873 research outputs found

    Support of the supporters

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    Background: A growing body of evidence indicates that health care professionals working with severely ill patients are in need of support. Beside "external” factors, such as heavy clinical patient volume or administrative duties, "intra-psychic stressors,” related to the inner significance of contextual factors, are an important source of clinician's distress. Identification of and working through intrapsychic stressors can considerably reduce psychological distress and thus provide effective and long-lasting support of the oncology clinician. Purpose: This article discusses key elements of intra-psychic stressors, namely (1) emotions towards the patient, (2) awareness of own limits, (3) confusion about empathy, identification, counter-transference and collusion, (4) the influence of early development and life trajectory on career choices and professional identity and (5) the conflicting roles a health care professional being in need of support has to fac

    Palliative and supportive care: At the frontier of medical omnipotence

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    Summary Cancer patients have physical, social, spiritual and emotional needs. They may suffer from severe physical symptoms, from social isolation and a sense of spiritual abandonment, and emotions such as sadness and anxiety, or feelings of deception, helplessness, anger and guilt. In some of them, the disease is rapidly progressive and they ultimately die. Their demanding care evokes intense feelings in health care providers, the more so since these incurable patients represent a challenge, which can be characterized as one of ‘medical onmipotence'. It may be assumed that the way health care providers cope with these circumstances profoundly influences the way these patients are cared for. Attitudes regarding the emerging heterogeneous movement of palliative and supportive care and its different models of implementation can be viewed from this vantage point. Here we look at these interrelations and discuss the potential pitfalls if they are ignored and remain unexamine

    Moving toward the next generation of communication training in oncology: The relevance of findings from qualitative research.

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    The critics and recommendations for communication training in oncology call for new ideas, which may contribute to designing the next generation of training. The aim of this work was to search the literature on communication in oncology for empirically grounded observations that might be useful for the development of training approaches. The approach consists of identifying findings that might serve as cues for the design of the next generation of training. The literature search strategy allowed the inclusion of 68 articles. Findings of the articles showed that multiple factors shape clinical communication: the functions and effects of information provision, the relational and interactional aspects of communication, its patient- and context-related dimensions, and the intrapsychic and context-related barriers hampering the patient encounter that clinicians are facing. A way to reach all oncologists and to provide training centred on the singular needs of participants is a shift in the focus of training from communication tasks or communication-related situations to the clinician. Training should focus on the competencies and qualities to be developed by clinicians, such as being flexible, able to adapt to the singular patient, sensitive to interactional aspects of communication, which influence the clinical encounter

    Spinning wider.

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    Building legitimacy by criticising the pharmaceutical industry: a qualitative study among prescribers and local opinion leaders.

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    PRINCIPLES: The literature has described opinion leaders not only as marketing tools of the pharmaceutical industry, but also as educators promoting good clinical practice. This qualitative study addresses the distinction between the opinion-leader-as-marketing-tool and the opinion-leader-as-educator, as it is revealed in the discourses of physicians and experts, focusing on the prescription of antidepressants. We explore the relational dynamic between physicians, opinion leaders and the pharmaceutical industry in an area of French-speaking Switzerland. METHODS: Qualitative content analysis of 24 semistructured interviews with physicians and local experts in psychopharmacology, complemented by direct observation of educational events led by the experts, which were all sponsored by various pharmaceutical companies. RESULTS: Both physicians and experts were critical of the pharmaceutical industry and its use of opinion leaders. Local experts, in contrast, were perceived by the physicians as critical of the industry and, therefore, as a legitimate source of information. Local experts did not consider themselves opinion leaders and argued that they remained intellectually independent from the industry. Field observations confirmed that local experts criticised the industry at continuing medical education events. CONCLUSIONS: Local experts were vocal critics of the industry, which nevertheless sponsor their continuing education. This critical attitude enhanced their credibility in the eyes of the prescribing physicians. We discuss how the experts, despite their critical attitude, might still be beneficial to the industry's interests

    Precision psychiatry: Promises made-Promises to be kept?

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    Collusions Between Patients and Clinicians in End-of-Life Care: Why Clarity Matters.

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    Collusion, an unconscious dynamic between patients and clinicians, may provoke strong emotions, unreflected behaviors, and a negative impact on care. Collusions, prevalent in the health care setting, are triggered by situations which signify an unresolved psychological issue relevant for both, patient and clinician. After an introductory definition of collusion, two archetypal situations of collusion-based on material from a regular supervision of a palliative care specialist by a liaison psychiatrist-and means of working through collusion are presented. The theoretical framework of collusion is then described and the conceptual shortcomings of the palliative care literature in this respect discussed, justifying the call for more clarity. Finally, cultural aspects and societal injunctions on the dying, contributing to the development of collusion in end-of-life care, are discussed