34 research outputs found


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    Die seit einem halben Jahrhundert bestehende Partnerschaft zwischen den Universitäten Hamburg und Bordeaux hat ihre praktische Umsetzung in vielerlei Formen gefunden. Vor allem zwei Gründe gaben den Ausschlag, dass jetzt zum ersten Mal in der langen Partnerschaftsgeschichte ein Jubiläum feierlich begangen wurde. Der eine davon war das Erscheinen eines umfangreichen, in enger Hamburg-Bordelaiser Historiker-Kooperation entstandenen Jubiläumsbandes. Den anderen Anlass bot die Verleihung der Würde eines Ehrendoktors der Universität Hamburg durch das Department Sprache, Literatur, Medien (SLM) II an den Bordelaiser Germanisten Jean Mondot für seine der europäischen Aufklärung insbesondere in Deutschland geltenden, Maßstäbe setzenden Forschungen.The partnership between the Universities of Hamburg and Bordeaux, which has existed for half a century, has been put into practice in many forms. There were two main reasons for the fact that this is the first time in the long history of partnership that an anniversary has been celebrated. One of these was the publication of an extensive anniversary volume, which was produced in close cooperation with the Hamburg-Bordelais historians. The other occasion was the conferral of an honorary doctorate from the University of Hamburg by the Department of Language, Literature and Media (SLM) II to the Bordelaiser German scholar Jean Mondot for his research on European Enlightenment, which set new standards, particularly in Germany


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    Die seit einem halben Jahrhundert bestehende Partnerschaft zwischen den Universitäten Hamburg und Bordeaux hat ihre praktische Umsetzung in vielerlei Formen gefunden. Vor allem zwei Gründe gaben den Ausschlag, dass jetzt zum ersten Mal in der langen Partnerschaftsgeschichte ein Jubiläum feierlich begangen wurde. Der eine davon war das Erscheinen eines umfangreichen, in enger Hamburg-Bordelaiser Historiker-Kooperation entstandenen Jubiläumsbandes. Den anderen Anlass bot die Verleihung der Würde eines Ehrendoktors der Universität Hamburg durch das Department Sprache, Literatur, Medien (SLM) II an den Bordelaiser Germanisten Jean Mondot für seine der europäischen Aufklärung insbesondere in Deutschland geltenden, Maßstäbe setzenden Forschungen.The partnership between the Universities of Hamburg and Bordeaux, which has existed for half a century, has been put into practice in many forms. There were two main reasons for the fact that this is the first time in the long history of partnership that an anniversary has been celebrated. One of these was the publication of an extensive anniversary volume, which was produced in close cooperation with the Hamburg-Bordelais historians. The other occasion was the conferral of an honorary doctorate from the University of Hamburg by the Department of Language, Literature and Media (SLM) II to the Bordelaiser German scholar Jean Mondot for his research on European Enlightenment, which set new standards, particularly in Germany

    Advanced Manuscript Analysis Portal (AMAP): An Interactive Visual Language Environment for Manuscript Studies

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    Abstract of paper 0696 presented at the Digital Humanities Conference 2019 (DH2019), Utrecht , the Netherlands 9-12 July, 2019

    Advanced Manuscript Analysis Portal (AMAP): An Interactive Visual Language Environment for Manuscript Studies

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    Abstract of paper 0696 presented at the Digital Humanities Conference 2019 (DH2019), Utrecht , the Netherlands 9-12 July, 2019

    Optimal Scale Selection for Circular Edge Extraction

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    Abstract. This paper addresses the issue of optimal scale selection for circular edge extraction in the context of higher dimensional multiscale edge extraction. Based on a classification of higher dimensional edges according to local curvature, we exemplarily establish a 2-D circular edge model. Through a careful mathematical derivation, we transform the circular edge model from Cartesian coordinates for which the analytical solution is unknown into polar coordinates. Utilizing this edge model we develop a novel theoretical framework for optimal scale selection for circular edge extraction through which the effects of curvature as related to scale can be analyzed. Moreover, we carry out a validation study in order to investigate on the level of principal performance how well the experimental results obtained from application of the developed framework to 2-D synthetic images match the theoretical results.